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The Perfect Gift: Fiction by Hillary Lyon
Food to Live By: Fiction by Debra Bliss Saenger
Diamond Dust: Fiction by Victor De Anda
Ode to Anton: Fiction by Bruce Costello
The War Inside Me: Fiction by Conrad Majors
Today's $10 Special: Fiction by Henry Simpson
Actions Speak Louder: Fiction by Lida Bushloper
Dance Partner: Fiction by Dan De Noon
What She Was Here About: Fiction by Tom Fillion
Worker's Comp: Fiction by Bill Mesce, Jr.
All the Food Groups: Fiction by Kenneth James Crist
The Glow: Fiction by E. E. Williams
Light Show: Flash Fiction by Joan Leotta
The Doll: Flash Fiction by Bernice Holtzman
The Greatest Sting Ever: Flash Fiction by Bill Kitcher
AI Can Help: Flash Fiction by Bern Sy Moss
Cycle of Trust: Flash Fiction by Ed Teja
Six Fisheys: Flash Fiction by Cindy Rosmus
A Brooklyn Tale: Poem by Dr. Mel Waldman
The Meaning of "Tele": Poem by Rebecca N. McKinnon
You Might as Well: Poem by Paul Radcliffe
When I Met God for the First Time: Poem by Amirah Al Wassif
Parts Unknown: Poem by Wayne Russell
52 Now...: Poem by Bradford Middleton
The Wild Nights Change: Poem by Bradford Middleton
Anxiety: Poem by Anthony DeGregorio
While Waiting I Bend Down to Tie My Shoe: Poem by Anthony DeGregorio
The Baths of Budapest: Poem by Jake Sheff
Days of 22: Poem by Jake Sheff
Steve Reeves: Poem by Peter Mladinic
Needless: Poem by Peter Mladinic
Regarding Evolution: Poem by John Grey
The Girl in the Road: Poem by John Grey
A Place to Write: Poem by Michael Keshigian
Premonition: Poem by Michael Keshigian
Seeking Solace: Poem by Michael Keshigian
Good Friend: Poem by Craig Kirchner
Loch Raven: Poem by Craig Kirchner
The Walmart Prompt: Poem by Craig Kirchner
There's No Making This Up: Poem by Craig Kirchner
Cartoons by Cartwright
Hail, Tiger!
Strange Gardens
Dark Tales from Gent's Pens

Rebecca N. McKinnon: The Meaning of "Tele"

Art by Bernice Holtzman © 2024

The Meaning of “Tele”

By Rebecca N. McKinnon


Stories sticky as Elmer's, pasted permanent

and loud LOUD, closing some gaps yes,

but at the expense of other ones opening

I want you to know the second person's

one step away from guilt and

always the blameless compliment

the same imagination

that condemns the very child to suffer

nameless dread in darkness

every night, my terror—

Ah, but it's all flashes now, isn't it?

Something for me to say at parties,

answering the call

of some card game

It was that one scene from The Shining!

I shout, having lost

myself purposefully

running around myself

to see more of myself

So much I have forgiven

only needs a bleak winter

to be faulted once more

Every day in life makes me laugh

more and more

until I'm nothing but teeth

So look alive in your pretty

dress, pretending

you're not dead

Meanwhile I'm not a child anymore,

barely was when I was

Also I'm on the way with my ax,

and I'll play with you

for a price no, no,

No, it was that one scene from The Last of the Mohicans!

I correct myself, my own face painted,

after all, and ready to die

Why ask why, why understand at all

It's a sickness, trying to

and changing my mind in the end

Repressing real terrors

for the benefit of acquaintances

Although who doesn't deserve

an evening of enjoyment?

I was taught abhorrence

as a prerequisite for admiration, after all

Duncan's choice to ascend in flame so then

represents the horror and

honor of all good men

Now I get too close to the fires

I am tending, looking for something within

their heat so painful as to be intimate

Now I understand the complexity

of each fear that inhabits such flames

I see now in Duncan

destiny choosing him, and him

without choice

I see now in me why I'll choose you

after the party, despite


Does even the phoenix regret

what it was born to do?

Does the surprise of doubt

overtake the pain of burning?

Does everything that mean anything

travel away from self in sooty plumes?

Goodness, dignity, at last


all tied up and writhing

wishing for a way to live

or an easier way to die

Even the radically honest

look in mirrors with nothing to say

We need others to invent ourselves

but our souls are mansions

inherited from another

We're all trapped

Me? Remember, I told you

I haven't stopped

smiling for years

You touched me when I wrote

we're never alone

over and over and over,

your interpretation kinder

than my intention

We're in the same boat yes,

that's sinking, actually

and cling to each other not because we care

Catch me on the right day I'll carry you

Catch me on the wrong day I'll drown you

Catch me in my nightmares I'll humor you—

old enough to recognize a specter

of my own creation when I see it



Rebecca N. McKinnon is a born-and-raised Floridian who lives and writes in Northern Virginia. Her work has appeared in Maudlin House and The Molotov Cocktail, but she is most pleased with her ten active library cards. Check out her work on RNMcKinnon.com and follow her writing Twitch streams @rebeccawrites.

Bernice Holtzman’s paintings and collages have appeared in shows at various venues in Manhattan, including the Back Fence in Greenwich Village, the Producer’s Club, the Black Door Gallery on W. 26th St., and one other place she can’t remember, but it was in a basement, and she was well received. She is the Assistant Art Director for Yellow Mama.

In Association with Black Petals & Fossil Publications © 2024