Black Petals Issue #110, Winter, 2025

Craig Kirchner: Anointing

Editor's Page
Artist's Page
Mars-News, Views and Commentary
Bait and Switch: Fiction by Hillary Lyon
Dark: Fiction by David Barber
Hungry Ghosts: Fiction by Andre Bertolino
Milk and Honey: Fiction by James McIntire
Serialised: Fiction by Marvin Reif
The Evidence: Fiction by Eric Burbridge
The Good Boy: Fiction by Lena Abou-Khalil
The Old People: Fiction by Susan Savage Lee
Workin' Overtime: Fiction by Roy Dorman
Coyote: Flash Fiction by Zvi A. Sesling
Get Up and Dance!: Flash Fiction by Cindy Rosmus
New Bedford Incident: Flash Fiction by Zvi A. Sesling
Snowcorn: Flash Fiction by Rick McQuiston
The Muskie: Flash Fiction by Charles C. Cole
Shock Waves in Metropolis: Poem by Joseph Danoski
The House of Flies: Poem by Joseph Danoski
The Man on the Mountain on the Moon: Poem by Joseph Danoski
Black Mirrored Hot Pink Tears: Poem by Casey Renee Kiser
Candy Necklace: Poem by Casey Renee Kiser
Graveyard of the Sea: Poem by Kenneth Vincent Walker
Nefelibata Rises: Poem by Kenneth Vincent Walker
Skeleton Key: Poem by Kenneth Vincent Walker
Banana Fever: Poem by Craig Kirchner
Anointing: Poem by Craig Kirchner
Exit-Clear of Regret: Poem by Craig Kirchner
Parasite Mine: Poem by Lisa Lahey
Sea Change: Poem by Simon MacCulloch
Son of a Gun: Poem by Simon MacCulloch
Birds of Pray: Poem by Simon MacCulloch
Vengeance: Poem by Stephanie Smith
While I bleed: Poem by Donna Dallas
Scratched: Poem by Donna Dallas
Malady: Poem by Donna Dallas



Craig Kirchner



He walks where Christ walked,

humiliated, barefoot and baptized,

crazed naked in sacrilege.


Dogs gather quickly, lead the way,

scent the adrenaline of purpling flesh,

bite ankles of graying skin.


A veiled widow wipes spit and mud

from his face, her mourning and grief,

levitate and pass, as he passes.


Tattooed harlots bring granite nails,

tongue his wounds, rub loins with balsam oil,

pelt his ribs with jewelry of thorns.


Groveling on grotesque knees,

he bleeds earth on their breasts,

as lighting strikes in the distance.


Heaven pauses, reflects on the moment,

seems awed enough to pull his file,

and take appropriate notes.

Craig Kirchner is retired and thinks of poetry as hobo art. He loves storytelling and the aesthetics of the paper and pen. He has had two poems nominated for the Pushcart, and has a book of poetry, Roomful of Navels. He houses 500 books in his office and about 400 poems in a folder on a laptop. These words tend to keep him straight. After a writing hiatus he was recently published in Poetry Quarterly, Decadent Review, New World Writing, WordSwell, , 7th Circle Pyrite, Ariel Chart, Blotter, Bombfire, Borderless Crossings, Cape Magazine, Carolina Muse, , Coneflower Café, Edge of Humanity, Fairfield Scribe, Fixator, Flora Fiction, Floyd County, Gas, Ginosko, Globe Review, Hamilton Stone Review, Impspired, Ink in Thirds, Journal of Expressive Writing, Kleksograph, Last Leaves, Last Stanza, Light Ekphrastic, Lit Shark, Literary Heist, Literary Yard, Loud Coffee, Medusa’s Kitchen, Moria, Neologism, Poetry Super Highway, Punk Monk, Quail Bell, Same Faces, Scab, Skinny, Spillwords, Scars. Sybil, The Argyle, The Lake, Timada’s Diary, Unbroken, Unlikely Stories, Valiant Scribe, Variety Pack, Versification, Wild Violet, Wise Owl, The Good Men, Witcraft, Lothlorien, Yellow Mama, Young Ravens, Arlington Literary, Glacial Hills Review, Your Impossible Voice and work forthcoming at Poetry Breakfast, Muse India, Writers Resist, Rushing thru the Dark, Sparks of Calliope, Stereo Stories, Floyd County, Dark Winter, Gargoyle Magazine, Vine Leaf Press, Abstract, Chiron Review, Coffee and Conversation, and The Main Street Rag.

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