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Ayaz Daryl Nielsen
There are lakes of emerald
water where harbingers soak their feet-- I hear their long sad sighs.
"hate is unequal,"
ayaz daryl nielsen
"hate is unequal," the 60-year-old woman sighs her sigh makes him shudder as
she strokes him with mouth and hand
well, mother
ayaz daryl nielsen
mother, what I can do for you now . . . spread your ashes over this quiet
61 year old bass player in a pretty good blues band
ayaz daryl Nielsen
the piano . . . rowdy drunks at the bar bellow “one more, a nine couples sweaty from dancing, a full glass of single malt scotch ss- holes!”
rebel yell from a guy lying on the floor, two bras and a joint tossed upon a beer-stained
stage . . . more than enough for an encore
ayaz daryl nielsen
leaving as a daydream— a
quick “goodbye” as the room begins to fade
daryl nielsen
her sewing basket, a collection of orphan eyeballs
morning coffee and the usual emailed death curse ant antennae feeling for missing back legs locked
ward hides my shadow hides my claws
ayaz daryl
in the Zen garden, an empty beer can. one more swallow,
and I add another.
I, myself,
and me-ku
ayaz daryl
a big fool,
yelling "another scotch! and a beer!"— everyone looks at me she leaves the room and her
dog bites me as thunder cracks, young girls shriek— or was it me? my favorite pen, perched
behind my ear, falls in the urinal
ayaz daryl Nielsen
biggg yawn, cough,
snort, stretch, fart, charly horse (damn it) rub eyes (and charly horse), pick nose, scratch ass, give my dick a
stroke (or two)—I need to piss. As I attempt to find my misplaced starter button, seemingly lost in an
orifice, morning staggers toward another fuggin day just full of it.
by ayaz daryl
on the balcony soaking up moonlight with nothing on a passing wind flicks my joint for me
ayaz daryl nielsen
within the issue of
seeking our eyeglasses without our eyeglasses we choose to smooch
Vegas and Super Bruce
by ayaz daryl Nielsen
oh, Vegas, home of
my lifelong drunkard friend how have the two of you managed to be such as you are for so long?
you think?
by ayaz
daryl nielsen
parties--guys and girls share the same bathroom and us real men are always absolutely certain raising
a toilet seat is never necessary because our beer bladder urine bursts are always accurately aimed right where
they're supposed to go
graveside service
ayaz daryl nielsen
pall bearers a defrocked priest and an ex-wife's hangover
ayaz daryl nielsen
old dog and I are pleased to announce this
weekend we accomplished nothing
biological clock
ayaz daryl nielsen
her biological clock has stopped and she emanates unadulterated promiscuity and
it is so good
this city's
ayaz daryl nielsen
harsh night
life— morning sun nervously probes gutter and alley
big booger and
a bicyclist
by ayaz daryl Nielsen
a red light and
I'm digging away
at the tail-end
of a booger
and I've almost
got it despite
the couple beside
us in the Buick
staring at me
with grim distaste
and my wife stating
"that is so gross"
and as the light
turns green, I've got it!
it's wet, sticky
and humungous!
I roll my window
down as my right
index finger care-
fully maintains
the integrity
of this awesome
booger and with
great dexterity
and accuracy
flick it through the
window onto
the back of a
bicyclist in
pink and purple
spandex on a
$10,000 bicycle
and this day
is just that
so much better.
the hounds within my poetry
ayaz daryl nielsen
howling hounds in my poetry.
are they? The hounds who love poetry.
are they howling? The love hounds
poetry, it's their laughter, the laughter of
hounds, this howling in my poetry.
ayaz daryl nielsen
as a grave is
feet deep. Maybe
much deeper.
my loneliness at six-and-
a-half and still descending.
by ayaz daryl nielsen
hangover and a
mossy rash—what did I
sleep with last night?
profound entrenchment
ayaz daryl nielsen
upon the man-throne . . .
if I just had cell phone
‘cause am ripping sound
profound and new girl
friend should, could
listen in . . .
or . . .
maybe not.
ayaz daryl nielsen
cabby mentions
the undeniable:
flapping her vents
by ayaz daryl nielsen
flapping her vents—
an unexpected hot flash
from her reactor core
old iron bed frame
by ayaz daryl nielsen
old iron bed frame
the lover my pillows
gossip about
faulty mirror
by ayaz daryl nielsen
faulty mirror
a reflection of
last year’s fool
just a few beers
ayaz daryl nielsen
a few beers
a shot)
of Burden
full moon
by ayaz daryl nielsen
cousins and I
as a pack
how to address
by ayaz daryl nielsen
to address
Cheshire Cat's
psychic shithead
by ayaz daryl nielsen
my poker hand
I do
ayaz daryl nielsen
we buried
each arm
a few feet
either side
of his grave
he always
asked for
plenty of
elbow room
ayaz daryl nielsen
meditating before
egg on my face
ayaz daryl nielsen
roller coaster
you reach
the high notes
yo-hum by ayaz daryl
Nielsen and yo-hum . . . another off-world non-redneck alien intervention always the same issue: none of them bring along beer.
what the magpie by
ayaz daryl nielsen what the magpie of gastrointestinal distress must have done— dribble,
slobber, barf, then chortle in the font of my morning's karmic dues the weight of bones by ayaz daryl nielsen unknown bones solitary murders,
mass executions, forgotten graves, homicides,
human sacrifices abandoned,
unknown, the never known— "when
we are of body and spirit, they carry us as we carry them and when they are gone, we
linger and yearn, an earthbound yearning from
the forgotten, the hidden, for somebody,
somebody to bless us and tell us good-bye"
the vast seas by ayaz daryl Nielsen in the vast seas of far Kleptonia the best bait for trolling lines is earthlings
