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John Grey: Regarding Evolution

Art by Cynthia Fawcett © 2024



By John Grey


You’re changing

but imperceptibly.


Don’t waste your time

staring in the mirror.


You won’t see an ear grow,

a nose mutate.

eyes change form and color.


Just go on with your life.

The subtle changes to your brain

won’t bother you.


Nor the upgrades to your senses,

downloaded over centuries.


No need to dream

of that day

when your head sprouts antennae.


It will come

but not to the body

you hold court in now.


Your environment too

is on a slow march

to a different future

and the wind, the sun,

aren’t troubled by the prospect.


So relax.

Go on with your life.

You’ll be who you are

for as long as you know it’s you.




John Grey is an Australian poet, U.S. resident, recently published in New World Writing, North Dakota Quarterly, and Tenth Muse. Latest books, Between Two Fires, Covert, and Memory Outside the Head, are available through Amazon. Work upcoming in Haight-Ashbury Literary Journal, Birmingham Arts Journal, La Presa, and Shot Glass Journal.

Cynthia Fawcett has been writing for fun or money since she was able to hold a pen. A Jersey Girl at heart, she got her journalism degree at Marquette University in Milwaukee and now writes mostly technical articles about hydraulics and an occasional short story or poem on any other subject.

In Association with Black Petals & Fossil Publications © 2024