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Karma at the Charlie Hotel: Fiction by Louella Lester
Acceptable Margin of Inventory Loss: Fiction by Charlie Kondek
The Racing Rocks: Fiction by Kenneth James Crist
The Preacher Woman of Reverie, Oklahoma: Fiction by Ann Marie Potter
Justice Served: Fiction by Glen Bush
A Broken String of Love Beads: Fiction by Hillary Lyon
Revenge and Redemption: Fiction by Walt Trizna
Thirst: Fiction by Cindy Rosmus
The Solar Punks: Fiction by James Blakey
Rito Was a High Number: Fiction by Fred Andersen
The Parcel: Fiction by Robb White
Red Wine and Cyanide: Fiction by Adrian Fahy
The Crowd: Fiction by Jack Garrett
The Offal Truth: Fiction by Scott MacLeod
Madam Maree Sees Your Future: Flash Fiction by Jon Park
Wereworm: Flash Fiction by Daniel G Snethen
Promises: Flash fiction by Richard Brown
No Need to Cry: Flash Fiction by Zvi A. Sesling
The Classy Woman: Flash Fiction by William Kitcher
oh how i wish: Poem by Rob Plath
Bird in Flight, Nullarbor Plain, 1967: Poem by John Doyle
Pools: Poem by Bernice Holtzman
I Exist Inside an Invisible Poem Everlasting & Overflowing: Poem by Dr. Mel Waldman
Let me drop the last chapter: Poem by Partha Sarkar
Excursion: The Cruise Ship Chronicles: Poem by Jake Sheff
We'll Always Have Two Things to Hold: Poem by Chandu Govind
why nothing else matters: Poem by John Sweet
the pale grey light of forgotten afternoons: Poem by John Sweet
Orchestra Class: Poem by Elizabeth Zelvin
The Old Lady Shows Her Mettle: Poem by Elizabeth Zelvin
Eggs Over Easy: Poem by Peter Mladinic
Pretty Face: Poem by Peter Mladinic
Another Saturday Night: Poem by Richard LeDue
My Death Knells: Poem by Richard LeDue
Poems as Cheap as Christmas Lights: Poem by Richard LeDue
Dead Work: Poem by John Grey
How He Died: Poem by John Grey
The Man in Their Midst: Poem by John Grey
First at Pimlico: Poem by Craig Kirchner
4 AM: Poem by Craig Kirchner
Leap Year: Poem by Craig Kirchner
Cartoons by Cartwright
Hail, Tiger!
Strange Gardens
Dark Tales from Gent's Pens
Art by Bernice Holtzman and Mandi Rose © 2024

Editor’s Page – Yellow Mama Issue #104 (June 15, 2024)


Hi all!

Summer’s here, a little early. But who’s complaining? Besides warm, sunny weather, I love how it stays light out till 8:30 PM. (Sometimes I’m still awake!)

Sure, there’s some bad stuff going on around us, but there’s good stuff, too. I love both mentoring, and learning from, other Yellow Mama writers. I had a micro story (“Stiff Lips”) published in Punk Noir, and editor Steve Golds wound up interviewing me. I was also interviewed by Becky Parker of Briar Haus Writes. That interview will be on YouTube on June 17.

Who’s up for summer reads? Noir-wise, you’ve got it made.

In Charlie Kondeck’s “Acceptable Margin of Inventory Loss,” a white-collar career criminal walks into a liquor store heist. In Louella Lester’s tale, there’s “Karma at the Charlie Hotel” when a louse oversteps his welcome. When a reluctant bank robber kills a witness, it’s “Justice Served,” à la Glen Bush. In Walt Trizna’s “Revenge and Redemption,” a neighborhood vigilante “adopts” a juvenile delinquent. And in Jon Park’s “Madam Maree Sees Your Future,” this soothsayer sees more than the client wants.

Other awesome stories include Fred Andersen’s “Rito Was a High Number,” in which a kid tries to avoid the draft in the 1970s. Kenneth James Crist’s Death Valley tale, “The Racing Rocks,” is personification at its best. And James Blakey’s “The Solar Punks” are tree hugging hackers, with Mohawks and killer drones.

Our poetry lineup includes works by regulars Liz Zelvin, Craig Kirchner, and the always-chilling (whether it’s Halloween, or not!) John Grey. Among other  powerful poems, check out Rob Plath’s heart-wrenching “oh how I wish” and Bernice Holtzman’s wistful “Pools.” 

Full-length and flash fiction stories (and some poems) are individually illustrated by our gifted artists: Bernice Holtzman, Joseph Richkus, Kevin Duncan, Hillary Lyon, J. Elliott, Sophia Wiseman-Rose, Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal, Steve Cartwright, Michael D. Davis, Henry Stanton, John Sowder, Lonni Lees, Cynthia Fawcett, Darren Blanch, John Thompson, KJ Hannah Greenberg, and Mandi Rose.

Also check out Bernice Holtzman’s smoldering moon cover!

If you want to submit full-length fiction, flash fiction, or poetry, check out our guidelines page.

Also, please sign our guestbook! If you have comments about Yellow Mama or any stories or poems we publish, you may leave comments there.

And check out our Archives I and II, to catch recent stories or poems by your favorite writers you might’ve missed.

 And thanks for reading!


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In Association with Black Petals & Fossil Publications © 2024