and I by ayaz daryl
nielsen grandma and I follow wolf prints around the barnyard (until we realize they're ours)
that's gross,” by ayaz daryl
nielsen “now that’s gross,” she states, “zombies with chicken pox,” thinking to myself, who’s gonna notice
slumming by ayaz
daryl nielsen every now and then among our eons myths emerge
from the primeval void within Mediterranean whirlpools, epicurean merrymakers
and a few fortunate humans, reassurance of our gene pool’s
well- being, vitality, and ability to party
a faint taste of
human by
ayaz dayrl nielsen a
faint taste of human have to get better at
brushing my teeth chile
verde by
ayaz daryl Nielsen chile
verde her lips as if needing a kiss squeezing
peaches by
ayaz daryl nielsen squeezing
peaches thinking of the men she’s dated
the files of: Necro Mancer Colorado
P.I. (Paranormal Instigator) . . . by ayaz daryl
nielsen case: aspen dryad, lost destination of said lost dryad:
august Aspen Lady's forever tender embrace said august Aspen Lady: green fairy queen
of local aspen dryads enigma:
dryad's lost pathway home recommendation: as cicada's dormant silence between winter's
glistening sheets, sweet-dream as a dewdrop
tumbling with tumble wolves down a full moon's light-stream
into awakener's waiting arms awakener: forever tender
Aspen Lady outcome: dryad, dancing among
woodland royalty around the aspen
of her own home
case: embraced file: closed.
of the primeval goddess by ayaz daryl
nielsen Sinews of the primeval goddess stretch
and shrink in their sentient engagement with all dimensions of earthen interaction,
the visceral foreshadows of an ageless embrace.
breakfast with the soothsayer by ayaz daryl nielsen breakfast with the soothsayer
and she predicts “this day will be cold, cold as a once-revered saber buried within a forgotten battlefield’s
debris, a saber capable of transmuting ill-will and evil intent into an intrinsic realization of the sacredness within
all existence . . . and this saber . . .” pausing, she
grasps my arm . . . “it can, it must be found, found and wielded by hero and heroine, working
together, as one . . . and you and I,” she states firmly, squeezing my arm, “it’s
up to us . . . it’s us” the steaming coffee cup halfway to my lips, suspended in the silent, fertile morning light. . . .
my breakfast
table by ayaz daryl nielsen my breakfast table maple syrup’s sweet-talking the blueberry pancake
“don’t mind all the calls” by ayaz daryl nielsen “don’t mind all the calls” grandma says to grandpa “soon there won’t be any”
spouse asleep on by ayaz daryl nielsen spouse asleep on four-fifths of
the bed my gentle nudge she sleepily states “move
the earth shudders by ayaz daryl nielsen the earth shudders truth-teller of deception I deny everything
note above Cafe Luna’s toilet by ayaz daryl nielsen note above Cafe Luna’s toilet <with customer add-ons>
Please don’t flush: tampons,
<your career> pads, diapers, paper towels, <underwear> cups, <your integrity> <plants> trash, <computers> <dignity> <hope> <dreams>
<love> only T. P. peet poo. <flush your greed> thank
you. <fear
is ok> <so is trump> all our neighbors
think that by ayaz daryl nielsen all our neighbors think
that we
are a bit weird could be the third eyes and we think all of them are a bit weird could be the extra arms and it seems that we’re all a bit right.
grandfather’s starship by ayaz daryl nielsen grandfather’s starship dry-dock and mothballs .
. . yet, sis
and I, our dreams empty spaceship filled with shadows of deep-space adventure the old robots waiting in
great-grandfather’s shuttle yes,
they remember within the robot eyes dreams and visions the color of humans further, even further beyond all known
boundaries yes,
full-throttle overdrive! this unexplored black
hole singing
hymns of well-being for
whatever awaits us and at least take time to explore our universe for you for me for all of us.
by ayaz daryl nielsen neighbors complaint early
mornings with our kids in their tree house drumming the sun up
unspoken words by ayaz daryl nielsen the unspoken words between this ‘bot and I the vibration as our eyes meet “let’s plug in together”
rogue dragonflies by
ayaz daryl nielsen rogue
dragonflies drones
that have gone feral lunar
drones by ayaz daryl nielsen rogue
drones raddling through the aspen
wind through the evergreens by ayaz
daryl nielsen wind
through the evergreens waves of rogue drones flowing in it
so, naked us by ayaz daryl nielsen I pause beside her table, saying, “umm, you know, it appears you’re sitting here with nothing on . . .” “au contraire,” she replies, “I’m clothed in warm air and summer sunshine and the soft-cushioned seat I’m sitting on and my feet are resting on a lovely burnished mahogany patio and I’ve this full glass of sauvignon blanc for my fingers, lips and mind . . . and so,” she then purrs, “would you like to join me?” A few moments with a completely blank mind, and I’m saying “yes, I believe I will,” and we have a lovely late afternoon into evening, naked, together, yes, and so we did and so
we still are.
fyi by ayaz daryl nielsen fyi how to tell if graveyard thistles have
penetrated a newly-buried
body: they’ll
bloom with malodorous grey flowers
seeping a black acid
that bees and birds won’t go near
last journal entry by ayaz
daryl nielsen last journal entry found
with remnants of our missing uncle’s
body: “well,
we’ve proven silver bullets don’t
poet by ayaz daryl
nielsen when being embraces what a page can bring white within black and light
within dark timelessness beyond electronic uncertainty

