You Went to Sleep It Was
James Croal Jackson
You dream of a
cookie bowl you lick clean
like a lover who
doesn’t care about boundaries
or that there are
other mouths in the world
who might want
some sweetness too.
The years are
faded photographs and you can’t
remember who you
were or who you are
or who you want to
You woke up to a
rainy spring
and the window was
wet with dew
like blood or
sweat or maybe
just water.
Eyes heavy, brain
slow, you wonder
if this is what it
means to be human
or if you’re still
or if it even
James Croal Jackson is a Filipino-American poet who works in film production.
His latest chapbooks are A God You Believed In (Pinhole
Poetry, 2023) and Count Seeds With Me (Ethel Zine &
Micro-Press, 2022). Recent poems are in Beltway Poetry Quarterly,
Little Patuxent Review, and The Round. He edits The
Mantle Poetry from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (jamescroaljackson.com)