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Art by Gin E L Fenton |
What is Kiblat?
Ralph-Michael Chiaia
These girls, one with a long serpentine tongue and who let me see her naked,
said these words to me. These girls from my high school. They weren't bad girls. Well, they were. But good bad. You know what
I mean. The kind I wanted to drink with, get high with, have sex with. Good kind of bad. They were like that. That's what
I heard. One was hot, too. I mean really hot. She gave me a piece of gum she was chewing one time, you know to throw it in
a trash bin for her, but I saved it and tacked it on my wall like a trophy. Whenever I was near them or talked to them, they
giggled. They said that word. Then giggled. One night I got them pretty drunk at my house. Then they disappeared. I walked
in on them in our recreation room making out. I asked if they'd like to make a sandwich. They said no. Before I could get
upset, the hot one left me with the other one. She let me do whatever I wanted with her. Her tongue was really long and pink—it
came to a sharp angular tip. I have never seen another tongue again like that. Her eyes were enormous, like those statues
of Shakti or Saraswati. Also she had a cleft on her chin that looked exactly like a miniature of her own ass. I had a great
time with her, but my mind wandered to the hotter one. I was young.
Jump ahead.
Fourteen years have passed. Not much has happened in my life. Well, I got
divorced once. Had about three different jobs. Maybe four. Lived in five or six different countries. Stubbed my toes hundreds
of times, bit my lip in the thousands—goddamnit! Looked under "k" in many dictionaries in various languages. Had a few
different girls. Ate many tacos, many kebabs, a lot of noodles; smoked many cigarettes, drank many different brands of beer;
masturbated God only knows how many times.
Then, it's right there on the motel ceiling. A green and white sticker
with black letters on the white center: Kiblat. Like “Keeble” or like I don't know what. Like nothing. Like those
girls. Like that cleft chin that looked like her ass. I get that burning in my loins, now in that pleasure center deeper than
the loins thinking of her cleft ass, no, thinking of “kiblat.” What is “kiblat”?
There it is, unique and indiscernible, like an ancient hieroglyph—a
memory-emotion pictogram that I cannot decipher nor contemplate. Right there on the cracked motel ceiling. I can't take my
eyes off of it even when Aisha, this new girl I'm thinking of getting serious with, is on top of me with all her goodness.
She's bulbous in all the right, and a few wrong (but nobody's perfect), spots. Even when she pulls me up to suck on a very
right part of her, I think, “kiblat.” I pull away from her and read it aloud: "Kiblat. What the fuck is ‘Kiblat?’"
"Forget it." Aisha pulls me on top of her. "Focus."
I roll off of her. "I can't until I find out what that means."
I move to India. I live in an Ashram, spending one week in total silence.
In Tokyo, I do editing work and try to learn Japanese to no avail. Incidentally, Aisha and I no longer even email. I dream
up an Internet marketing scheme while sunbathing on the beach in Thailand. I put all the money I saved in Japan into this
foolproof scheme. I move to Korea broke and teach English. I meet a young Korean student who lures me with great legs and
a wonderbra. I feel cheated by her wonderbra, but don't let that ruin everything. She opens her bag while laying on my couch
naked, her little breasts perky. A Bahasa-English dictionary falls to the floor. I pick it up for her, it's open to "k". My eyes go straight to the word
It points you in the direction
of Mecca.
Up the Park
I'm in the park again.
stone tigers roar at marble lovers
locked forever in icy embrace.
feline sexuality prowls—I dangle
thick cock at her. She says I'm disgusting
then her throat muscles are a ring
that won't come off a finger dying
to get wed. The slightest, most miniscule
movements coax the cream from me
into her, she grunts this guttural kind of
caterwaul, a kind of guggle,
her eyes go real wide, we freeze like that.
A man walks by, he may think I'm holding
a girl who just failed a test or broke up with
a boyfriend. He may think I'm letting her
palatine tonsils milk out the last drop of
my cumshot. I don't really care.
Fatwas have been issued.
Dossiers have been compiled. Still RMC (aka Mohammad RMC, the Punjabi RMC, Parliament/Ralphadelic)
looms. Wanna join the revolution? Then contact him and his compadres at formonksonly.blogspot.com where you can purchase
Chiaia's kick-ass chapbook from Coatlism Press.
In Association with Fossil Publications