Black Petals Issue #107, Spring, 2024

Editor's Page
Editor's Page
BP Artists' Page
BP Guidelines
Mars-News, Views and Commentary
(After) Life is What You Make It: Fiction by Richard Brown
Gauche Cuisine: Fiction by Gordon L. Stewart
Here's to Forgetfulness: Fiction by Roger Johns
Insights Into the Trajectory of Human Cetacean Communication: Fiction by Andre Bertolino
Mal Ojo: Fiction by M. N. Wiggins
No Dark: Fiction by Bill Dougherty
Overtime: Fiction by Dennison Sleeper
A Cut Above the Rest: Fiction by Roy Dorman
Resemblance: Fiction by James McIntire
Sign of the Times: Fiction by Liam A. Spinage
The Attic Party: Fiction by Michael Fowler
The Renovators: Fiction by Hillary Lyon
The Balance: Flash Fiction by Rick McQuiston
Bawk Dark: Flash Fiction by Michael C. Jessen
The Incident With the Mismatched Man: Flash Fiction by Charles C. Cole
Radio Tower: Flash Fiction by Blair Orr
Take Me With You: Flash Fiction by Steven French
Slippery: Flash Fiction by Cindy Rosmus
Where Dead Babies Come From: Poem by Nolcha Fox
302 Asylum Avenue: Poem by Joseph Danoski
Another Story: Poem by Joseph Danoski
Home Repairs: Poem by Joseph Danoski
A Creepy Leap Year: Poem by Kenneth Vincent Walker
Funeral Memorial: Poem by Kenneth Vincent Walker
BatGrl: Poem by Casey Renee Kiser
Twin Flame: Poem by Casey Renee Kiser
Shadow Play: Poem by Simon MacCulloch
Dark Ride: Poem by Simon MacCulloch
Leviathans of the Void: Poem by Christopher Hivner
Sunbursts: Poem by Christopher Hivner
Into the Eyes: Poem by Anthony Bernstein
Airtime: Poem by Peter Mladinic
Gloria: Poem by Peter Mladinic
The Sorcerer: Poem by C. Walker
Frozen Eve: Poem by C. Walker


April 12th, 2024, Wichita, KS

     Those of you who know me already know that the one chore I hate, loathe and despise is writing the Editor's page. Somehow, after all the reading, deciding who gets in and who needs to try again, the corrections, the prep work and then making the whole thing come together on the Internet, I'm usually not in the mood to write a bubbly, enthusiastic piece of fluff, just to let everyone know I didn't die or decide to throw in the towel since last time.
      I get to do most of this twice, because I do all the website work for our sister mag, Yellow Mama, too.
        I can't complain about the stories and poems I've been getting. You all have made my job pretty easy lately. I haven't seen any real stinkers, nothing laughably inept or sadly broken. Good stories and poems from a great bunch of writers always makes things a lot more fun, and the artists have been doing a great job, too.
       Okay, so I've been grumpy and I really need a motorcycle trip and my plan is to make that happen next weekend. Maybe next time we "go to press" I'll be in a better frame of mind. Gonna ride down to Eureka Springs, Arkansas, a jaunt of a mere 300 miles. I like the town, the roads are challenging and my favorite animal sanctuary happens to be there also. Turpentine Creek Wildlife Sanctuary is a big-cat rescue outfit that I support with monthly donations, so I try to get down and see the kitties at least once a year. Most of these big cats are from private owners and commercial "petting zoos" that have either run out of money, or patience or been shut down by the government for failing to take care of the animals. This place just keeps getting bigger and taking on more and more of other people's problems—people who should have known better in the first place.
     So, I'm gonna do that and I'm gonna say thanks to all who contributed your time and effort to make Black Petals a great magazine. Until next time, have a good read and I'll see ya on the road. KJC

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