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reutter, g emil |
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Butler, Simon Hardy |
Cold Feet by
Bob Carlton Rain
fell. Ice formed. Trees fell. It was a dynamic equation, balanced by the pitiless fact of temperature. Freezing
fog crept in during the night, kissing what remained upright with death. Crunching my way through a glassy crust, I found
brittleness had become a new attribute of formerly supple objects. This
was not a night for plots or plans. It was barely a night for breathing. I would usually stop and wait for you
here, hatching fantasies I would later alter to accommodate your actual appearance. I doubt you ever
saw me. But tonight, my breath dances
in that way that clouds will, announcing my presence and pinpointing my exact location.
You are doubtfully abroad tonight in any case. The honeyed warmth of your features could
not stand up under these conditions. You are better off indoors, for many reasons. I fear
I may be one of them. Bob
Carlton <www.bobcarlton3.weebly.com> lives and works in Garland, TX.
In Association with Fossil Publications