Black Petals Issue #105, Autumn, 2023

BP Artists and Illustrators
Mars-News, Views and Commentary-Chris Friend
Cards Fiction by Gene Lass
Barfly: Fiction by Gene Lass
Case Study: Fiction by Martin Taulbut
Delivery: Fiction by David Kloepfer
Joy (noun): a source of delight: Fiction by Noah Levin
Master of Dream: Fiction by Ash Ibrahim
Nightshade: Fiction by Adam Vine
Red Popsicles: Fiction by Caitlyn Pace
Temporally Closed: Fiction by J. Elliott
The Mansion Dwellers: Fiction by Robb White
Time for a Change: Fiction by Lamont A. Turner
Bernie's Friends: Flash Fiction by Phil Temples
Death Visits the Sapling Trust: Flash Fiction by Paul Radcliffe
Monster: Flash Fiction by Zvi A. Sesling
Sleep: Flash Fiction by Kurt Hohmann
Welcome, Ghouls: Flash Fiction by Cindy Rosmus
Ode to Chateau Marmont: Poem by Kenneth Vincent Walker
Cadaver Dogs: Poem by Kenneth Vincent Walker
Phases of the Moon: Poem by Kenneth Vincent Walker
The Darkest Octave: Poem by Kenneth Vincent Walker
Green Man Standing: Poem by Joseph V. Danoski
The Day That Mary Went Away: Poem by Joseph V. Danoski
The Northern Migration of Souls: Poem by Joseph V. Danoski
Gone West: Poem by Simon MacCulloch
If I Scream: Poem by Simon MacCulloch
Witchery: Poem by Simon MacCulloch
Carry On: Poem by Simon MacCulloch
The Song of the Dead: Poem by Ben Huber

Cover Art by Sophia Wiseman-Rose

     This website contains material which should not be opened or viewed by persons under the age of 18. Certain stories and poems on this site must be considered "adult" material. This is NOT a porn site, however, some of the material contained herein could be offensive to some people.
     At Black Petals, we don't spare the horses, so just be advised, if you are easily offended or under 18 years of age, it was nice that you took a look at our site, but YOU REALLY NEED TO SEEK YOUR ENTERTAINMENT ELSEWHERE!


Kenneth James Crist—Editor
Hillary Lyon—Art Director
Web services by Fossil Publications

(In order of appearance)
Gene Lass
Martin Taulbut
David Kloepfer
Noah Levin
Ash Ibrahim
Adam Vine
Caitlyn Pace
J. Elliott
Robb White
Lamont A. Turner
Phil Temples
Paul Radcliffe
Zvi A. Sesling
Kurt Hohmann
Cindy Rosmus
Kenneth Vincent Walker
Joseph Danoski
Simon MacCulloch
Ben Huber

Cover: Sophia Wiseman-Rose
Sophia Wiseman-Rose
Henry Stanton
Jen Mong
John Sowder
Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal
J. Elliott
Michael D. Davis
Kevin Duncan
Cynthia Fawcett
Bernice Holtzman
Cindy Rosmus

Site Maintained by Fossil Publications