The Walmart Prompt
by Craig Kirchner
Received a rejection accompanied with:
53 Prompts Inspired by Poems,
Short Stories and Creative Nonfiction
Published in The Baltimore Review.
Quite a title, with some question of the use of capitals,
but appreciated it, read it, and used it,
everyone can use a prompt occasionally.
The best prompt is people watching,
and where better than Walmart,
second maybe only to Disney, but next door.
I start with clothing. I think back on
that sequined skirt that barely covered,
and the black leather blazer with one button cleavage.
An all-time favorite was a warm, spring day,
Mr. Linebacker in a full-length brown fur coat,
“I killt a bar,” like the Daniel Boone Trees.
Fourth in line at checkout
I see Cinderella looking at mangoes,
turn and say to the woman behind me,
“Cinderella is in produce.”
She’s doesn’t look away from the
cover of the Enquirer,
like she knows something I don’t.
I’m at the register, feel something behind me,
turn around and freak,
as Batman is about to tap me on the shoulder.
It’s all for charity,
Frankenstein, Beetlejuice
and Snow White meander by.
There’s a lady sitting by herself,
on a bench in a full black abaya and hijab,
looking down to avoid eye contact.
A blond crewcut, Brady T-shirt and cargo shorts,
stops in front of her,
and says so everybody can hear him,
“Why don’t you go back to where you came from?”
Pissed off by this crassness,
and, so everybody close, including
Mr. Quarterback can hear, I blurt out,
“What an asshole.”
Fortunately, Batman, Beetlejuice
and Frankenstein
come to my aid or there’s no telling.
People watching over for today,
contributed to the charity,
on the way to the car,
I think how this was one of the better Saturdays,
and I need to submit The Walmart Prompt
to The Baltimore Review as maybe no. 54.