Art by Ann Marie Rhiel © 2017 |
Shy Dryad by ayaz daryl
nielsen Speak to the leaves on the trees Be gentle and persuasive they’re
waiting for your words. Talk with trembling leaves They know your presence, your bloodlines and passions. Speak of them, your words within autumn winds Speak of
the restlessness of leaves upon trees.

Art by M. R. Sonntag © 2018 |
unbound by ayaz daryl Nielsen young boy that I was moonlight through an open window were-cub that I am unbound, bleeding gashes transgressions filled with horrors and we don’t even knock honeysuckle breeze by ayaz daryl nielsen honeysuckle breeze
sneezes old crow and I by ayaz daryl nielsen old conifer split
by lightning
two crows bicker hot breeze
through an open skylight
raucous crows in
the sky above me and my flat tire
old crow crowing oh
angry crows,
was my brief presence
really so troublesome tell
me where you live,
old crow, so I can poop
your front porch new home
same old
crow sounds crows
the new Zen garden
drop their blessings old
crow and I
cawing, laughing as we
meet yet again

Art by Ann Marie Rhiel © 2018 |
moments by ayaz daryl nielsen window beside desk rumble of evening a day’s leftovers as blood and ink mix writing my presence naming my deities
Contemplating an Unknown by ayaz daryl nielsen Our computers have no records
of your shattered starship’s design nor
where it was built. We
have no data about your species. Dying alone on an uncharted moon . . . acidic mists from surface craters were a sudden death, even if you survived an obviously brutal crash landing Your remote home . . . you may have been their hero, perhaps even their savior . . . there is sadness. There is this sorrow. I’ll never know your name

Art by Ann Marie Rhiel © 2019 |
space rock by ayaz daryl nielsen life- less space rock useful as a remote rest stop light years of fecal waste-matter becoming life-forms upon a place now known as earth

Art by Ann Marie Rhiel © 2019 |
our armored oxygen suits have a company logo by ayaz daryl nielsen survived
the skirmish those
“others” dead or fled not sure
who they were or what
it all meant wanting
to go home, back to
earth, if only, if only
it still existed

Art by KJ Hannah Greenberg © 2019 |
lily pads open by ayaz daryl nielsen lily pads open dozens, blooming a toad sits on
one, croaking, and from pads a few feet away other toads reply and, you know, I find myself Smiling

