Mona Wants to Die
but She Lets the Weather Decide
Riham Adly
Mona tries to
kill herself.
Mona wants to
figure out why she
wants any of the things she doesn’t want. She sees a hypnotherapist.
If you want to
figure it out
too, try session 363, but remember, we are what we think all week long. We are
whoever we think we are.
Session 363
Dec. 31
Mona lies on
the blue reclining
chair. A wall in her mind blocks everything behind it. She slips into hypnosis
and feels like a thief trying to break his own way into a past life. A sick
feeling floats when she finds herself ambling through the garden of life. A
white scent hums, stinging her crinkled skin. She wants an exit. She grabs a
dictionary from her imaginary shelf, looking up a way out.
Doorway (noun)
The passage or
opening into a
building, room, etc,. commonly closed and opened by a door; portal.
A mean of access:
a doorway to
Mona wants a
beautiful door. She
gets to choose one of the following:
1) Burano, Italy. A
color-pop patchwork-like painted door with stenciled patterns.
2) Chefchaouen’s
cerulean-colored doors with warm reds, oranges and pinks.
3) Funchal, Madeira,
Portugal. Mermaid on a swing patting a dolphin painted over the door.
She smiles because
really beautiful but she ends up choosing:
4) Plain door with a
brass knocker.
Behind that door
Mona will turn
sixteen again, and smell the sharp old smell of sea where she once upon a time
lived. She will come face to face with Moneer, the boy who had trapped her
inside him for all those years. The family’s on their way to the doctor and
there is talk about ambiguous genitalia and genetic deformation. Moneer covers
his ears and watches the look on his father’s face; he’s lost him for good.
Mona wants to
die. Mona tries to
die. Mona decides to die, but not yet…not yet.
Behind that door
Mona/ Moneer will turn fifteen. The aroma of the sea streams through, thick and
liquid. They will look just like their Mama when they put on one of her wigs.
There was the big bouffant, the Marilyn Monroe cut and others. They will steal
the long hippie hair and hide it in their closet for a whole week before the
cleaning lady discovers it. When their Baba finds out, the discreet panic
he’s tried to hide for years spills into angry fists that punch Mona/Moneer’s
long-lashed eyelids.
Mona’s shoulders
are aching, her fingers chafing; a sudden shaft of pain stabs her chest: Grief.
Behind that door
Mona/ Moneer will turn fourteen. The sea waves are like voices, light and
bright as pins. They didn’t share any of
their male friend’s peculiarities and insatiable healthy craving for sex.
Instead, they will take to stealing their older sister’s sports bra because their
chest wasn’t exactly flat as a boy’s. They could almost hear their Mama’s voice
urging them to leave the cooking to the sisters who were too lazy to do
anything other than paint their toes red. The trapped Mona had loved that red
wanting some of it on her lips. Eventually Mona/Moneer did start using make-up
to hide bruises and the occasional black eye. Their first bleed started after
one of Baba’s “why don’t you man up” beatings.
Behind that last
door Mona/ Moneer finally discover why they want to die. Muscles in their back
tighten. Unseen sounds turn brittle like rust. The therapist is concerned.
Should she ring the bell?
Behind that door
Mona/ Moneer turns seven. The sky is alive in their eyes. They are that happy
child waiting and wondering if Baba was bringing the candy machine— that spit
candy when you insert a coin—back from the grocery store he owned back then.
The sisters were not allowed to touch it. Only the boy can play, Baba used to
say. So, the sisters took turns pinching and pulling Mona/ Moneer’s slick hair,
but they were all children back then who liked playing with dollies.
The weather is
like a dream of clear seas, but Mona is lost, at sea, but before that she turns
to look at father and mother one last time, and whispers.
Baba, forgive
Riham Adly is an award-winning fiction writer
and editor from
Giza, Egypt. In 2013 her story “The Darker Side of the Moon” won the MAKAN
award. In 2019 she was long-listed in Brilliant Flash Fiction’s food themed
contest and in 2020 her story “How to Tell a Story from the Heart in Proper
Time” was a winner and was included in the 2020 Best Micro-Fiction Anthology.
In 2022 her story “Two Peas in a Pod” won second place in the Strand
International Flash Fiction Contest.
Riham was nominated for the Pushcart in 2019 and was nominated for Best of the
Net in 2019, 2020, and 2021.
Her flash fiction has appeared in over sixty journals such as Litro Magazine,
Lost Balloon, The Flash Flood, Bending Genres, The Citron Review, The Sunlight
Press, Flash Fiction Magazine, Menacing Hedge, Flash Frontier, Flash Back,
Ellipsis Zine, Okay Donkey, and New Flash Fiction Review among others.