Black Petals Issue #109 Autumn, 2024

Vincent Vurchio: As On Our Sinner's Path We Go

Editor's Page
Artists' Page
BP Guidelines
Mars-News, Views and Commentary
Alone: Fiction by Ed Teja
An Empty Tank: Fiction by Rivka Crowbourne
Anne of the Thousand Years: Fiction by Kenneth James Crist
Contract Re-negotiation: Fiction by Martin Taulbut
Dark in Motion: Fiction by Jamey Toner
Hidey-Hole: Fiction by Cindy Rosmus
Men, Like Flies: Fiction by R. J. Melby
Rats Are a Garbage Man's Best Friend: Fiction by Tom Koperwas
The Catalyst: Fiction by David Hagerty
The Farmhouse: Fiction by Fred Leary
The Bridge: Fiction by Jim Wright
Walk in the Park: Fiction by R. L. Schumacher
What It's Like: Fiction by James McIntire
Aired Teeth: Flash Fiction by James Perkins
Cackling Rose: Flash Fiction by Hillary Lyon
He Said He Was Drunk When He Dropped the Candle...Poem by Juleigh Howard-Hobson
Once it Begins: Poem by Juleigh Howard-Hobson
Unexpected Request at the Psychic Faire: Poem by Juleigh Howard-Hobson
The Wolf Man and the Sex Trafficker: Poem by LindaAnn LoSchiavo
NONET Transformed: Poem by LindaAnn LoSchiavo
Wolf Girl Relishes the Wolf Moonrise: Poem by LindaAnn LoSchiavo
Attack of the Twarnock: Poem by Daniel Snethen
Reign of the Dragon: Poem by Daniel Snethen
And Renfield Eats: Poem by Daniel Snethen
Babylon: Poem by Craig Kirchner
Surfing Senators: Poem by Craig Kirchner
Sizar of Xanadu: Poem by Craig Kirchner
In Loving Memory of Our Aunt, Lisa Pizzaro: Poem by Craig Kirchner
Madeline: Poem by Simon MacCulloch
Cobwebbery: Poem by Simon MacCulloch
The Melted Man: Poem by Simon MacCulloch
Blood Tub: Poem by Simon MacCulloch
Jack the Necromancer: Poem by Simon MacCulloch
Dead Man's Body: Poem by Simon MacCulloch
As On Our Sinner's Path We Go: Poem by Vincent Vurchio
Beware the Glory: Poem by Grant Woodside
Scattered Journey: Poem by Grant Woodside
summer gold is only sand: Poem by Grant Woodside
you can't teach the wrong loyalty new tricks: Poem by Renee Kiser
House of Dark Spells: Poem by Sandy DeLuca
In My Pyramid Texts: Poem by Sandy DeLuca
Monsters Then and Now: Poem by Sandy DeLuca
Lord of the Flies: Poem by David Barber
Revenge Notification: Sophia Wiseman-Rose
When Hope Has Gone: Poem by Michael Pendragon
Witches' Moon: Poem by Michael Pendragon

As On Our Sinner’s Path We Go


Vincent Vurchio


Angel eyes hide demon thoughts ‘neath brows washed clean with scented soaps.

The maiden tempts the sainted man who, in denial, tries to cope

With images that, in his brain, dance naked ‘round the vital stem

And cause him to refuse his soul which lives for things he must condemn.


Those tortured spirits, trapped by sins, beyond their limits drown

In rapid streams of carnal lust, die dashed on rocky petards brown

With crusts of morbid, rancid acts that pillory their vaunted trust,

Their hearts aground on fetid spikes of hell-forged spears, replete with rust


That is the oxidation dregs of mem’ry lost in dreams of doom,

And, sharpened by the strop of hell gleam brightly in the midst of gloom

Expounded by the minds of saints who’s mendicant mental’ty ranks

Them somewhere ‘neath the boards of floors, below life’s flying buttress planks


That jut from stuccoed walls of grief, plastered to the stones of death

That rob brain’s thoughts, the hearts of blood, and purge the lungs of blessed breath.

While sense, with data gorged to burst, overwhelmed, does overload.

Assaults on brains already fevered, starts the rout down vic’try’s road.


Be gone!  You carriers of morbid jest, targeting man’s tortured will.

Return to He who birthed you, now!  Leave off this battle!  Retreat!  Still,

Do not forget to leave behind you bread-crumb trails from Stygian dough,

So we may join you, by and by, as on our sinner’s path we go,

Vincent Vurchio lives with his wonderful wife in Cherry Valley, NY, and has had previous fiction published by Black Petals over the years.  He has three E-books available, two supernatural thrillers (The Harloc Mirror and The Barnstable Curse) and one drama (Bended Twigs) and is currently working on two novels in various stages of development.

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