Black Petals Issue #99, Spring, 2022

Editor's Page
Artist's Page
Mars-News, Views and Commentary
Are You Full? Fiction by James Kompany
Bunker-Fiction by Ron Capshaw
Buy Here, Pay Here-Fiction by Kim Bonner
The Church of the Coyotes Who Would be Wolves-Fiction by Roy Dorman
Elm Mills-Fiction by Mack Severns
Hearts in the Gutter-Fiction by Lamont Turner
Midnight Espresso-Fiction by David Starobin
Spider Bite-Fiction by N. G. Leonetti
Test Tube Babies-Fiction by Kilmo
Witches' Jubilee-Fiction by Hillary Lyon
Biter: A Love Story-Flash Fiction by Harris Coverley
New Mail-Flash Fiction by Eddie D. Moore
Reasons Not to Wake Up a Sleeping Beggar in the Morning-Flash Fiction by Marcelo Medone
While I was Frozen-Flash Fiction by K. A. Williams
Woodshop for Werewolves-Flash Fiction by Mark Jabaut
Bruja-Flash Fiction by Cindy Rosmus
First Light-Poem by Jeffrey Park
Soul Music-Poem by Jeffrey Park
Stalker-Poem by Jeffrey Park
Zombies in Space-Poem by Jeffrey Park
Bleeding Senses-Poem by Jess Boaden
I'd Like to Speak to the Manager-Poem by Carl E. Reed
The Woods (Behind My House)-Poem by Kenneth Vincent Walker
Nocturnal Mode-Poem by Kenneth Vincent Walker
When I Find You-Poem by Kenneth Vincent Walker
Ethereal-Poem by Kenneth Vincent Walker
Fall-Poem by Mike Edele
Death-Poem by Mike Edele
Where Will You Be-Poem by Mike Edele
Giant Cockroach-Poem by Richard Stevenson
The Allegewi-Poem by Richard Stevenson
Tokoloshe-Poem by Richard Stevenson
The Ghoul-Poem by Richard Stevenson

Cover art by Bernice Holtzman © 2022

     This website contains material which should not be opened or viewed by persons under the age of 18. Certain stories and poems on this site must be considered "adult" material. This is NOT a porn site, however, some of the material contained herein could be offensive to some people.
     At Black Petals, we don't spare the horses, so just be advised, if you are easily offended or under 18 years of age, PLEASE DON'T GO THERE!


Kenneth James Crist—Editor
Cindy Rosmus—Art Director
Web services by Fossil Publications

(In order of appearance)
James Kompany
Ron Capshaw
Kim Bonner
Roy Dorman
Mack Severns
Lamont A. Turner
David Starobin
N. G. Leonetti
Hillary Lyon
Harris Coverley
Eddie D. Moore
Marcelo Medone
K. A. Williams
Mark Jabaut
Cindy Rosmus
Jeffrey Park
Jess Boaden
Carl E. Reed
Kenneth Vincent Walker
Mike Edele
Richard Stevenson


Cover: Bernice Holtzman
Michael D. Davis
Hillary Lyon
Noelle Richardson
KJ Hannah Greenberg
Henry Stanton
Bernice Holtzman
Sofia Wiseman-Rose
Cynthia Fawcett
Darren Blanch

Site Maintained by Fossil Publications