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The Christmas Angel
Donna Burgess
Christmas Eve one year ago
And Mommy became an angel
Red halo and red wings all spread out beneath her
Far below on the snowy walk
Far below and she beckons still.
City stretches out before little Mary
Lights like an ocean of stars and Mary thinks of drowning
Barefoot and the ice hurts her tender feet like needles
The winds climb her nightgown like a corpse’s breath
Or like winter’s kiss.
Inside and warm
And Daddy has forgotten dead Mommy.
New Mommy drinks gin and tonic
And has sent Mary to bed, or so she thought
No one will check.
Dead Mommy says Daddy is a prick, and then “Sorry.”
“But they don’t want you.
“They don’t want reminders or burdens.
“But a bit of company would be nice,
“Especially on a cold Christmas Eve.”
Far below on the walk
People step on the spot that Mommy made
Where she went to sleep
Wide-eyed and forever
Little Mary spreads her arms like wings and she is flying
She is drowning in that ocean of stars
Inside and warm
And Daddy makes new Mommy another drink.
They sing slurred carols
As an angel flies past the window.
Burgess has been published in a number of publications, such as Weird Tales, Chizine, Albedo One and more recently,
Hardrosaur Tales. Currently, she works as a realtor and is also pursuing
her MFA in creative writing.
In Association with Fossil Publications