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The Old Sewall House on Howard Avenue; Fiction by Roy Dorman
I Spam, Therefore I Am: Fiction by David Hagerty
The Candidate: Fiction by Henry Simpson
In Pursuit of the Polyphemus: Fiction by Daniel G. Snethen
Through the Eyes of the Turtle: Fiction by Daniel G. Snethen
The Bystanders:Fiction by Kenneth James Crist
Jericho: Fiction by Leon Marks
Tracy's Party Doesn't Go as Planned: Fiction by Rick Sherman
The Breakwall: Fiction by Robb White
The Price of Success: Fiction by Walt Trizna
The Propagandist: Fiction by John A. Tures
Mind the Fire: Fiction by Devin James Leonard
The Munchies: Fiction by E. E. Williams
Fanning the Flames; Fiction by J. M. Taylor
Doctor Grizzly: Flash Fiction by Chris Bunton
A Season With No Regrets!: Flash Fiction by Pamela Ebel
If Awoken, Please Go Back to Sleep: Flash Fiction by John Patrick Robbins
Life: Flash Fiction by Bruce Costello
Mother: Flash Fiction by Phil Temples
Richard: Flash Fiction by Peter Cherches
In Articulo Mortis: Flash Fiction by Jamey Toner
The $12 Special: Flash Fiction by Cindy Rosmus
Crash Course: Extinction 101: Poem by Chris Litsey
D.I.Y.O.A.: Poem by Harris Coverley
Life Buoy: Poem by Wayne F. Burke
Venom and Bite: Poem by Jay Sturner
Walking the Suburb: Poem by Jay Sturner
Among the Living: Poem by Christopher Hivner
Infection: Poem by Christopher Hivner
Wild One: Poem by Ian Mullins
Found Out: Poem by Ian Mullins
murder and discomfort: Poem by J. J. Campbell
subjective at best: Poem by J. J. Campbell
In the Serene River: Poem by Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal
Who Does Not Love You: Poem by Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal
Abject Lesson: Poem by Paul Hostovsky
Benedict Arnold: Poem by Paul Hostovsky
Looking Around for Something Dead to Roll Around In: Poem by Paul Hostovsky
Disposable Heart: Poem by Wayne Russell
Implosion: Poem by Wayne Russell
Skeeter and Elmer: Poem by Wayne Russell
Hell: Poem by Craig Kirchner
Purgatory Blvd.: Poem by Craig Kirchner
Labyrinths: Poem by Craig Kirchner
Candy-Colored Clown: Poem by Daniel G. Snethen
Harbinger: Poem by Daniel G. Snethen
Whitechapel Jack-Pudding: Poem by Daniel G. Snethen
Dire Wolf Consequences: Poem by Juliet Cook & Daniel G. Snethen
Cartoons by Cartwright
Hail, Tiger!
Strange Gardens
Dark Tales from Gent's Pens

Juliet Cook & Daniel G. Snethen: Dire Wolf Consequences

Art by Keith Coates Walker © 2024

Dire Wolf Consequences


by Juliet Cook and Daniel G. Snethen


The dire wolf shuddered

in the primordial dawn,

changing, transforming, metamorphosizing


into a dreadful school bus driver,

into a screaming 3rd grade teacher

with diabolical fangs directed towards

one shy little girl. The cruel teacher barks,


cancels recess, hideously instructs

students to place their heads down

on the desks. She is prepared to lash out


at anyone who moves against her

and bite or slash them in the neck.
I was the shy one. I couldn't move.


I was afraid to breathe.

I didn't want her to hear me.

I feared I might get stomped or cut

into even tinier pieces.


Unable to speak inside my own head.
Red Riding Hood hair covered in blood-red

satin. Then the Huntsman, Little Red's father

bursts through the door,


wielding a two-bladed axe.

Screams "bitch," swings his axe

and cuts off my best friend's head
because I had breathed too loudly.


Blood splatters the chalkboard

like malicious bite marks

which coagulate, then flow like crimson ink

spelling out in perfect combination:

"Here's Johnny!"

as the enraged father figure/evil teacher/bus driver


spits in my face, screams at me for being
a finicky eater, insists I stick my pinky finger

inside the pencil sharpener

and I do so—obediently, though it hurts.


Then the entire class stares as I use the ground stump

of my finger to retrace

"Here's Johnny," on the blackboard

while unintelligibly repeating:

"redrum, redrum," beneath my whispered breath.


Then the entire class morphs and changes

into costumed mates. Bears, wolves,

mean grandmothers, substitutes, principals,
all of them are holding sharpened pencils

or knives pointed at me, all of them are aimed

towards being in charge of sadistically targeting me.


Juliet Cook doesn't fit inside an Easy-Bake Oven and rarely cooks. She reads, writes, and submits poetry and her poetry has appeared in many print and online publications. She is the author of numerous poetry chapbooks most recently including red flames burning out (Grey Book Press, 2023), Contorted Doom Conveyor (Gutter Snob Books, 2023), and Your Mouth is Moving Backwards (Ethel Zine & Micro Press, 2023), with another new chapbook, REVOLTING, forthcoming from Cul-de-sac of Blood in Fall 2024. You can find out more at https://julietcook.weebly.com/.


Daniel G. Snethen is an educator, naturalist, moviemaker, poet, and short story writer from South Dakota. He teaches on the Pine Ridge Reservation at Little Wound High School in the heart of Indian Country. 

Keith C. Walker was born in Leeds in 1939. He studied Ceramics at Leeds College of Art and the Royal College of Art. In the late 1960s to early 1970s, he was Personal Assistant to Eduardo Paolozzi. Keith taught at Hull College of Art and Leicester Polytechnic, which is now De Montfort University. In 1994 he retired from Academia.

Keith says, “Digital technology has made and continues to make big changes to all of our lives: the way we communicate, the way we are monitored, the way we entertain ourselves, and much, much more. 


We now leave a digital footprint wherever we go, and with whatever we do. 

Do we already have one foot in an Orwellian world?


 My collages are an investigation, with a small “I,” on the impact of digital technology and its possibilities.”

In Association with Black Petals & Fossil Publications © 2024