Art by Ann Marie Rhiel © 2019 |
a melodious voice from the reeds by ayaz daryl nielsen a melodious
voice from the reeds as I happen to pause nearby and, fortunately,
knowing nothing enough about almost everything, I listen as it whispers “everything is ready, every- thing is as it should
be”. . . standing here awhile, smiling, knowing
I need to write this down

Art by Ann Marie Rhiel © 2019 |
the cobblestone
trail of
my poetic footsteps by ayaz daryl nielsen immense distances of tilting sketches and frail rhythms, with verbs and
verses dogging my footsteps, tapping
on my shoulder, of pendulums swinging from
tremulous dreams struggling for
life, yes, this, this is the
cobble- stoned trail of
my poetry’s footsteps
abandoned sofas by ayaz daryl nielsen abandoned sofas and matching easy chair beside a driveway near a dumpster oh, if only they could talk, could talk and tell, and then just up and walk away a bite better by ayaz daryl nielsen one-by-one, devouring
every bite of us together leaving behind the bare bones of emptiness and pithy fats of loneliness
hot afternoon by ayaz daryl nielsen hot afternoon car window
left open as we do errands . . . a stray
cat on the back seat seems to think it needs a ride somewhere . . . and, sure enough, we end up adopting her
Registry by ayaz daryl nielsen asking for what they needed: two cups and two plates days whose stunt double is nights,
and two miner’s lights in case
one became lost to the other marble-sized raindrops by ayaz daryl nielsen marble-sized raindrops each with its own unpredictable sound as it greets the sidewalk all together, a lovely concerto . . . then, the sun, and it’s over never
to be heard again
summer’s eve by
ayaz daryl nielsen a summer’s eve
while we’re chanting our sacred
texts a coyote chorus from nearby hills ends in chuckles
as we are by ayaz daryl
nielsen just as we are upon soft grass among wildflowers
within us by ayaz daryl nielsen packaged within us indiscriminate
presence the light in our hearts
from within by ayaz daryl nielsen crackling from
within innumerable neurons this very brief
an earthy affair
by ayaz daryl nielsen
an earthy affair—
your cool, green skin
pressing against mine
loves the deep-space pirate by ayaz daryl nielsen come . . . come, it’s time, she whispers . . . you’re
a legend now your wanderlust will end
within this last embrace upon a glorious unknown moon
mistress by ayaz daryl nielsen oh, oh—which of her
buttons did I just push
our open window by ayaz daryl nielsen our open window songs from these grounding spirits robins
in their nest
wandering woman by ayaz daryl nielsen wandering woman a
traveling tinkerer’s heart
her sideways glance
twilight sky by
ayaz daryl nielsen winter’s twilight
sky evening stars shine through the clouds as if listening
you, I, together by
ayaz daryl nielsen you,
I, together the later part
of our lives undamaged hero and heroine
fading twilight sky by
ayaz daryl nielsen fading
twilight sky as if going somewhere else beyond all darkness
in dry dock by ayaz daryl nielsen land-locked
in dry dock a future undecided the rusted tugboat
like a
child’s drawing by ayaz daryl nielsen like
a child’s drawing evening’s radiant sunset the colorful hues
as a dark
shadow by
ayaz daryl nielsen as
a dark shadow seeping into late night sleep yesterday’s turmoil
beside wild roses by ayaz daryl nielsen beside wild roses beneath the golden aspen our autumn love song
quietly by
ayaz daryl nielsen sitting quietly until something happens
. . . butterfly upon milkweed!
lifetimes by ayaz daryl nielsen lifetimes of these shifting roads leading away from
everything, of autumn leaves and twilight
upon shoulders leading us toward an emptiness
alive within all timetables, the emptiness of trail-wise
voices within ancient zephyrs liberating
the loving hymns of guidance and healing sung for us by our ancestors
beyond our cities by ayaz daryl nielsen beyond our cities more real than
anything else a woodland’s presence
clouds by
ayaz daryl nielsen rose-colored clouds
unfolding scent of sunrise
ayaz daryl nielsen, veteran and former hospice nurse, lives in
Longmont, Colorado, USA. Editor of
bear creek haiku (30+ years/160+ issues) with poetry published worldwide,
he is online at: bear creek
haiku poetry, poems and info. Among other deeply appreciated honors, he is especially
delighted by the depth and heart of poets worldwide, whose poems have a home in bear creek haiku’s print and online presence.
In Association with Fossil Publications