Black Petals Issue #106 Winter, 2023

BP Editorial Page
BP Artists and Illustrators
BP Guidelines
Mars-News, Views and Commentary
The Thing in the Yard: Fiction by Vincent Vurchio
A Forest Green: Fiction by Logan Williams
Clown Safe: Fiction by Taylor Hagood
Home Delivery: Fiction by Jon Adcock
Judith and Bobby Save the World: Fiction by Stephen Tillman
Many Wee Undead: Fiction by Marco Etheridge
Meat Pie: Fiction by Anna Koltes
Mexican Coffee and Burgers: Fiction by Fred Zackel
Leaving: Fiction by Roy Dorman
The Ghost of the Perfect Hotdog: Fiction by Mark Miller
The Illustrated Woman: Fiction by Jen Myers
Thrice in One Sitting: Fiction by Justin Alcala
In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning: Fiction by Gene Lass
AI Self-Mortification: Flash Fiction by Christopher Henckel
Correct Mistake: Flash Fiction by Eric Burbridge
A Moment of Inertia: Flash Fiction by Sean MacKendrick
Get Your Kicks on Route 666: Flash Fiction by M. L. Fortier
Let's Do Lunch: Flash Fiction by Hillary Lyon
"Three Wishes": Flash Fiction by Ronin Fox
Woodsman's Revenge: Flash Fiction by Jada Maze
To a Crow: Poem by Michael Keshigian
Estranged: Poem by Michael Keshigian
At the Terminal: Poem by Michael Keshigian
Angler's Nightmare: Poem by Michael Keshigian
Last Thirteen Steps: Poem by Kenneth Vincent Walker
Murderous Words: Poem by Kenneth Vincent Walker
My Childhood Snapshot: Poem by Kenneth Vincent Walker
With Vampires About: Poem by Kenneth Vincent Walker
The Zombies are Loose: Poem by C. Renee Kiser
Lil' Toe Dipper: Poem by C. Renee Kiser
Scattered Pieces: Poem by Andrew Graber

     This website contains material which should not be opened or viewed by persons under the age of 18. Certain stories and poems on this site must be considered "adult" material. This is NOT a porn site, however, some of the material contained herein could be offensive to some people.
     At Black Petals, we don't spare the horses, so just be advised, if you are easily offended or under 18 years of age, PLEASE DON'T GO THERE!

Art by W. Jack Savage © 2024

Kenneth James Crist—Editor
Hillary Lyon—Art Director
Web services by Fossil Publications

(In order of appearance)
Vincent Vurchio
Logan Williams
Taylor Hagood
Jon Adcock
Stephen Tillman
Marco Etheridge
Anna Koltes
Fred Zackel
Roy Dorman
Mark Miller
Jen Myers
Justin Alcala
Gene Lass
Christopher Henkel
Eric Burbridge
Seam MacKendrick
M. L. Fortier
Hillary Lyon
Ronin Fox
Jada Maze
Michael Keshigian
Kenneth Vincent Walker
C. Renee Kiser
Andrew Graber

(Cover) W. Jack Savage
Jen Mong
John Sowder
Sophia Wiseman-Rose
Bernice Holtzman
Sean O'Keefe
J. Elliott
Cynthia Fawcett
Hillary Lyon
Henry Stanton
Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal
KJ Hannah Greenberg
Cindy Rosmus
Kevin Duncan

Site Maintained by Fossil Publications