Black Petals Issue #104, Summer 2023

Editor's Page
BP Artists and Illustrators
Mars-News, Views and Commentary
A Question of Money: Fiction by Eric Burbridge
Behold, a White Horse; Fiction by Spencer Jepma
Crawling Flesh: Fiction by Michael Stoll
Elm Weaver: N. G. Leonetti
Hunger: Fiction by Mark Jabaut
Mr. Fuzzypants: Fiction by Paul Radcliffe
Stop the World: Fiction by Roy Dorman
The Road Less Taken: Fiction by Albert N. Katz
The Washer Woman: Fiction by Sophia Wiseman-Rose
Underneath the Sheet: Fiction by Hillary Lyon
Shining Up Grandma: Fiction by Kenneth James Crist
The Children of 666 Middle School: Flash Fiction by M. L. Fortier
Bleed: Flash Fiction by Liam Spinage
Good Times: Flash Fiction by Ronin Fox
Time Lost: Flash Fiction by Bruce Costello
Unhappy Shadow: Flash Fiction by Paul Radcliffe
Cemetery Road: Poem by Joseph V. Danoski
Chasing Desolation: Poem by Joseph V. Danoski
Detroit Jurassic: Poem by Joseph V. Donaski
Colonia Somnia: Poem by Bianca Alu-Marr
The Precipice: Poem by Bianca Alu-Marr
Dread: Poem by LindaAnn LoSchiavo
Home Movies: Poem by Christopher Hivner
Peppermint Twist: Poem by Christopher Hivner
There's Always Tomorrow Night: Poem by Christopher Hivner
Joke: Poem by DJ Tyrer
Ceramic Duck: Poem by Pete Mladinic
Choice: Poem by Pete Mladinic
To Stop the Killing: Poem by Pete Mladinic
Reaper: Poem by David Barber

Cover Art by Hillary Lyon © 2023

     This website contains material which should not be opened or viewed by persons under the age of 18. Certain stories and poems on this site must be considered "adult" material. This is NOT a porn site, however, some of the material contained herein could be offensive to some people.
     At Black Petals, we don't spare the horses, so just be advised, if you are easily offended or under 18 years of age, it was nice that you took a look at our site, but YOU REALLY NEED TO SEEK YOUR ENTERTAINMENT ELSEWHERE!


Kenneth James Crist—Editor
Cindy Rosmus—Art Director
Hillary Lyon—Asst. Art Director
Web services by Fossil Publications

(In order of appearance)
Eric Burbridge
Spencer Jepman
Michael Stoll
N. G. Leonetti
Mark Jabaut
Paul Radcliffe (Featured writer)
Roy Dorman
Albert N. Katz
Sophia Wiseman-Rose
Hillary Lyon
Kenneth James Crist
M. L. Fortier
Liam Spinage
Ronin Fox
Bruce Costello
Joseph V. Danoski
Bianca Alu-Mar
LindaAnn LoSchiavo
Christopher Hivner
DJ Tyrer
Pete Mladinic
David Barber

Cover: Hillary Lyon
Michael D. Davis
J. Elliott
KJ Hannah Greenberg
Jen Mong
Henry Stanton
Bernice Holtzman
Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal
Sophia Wiseman-Rose
Cynthia Fawcett

Site Maintained by Fossil Publications