Autumn, 2023—Chris Friend

Art by Chris Friend © 2023 |
most of us who spent our youth watching old horror films, the werewolf is
usually cursed by being bitten by another werewolf. But the werewolf of
folklore was most often a sorcerer who transformed into a wolf through black
magic such as putting on a magical wolf pelt. The other way a person might
become a werewolf was to be born between Christmas and Epiphany (January 6th)
which was a vulnerable time for the birth of children.
magician who is a closet werewolf likely hides the wolf pelt by day only
donning it at night. Even though wolves travel in packs, the werewolf is a
solitary wanderer who hunts by themselves. The werewolf is his human form has
some of the wolf-like characteristics, such as pointed ears, hair on the palms
of his hands, eyebrows that grow together over the nose, or hair growing over
the shoulder blades. Also, due to their lack of sleep, they have pale skin, and
deep hollow eyes.
connection to the full moon may be from the belief that the moon can set people
crazy and is also because the full moon is a time of uncanny events such as
witches’ sabbats and fairy magic.
way to be transformed into a werewolf was to drink from the puddle of water in
a wolf's print. Eating the flesh from a sheep or lamb killed by a werewolf was
considered a bad idea, turning the consumer into a vampire. One way to break
the spell of a werewolf was to confront them while in human form. In one case a
woman was attacked by her husband in wolf form, yet she managed to get away.
The next morning she noticed her husband had strands of her dress caught in his
teeth. She accused him of being a werewolf, and with this confrontation the
spell was broken and he was free of the curse.
folk belief about vampires I have always found fascinating is the belief that
anything passing over the corpse will cause it to reanimate. One of the usual
culprits was often the common house cat, but many other types of animals such
as dogs and even chickens could be guilty of resurrecting the dead, causing it
to become undead. It was thought that the corpse, in its lust for life, might
absorb enough of the animal’s life force to come back from the dead. But even
such innocent things as passing a candle over the corpse might cause it to
resurrect. Some parts of European folklore even suggest that wind blowing over
the corpse could breathe new life in the dearly departed.
I recently read of a group of mourners who inadvertently passed a crying child
over the corpse, causing it to return. The very term revenant can be translated
as to return. The undead are often referred
to as revenant, meaning to return from the dead. Thus, this left the mourners
terrified over the accidental passing of the child over the corpse. And as with
many of these tales of the macabre, that the woman's corpse was seen wandering
not quite sure what the remedy for ridding the corpse was, but I assume
procedures were put in place to help the deceased rest in peace. Another theory
holds that a cat or some other creature might house a demon, which finds this
an easy opportunity to possess the corpse. Of course, this belief could also be
a matter of the pesky varmint is disturbing the deceased’s rest and brings them
back to angry life. And so it goes.

Art by Chris Friend © 2023 |
Friend,, of Parkersberg, W.Va
, who wrote BP #91 Poems, “Land of Big
Teeth” & “Possessed” (+ BP’s fall 2018 poems,
“Demons Play Flutes” & “Purdy Picture”; BP #84’s poems, “The
Sentinel” and “Psalm of Mithra”; the BP #81 poem set, “Angel
of the Bereft, “Beauty’s Sleep,” & “Dark Trinity”;
the BP #80 poem, “The Temple of Colors”; BP #79 poems, “The
Marquis” and “My Bloody Valentine”; the BP #78 poem,
“The Old Yule Goat”; BP #77’s 4-poem set: “At 50,” “Owls,”
“Vintage Halloween,” & “Xmas in the Doll Asylum”;
BP #76’s 4-poem set: “Hag Fairy Communion,” “Love’s
Sepulcher,” “Night Wanderer,” & “St. Andrew’s Feast”;
2 poems for BP #75, “Angel of the Pagan Dead” and
“Churchyard Watcher”; BP #72’s 2-poem set, “Ed
Gein” & “Sour Puss”; and the 2008 poem “All Hallows’ Eve”),
writes and illustrates our “MARS News” column. He did a cover
for Black Petals back in 2000 for the fall issue, and has been around ever since. BP keeps
up two websites for him and prints his column in the issue quarterly. Chris
has a gallery at and was featured artist in Kurt Newton’s Ultimate PerVersities (Naked Snake) [Jan. 2011].