Art by Hillary Lyon © 2022 |
He Asked Me to Do
R. A. Cathcart
They say I
murdered and ate my best friend. I did not eat Sam, I only ate his heart, the
rest I fed to the neighbors’ dogs. I did not murder him, I killed him; there is
a big difference between murdering someone and killing someone. Sam was my best
friend, I would never hurt him, there was no malice in my heart. You see— there
is the difference. If I hated Sam and wanted to cause him pain, then yes, I
would say that I murdered him. But I loved Sam, he was my best friend since we
were little boys. The only reason I killed him and ate his heart was because he
asked me to do it. A best friend doesn’t question a request, they do what is
asked of them.
No one would
have known that I killed Sam if I would have remembered to take the school ring
off his finger before I gave his hand to my neighbor’s dogs. This whole trial
and execution would not have been necessary. Sam would have joined the missing like
the others; yes—there were others, many others. To be envied is really no gift,
it is a curse. People have envied me all my life; they have all wanted to be
I started
reading minds and hearing thoughts when I was very young. I would hear what
people were thinking. Oh, you think that is really cool, but let me tell you—it
is a real burden. There are a lot of insecure people out there. They wanted to
be like me, they wanted my life. Even animals were envying me and wanted to be
human and look like me. Let me tell you, to be born handsome and intelligent
was not a gift. But who am I to deny a request from anyone who wants me to absorb
them into my soul.
All I was
trying to do was trying to help people and here I am in an execution chamber.
Let me tell you—it is one eerie place; it is pure white, it smells like disinfectant,
and it is very quiet, the only sound I hear is the ticking of the clock on the
wall. There are no minds for me to read and hear. There were a few people in here
earlier, but they were just thinking how sorry they were that I was going to be
executed for doing a friend a favor. They knew that he asked me to do it, I
didn’t even have to tell them. They felt sorry for me and told me to watch the
clock, when the big hand gets on the twelve it will all be over, they said. Sam’s family is on the other
side of
the window. I can’t see them now, but I will when they open the curtain. I
explained everything to them at my sentencing that Sam was my best friend, I
loved Sam. When we were having lunch that day his thoughts told me over and
over that he wanted me to do it? Doesn’t a best friend do what he is asked to
do, I said. Isn’t that what a best friend is; a person who is there when you
need them. I didn’t want to hurt him. I made sure my knife was razor sharp when
I cut his throat. I don’t think he felt it much, at least he wasn’t thinking
it. And if they execute me, aren’t they executing Sam too? Don’t they
understand that Sam and all the others are going to be executed; now that is
I should
have written a book on how to absorb a want-to-be; hey, that would have been a
great title for my book, “How to Absorb a Want-To-Be.” It takes practice to
develop the skills needed to absorb. My first time was very messy; there was a
lot of blood to deal with, disposing of the body was another challenge. Then
there was the actual absorbing of the other; wait, that also could have been
the title of my book, “How to Absorb The Other.” There were so many good things
I could have done with my knowledge and skills if I would just have had the
One does not
just cut a heart out and eat it. By the time Sam asked me to eat his I had
become an expert. You see, the heart must be taken out quickly—before it stops
beating, well not beating really, it’s more like it is quivering—but still
warm. So once the throat is cut the body is opened and one must reach up into
the chest and separate the heart from its connections. At this time, I must
tell you that the heart will be slippery and heavier that you thought, so keep
a two-hand grip on it. When you expose the heart start eating at the bottom or
tip of the heart and eat quickly before it cools. When you get to the top you
can just throw that away, it’s chewy and you’ll be very full anyway.
If I had it
all to do again, I would have photographed and videoed the entire process with
Sam. Then his family and everyone could have seen the satisfied look on his
face, the process would have been much easier to follow if people could see it
rather than just reading about it. I could have become a very wealthy woman; I
would have been known as “The Guru of Absorption.” I probably would have been
interviewed on television, but I would handle my celebrity humbly… if only I
had remembered to remove that ring.
Well, the
big hand is almost on the twelve, so in conclusion I have this to say, don’t…
R. A. Cathcart is a husband, father,
grandfather and great-grandfather. He is a new writer pursuing
chapter 7 of his professional life. Life has offered him many adventures;
Vietnam Combat Marine, Police Officer, Detective, Body Guard, Actor, Stunt
Talent, now he would like to add writer to that list.