Black Petals Horror/Science Fiction Magazine & Yellow Mama

Book Purchase Center
The Gazing Ball
Strange Gardens
BP online store
Art by Sophia Wiseman-Rose © 2024

Kenneth James Crist—Editor

Hillary Lyon—Art Director

     Welcome to the Black Petals Domain! Yes, we're still here and still doing our thing.  Check our guidelines page for current information and announcements.
Please note: Columns and articles for publication are due the 15th of the month prior to publication, thus, material for the  winter issue would be due December 15th, spring is due March 15th, summer due June 15th and fall is due September 15th.     
Due to space considerations, we are now keeping only the last ten issues archived. If you need to check on anything before that, contact us by email and we can pull the story or poem for you.
     Here's the deal: We've associated ourselves with a number of artists over the years and many have moved on to bigger and better things, (like making money for their work) and we don't blame them...what we are needing is new blood to help make Black Petals as good online as it was in print. Go to the guidelines page to read more...

     And, last but not least, there is still a link to our sister 'zine, Yellow Mama.

Click here for Black Petals Current Issue #109

Click here for the Black Petals Archives

Click here to contact the editorial staff of Black Petals