by g emil reutter
Beats of rain thump crescendos.
Wind builds as a string section
of an orchestra, swirls down
the avenue. Hydroplaning
squealing cars crisscross
visibility, reduced thickness
of downpours. Water table
rises. Ponding water streams
flowing between homes, deluge
overflows sewer. Water seeps up
through century old pipes and
Pump buzzes, water gushes
into laundry room tub. Pump, mop
mop and pump. A man with one eye
on a puppet string saddle, walks the
pipe, four cracks. Digger arrives
splits the floor with slug of sledge
hammer. Vibrations of jack hammer
rat a tat, bang, thud, bang thud.
Pulls the rotten pipe from the soaked dirt
places new iron in the floor. . . .
No more water in the basement, he
Maker comes to bind up the floor
mix and mix, cement rises in mixing
tub, fills the holes, covers the pipe.
Thirty-nine feet, fill and smooth
smooth and fill and the water shall
not enter again.
Pump buzzes, gushes water
draining in laundry room tub. Water
has entered again. Pump and mop
mop and pump as water pours in
from foundation, settles on the floor
appears as a small swimming pool, pump
and mop, mop and pump, over and
over for seven hours as water pours
in, water table rising, bubbling inside
the basement.
Digger returns. All is good with the
iron pipe, as the water continues to
flow. We head outside to gutters creating
a stream between the homes, rising and
falling. Digger drops green. Watches dye
flow downhill. Lightning and thunder
spark the air, gusting wind whistles. We
are drenched. Digger departs. Time to
rest and when returning to the basement
Irish green glimmering in the new pond
on the floor where saturated paint peels.
Once again, pump and mop, mop and
pump until the storm rescinds, clouds
part, sunshine returns.
g emil reutter is a writer of poems and stories. He can be found