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The Dance: Flash Fiction by Elizabeth Zelvin
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Elizabeth Zelvin: The Dance

Art by Henry Stanton © 2025

The Dance


by Elizabeth Zelvin


God, let this be a good day. The sun is shining. I will help bring in the harvest. Friends and strangers join us, first to work and then to dance and sing. Tonight we will celebrate the harvest. The sun and the harvest, work and friends and music ought to be enough. Is it wrong to long for more? Is it too much to want someone to love? God, let this day be special. Let tonight be different from all other nights. Is it too much to ask?

Now it is night. The sky is black. The stars are out. I am dancing with a man I have just met. I like the sparkle in his eyes and the grip of his hand as we circle in the dance. His hand is big and rough, the hand of someone who is not afraid of work. His clasp is firm and gentle, as if my smaller hand is precious, like a child's. I feel warm and safe. The floor is packed. Others all around us have given themselves to the dance, the joyful music. We laugh, for no particular reason.

He says, "Your dress is pretty."

The dress is new. I bought it for the dance. I like his smile.

Maybe he will be the one.

Shots ring out. The man I danced with vanishes. I hear screaming all around me. I cannot speak or move. I have blood spatters on my dress. Blood spatters on my dress.

Around me all is dark. I am dying. I am dying.

How can I go to meet my God with blood spatters on my dress?



Elizabeth Zelvin writes the Bruce Kohler Mysteries and the Mendoza Family Saga. Her stories appear in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, and Black Cat Mystery Magazine, as well as Yellow Mama.

Henry Stanton's fiction, poetry and paintings appear in 2River, The A3 Review, Avatar, The Baltimore City Paper, The Baltimore Sun Magazine, High Shelf Press, Kestrel, North of Oxford, Outlaw Poetry, PCC Inscape, Pindeldyboz, Rusty Truck, Salt & Syntax, SmokeLong Quarterly, The William and Mary Review, Word Riot, The Write Launch, and Yellow Mama, among other publications. 

His poetry was selected for the A3 Review Poetry Prize and was shortlisted for the Eyewear 9th Fortnight Prize for Poetry.  His fiction received an Honorable Mention acceptance for the Salt & Syntax Fiction Contest and was selected as a finalist for the Pen 2 Paper Annual Writing Contest.

A selection of Henry Stanton's paintings are currently on show at Atwater's Catonsville and can be viewed at the following website www.brightportfal.com.  A selection of Henry Stanton’s published fiction and poetry can be located for reading in the library at www.brightportfal.com.

Henry Stanton is the Founding & Managing Editor of The Raw Art Reviewwww.therawartreview.com.

In Association with Black Petals & Fossil Publications © 2024