October, 2022—Chris Friend

© 2022 Chris Friend |
One of the
antecedents to modern Halloween was the old world Catholic holidays of All
Saints Day (Nov. 2nd) which was a day set aside for offering prayers to release
the souls who were in purgatory. Modern opinion holds that Halloween’s origins
as a festival of the dead have their origins in the more ancient pagan festival
of Samhain (SOW-unn) but the idea of it being an evening of the wandering
ghosts can be found in many of the folk beliefs in many Catholic countries,
such Ireland.
All Souls Day was
established in the 9th Century by the Odilon, the abbot of Cluny and was
generally established in the 10th century. According to one legend, a wandering
pilgrim traveling through the holy land heard the cries of those souls in
purgatory and went to Rome to establish All Souls Day as a day for the faithful
to hold Masses and offer prayers for those souls trapped in limbo. With time it
became customary to offer small oatmeal cookies known as 'soul cakes' in
exchange for prayers to help the dead find peace.
In this we find the
seeds of the modern custom of trick or treating. It was customary for
processions of people dressed in black, ringing dismal bells, to call upon the
other villagers who have stayed indoors to remember those souls waiting for
In Naples the custom
was to throw open the doors to the crypts and allow people to enter the vaults
in order to visit their deceased family and friends who were placed there. These
crypts housed many skeletons dressed in special robes and placed in special
niches. In Salerno we find the laying out of food for the pleasure of the
shades so they, too might partake in the feast. On this night the faithful
would spend the night in the church leaving the feast for the shades. When they
returned home in the morning there would be not even a morsel. Likely the food
was consumed by the many beggars wandering out and about on this night. Likely
the beggars carried off whatever left overs they could not consume in order to
not insult the dead.

© 2022 Chris Friend |
Chris Friend, mars_art_13@yahoo.com, of
Parkersberg, W.Va ,
who wrote BP #85’s poem, “Demons Play Flutes”; BP # 84’s poems, “The Sentinel”
and “Psalm of Mithra”; the BP #81 poem set, “Angel of the Bereft,” Beauty’s
Sleep,” & “Dark Trinity”; the BP #80 poem, “The Temple of Colors”; BP #79
poems, “The Marquis” and “My Bloody Valentine”; the BP #78 poem, “The Old Yule
Goat”; BP #77’s 4-poem set: “At 50,” “Owls,” “Vintage Halloween,” & “Xmas
in the Doll Asylum”; BP #76’s 4-poem set: “Hag Fairy Communion,” “Love’s
Sepulcher,” “Night Wanderer,” & “St. Andrew’s Feast”; 2 poems for BP #75,
“Angel of the Pagan Dead” and “Churchyard Watcher”; BP #72’s 2-poem set, “Ed
Gein” & “Sour Puss”; and the 2008 poem, “All Hallows’ Eve,” writes and
illustrates our “MARS News” column. He did a cover for Black Petals back in
2000 for the fall issue, and has been around ever since. BP keeps up two
websites for him and prints his column in the issue quarterly. Chris has a
gallery at http://chris.michaelherring.net/ and was featured artist in
Kurt Newton’s Ultimate PerVersities (Naked Snake) [Jan. 2011].