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A Memorable Family: Fiction by Taylor Hagood
A Long Way from Yesterday: Fiction by Glen Bush
A Woman and a Rabbit: Fiction by Daniel G. Snethen
Have a Nice Trip: Fiction by Abe Margel
The Migration: Fiction by Kenneth James Crist
A Hunting Place: Fiction by J. T. Macek
The Essence: Fiction by Jon Fain
Of Frogs and Men: Fiction by Bruce Costello
The Bridge: Fiction by Mitchel Montagna
The Jokemaster: Fiction by Jack Garrett
A Personal Scandal: Fiction by David Hagerty
Tomorrow's Luck: Fiction by Hala Dika
The Hide: Flash Fiction by Bernice Holtzman
Soup's On!: Flash Fiction by Cindy Rosmus
Drug Bust: Flash Fiction by Anthony Lukas
He Knows What He Wants: Flash Fiction by Zvi A. Sesling
Late-Night Snack: Flash Fiction by L. S. Engler
Cauliflower Ear: Poem by Daniel G. Snethen
Time to Fall: Poem by Christopher Hivner
Deluge: Poem by g emil reutter
Ephemeral Joy: Poem by KJ Hannah Greenberg
Being Made: Poem by Thomas Zimmerman
The Tower: Poem by Thomas Zimmerman
News Hour: Poem by Allan Appel
The True Miss Universe Contest: Poem by Allan Appel
and certain poems: Poem by ayaz daryl nielsen
what haiku will do: Poem by ayaz daryl nielsen
the full moon's light: Poem by ayaz daryl nielsen
Experimental Percussion Concert: Poem by James Croal Jackson
The Doubt That Follows Improv Class: Poem by James Croal Jackson
When You Went to Sleep It was Fine: Poem by James Croal Jackson
Have you a diluted nation?: Poem by Partha Sarkar
Is there any known soul in famine?: Poem by Partha Sarkar
When there is no ringtone: Poem by Partha Sarkar
Aunt Hilda After Uncle Bud: Poem by Elizabeth Zelvin
Jack's Funeral: Poem by Elizabeth Zelvin
Once Upon a Time: Poem by Elizabeth Zelvin
Honeydew: Poem by Craig Kirchner
No Doubt: Poem by Craig Kirchner
Sun Parlor: Poem by Craig Kirchner
Wasteland: Poem by Craig Kirchner
Cartoons by Cartwright
Hail, Tiger!
Strange Gardens
Dark Tales from Gent's Pens

James Croal Jackson: When You Went to Sleep It was Fine

Art by Bernice Holtzman © 2024

When You Went to Sleep It Was Fine


by James Croal Jackson



You dream of a cookie bowl you lick clean

like a lover who doesn’t care about boundaries

or that there are other mouths in the world

who might want some sweetness too.




The years are faded photographs and you can’t

remember who you were or who you are

or who you want to be.




You woke up to a rainy spring

and the window was wet with dew

like blood or sweat or maybe

just water.




Eyes heavy, brain slow, you wonder

if this is what it means to be human

or if you’re still dreaming

or if it even matters.




James Croal Jackson is a Filipino-American poet who works in film production. His latest chapbooks are A God You Believed In (Pinhole Poetry, 2023) and Count Seeds With Me (Ethel Zine & Micro-Press, 2022). Recent poems are in Beltway Poetry Quarterly, Little Patuxent Review, and The Round. He edits The Mantle Poetry from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (jamescroaljackson.com)

Bernice Holtzman’s paintings and collages have appeared in shows at various venues in Manhattan, including the Back Fence in Greenwich Village, the Producer’s Club, the Black Door Gallery on W. 26th St., and one other place she can’t remember, but it was in a basement, and she was well received. She is the Assistant Art Director for Yellow Mama.

In Association with Black Petals & Fossil Publications © 2024