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Fire Down Below
by Ian Mullins
Sometimes my cock’s a plastic cigarette lighter you can
buy on the street half a dozen for a pound; I can flick the switch all night long without ever striking a spark.
days it’s my old digital watch with the red laser
display so sharp I could tell time through my shirt, no more tiny stubborn hands oiling the hours away.
now I tell time by how firm I am when I wake; if it’s soft like a kitten warm in its sandbox I know its 2 A.M. and there still time to steal a little sleep from
the streetlight hanging its sorry head outside my window; but if its hard and cold like a poker chip the first time
you roll it through your fingers I know it’s 5:30
A.M. and the boiler is priming to spout its heat
the same way I’ll prime mine, working hard to beat the
6 A.M. deadline before I crawl out of bed and jerk through the sexless daylight where balls are nailed to walls
and if I open up my pants to
read the hour laser-sharp in bright green veins all I’ll find is an old windup watch that doesn’t even remember what it means to tell the time.
by Ian Mullins
first time is the same; ants crawling the length of my skin as though sizing me up for scalping, yellow needle fat
as a newborn baby child waiting as a loaded gun waits; already the barrel smells of the bullet, the trigger finger
cocked, liquid bullets soft as water
heavy as gold
can you lift it, can you bear the weight, can
you scalp your own skin once again?
Bottled Up
by Ian Mullins
can talk to an empty bottle lounging on a wall in the cheap city sunlight shiny as half a credit card
read everything it has to say, label on the front competition on the back the way the long sun
melts its plastic to soft ice cream, the tales told by the flies who shit down its mouth or buzz inside its stomach, the
tremble of its skin when a truck goes by or a little girl wall-walking steps over its head
and for a moment it’s midnight at 2P.M.; there are shadows in bottle-world warmer
than the skin
on the back of your hand as you lift another bottle to your lips, drip the last drips like drops of sunlight from
a melting sun then say something human that me and the bottle cooling our fingers now the sun has begun it’s long slow dive
will never find a summer we can never
Kiss This by Ian Mullins You can kiss it lick it
bite it whip it but don’t fuck it whatever you do;
when it comes to cream I like chocolate I like
strawberry I like toffee and ginger banana and
vanilla me and I’ll spit in your face. What’s the Beef? by Ian Mullins Don’t
go there man; there are places
where secrets hide their secrets and dreamers
distill their dreams; places where shadows
are made out of stone and snowfalls are cut diamonds
sharpening the night like a knife through paper.
Through those cuts you’ll see things
that don’t want to be seen;
even knowing they are alive
would kill them like a live bug you find under your shoe;
but there’s no way that bee can ever lug
its candy
home, never know that “home” is just a dream scratched on the side
of a snowflake melting beneath your very first
breath, hot dry hands beneath your very first
dress, so don’t go there, man:
not unless you’re dreaming
of never coming back.

Dirty White Girl by Ian Mullins Fingers reek of manila, but I close them on the
umbrella where Donna’s
long fingers tipped with black varnish must
have closed when she walked out into the rain:
but halfway
cross the street I imagine she stopped, lowered
the black shield and opened her clothes, and
while the green light filled up with water the wetness poured down
over her dirty white breasts and washed the day’s filth deep into her skin.
No wonder she smiled
when she brought back my umbrella, wet from the
rain glistening the jewels buried in her nails, damp ghosts
I press my stubby digits over to jerk the same button,
a diamond in the wood. Watching the black shield
catch the white seed; cold stars firing up the night sky.

Art by Hillary Lyon © 2017 |
Don’t Do It, It Ain’t Worth It
By Ian Mullins
Ball me into clay and make me a skinny white boy
who lives in New Orleans walks into bars bare-chested
hoops burning through his nipples who fucks black
men in the ass and white girls in the mouth,
lives in a stolen room
in a condemned house and writes as hard as he comes,
spraying black and white words
over the walls, the floor, the ceiling
then scrapes it all off packs it in a box
sends it to New York City
some fat guy living in a cubicle not much bigger
than the coffin he already bought smears the
hot words over his skin until it burns his suit
off like brandy smoking a hot sauce
and soon he’s nothing but bones
strutting New York streets looking for a hooker to hose down,
a life that’s worth living.
Dropping the Ball
Ian Mullins coming out hopeless useless no good to anyone the last taboo
unwritten in ink below names even the people
they went to school with only remember
as shadows on demolished walls the bodies that made up the numbers
the hands that dropped the ball the only face
in the class photograph who couldn’t fake a smile long enough for history
to say welcome home . . . now what was your name again? Dirty Pink Lipstick by Ian Mullins
I’m sure they’ll tear you down
one day, when I’ve forgotten
how much I need you here with
your pink lips shining like roses after brief spring rain,
eyes brown as chestnuts broken on the ground;
and then I’ll remember
I was too ashamed to stop and stare because faces I did not know
and did not need to know poured down on me
the hard-faced rain this city pours into the deep
wells of eyes
to shame the saying of yes, she is beautiful, she is
a poster in the city a girl on the bus a woman on the train,
and we will bury her, yes, along with the rest. Your look
has fashioned her
Gal by Ian Mullins Who are you girl,
with your Madonna-half gloves and your tight-cheek
thong, kneeling before these twitching pale-legged
men inviting their arms to clamp your breasts
your milken thighs
so you can slip through their
hands like shampoo through hair, tossing them
aside like fleshy rags
before you kneel on the mat
again and again and invite them to take you down?
Between Takes by Ian Mullins Psycho – Dir: Hitchcock I'd love a movie of all the outtakes they never bothered to film: the cold coffee sipped, the yawns frustrated; all the stuff we leave behind and would love
to live without. The dreams Marion Crane dreamt as she slept in her car on the way to the motel, oblivious to the last sunrise rising black and
white over the hood of her car. And what happened to the car? By chance it avoided the swamp, never became the metal coffin she would sleep
in fitfully and briefly, before they dragged
her from the water and reeled her eyes back to the daylight
she flees again and again—every time I rewind the movie. Ian Mullins ships out from Liverpool,
England. The music-themed collection Laughter In The Shape Of A Guitar (UB)
was published in 2015. The autism-themed chapbook Almost Human (Original
Plus) followed in 2017. Masks and Shadows (Wordcatcher),
a collection of superhero poems, took to the skies in October 2019.
In Association with Fossil Publications