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Getting Hard as I Write
Catfish McDaris
I can look at all the centerfolds and stroke the bone any way you want,
but the jizmo refuses to cooperate, until I read or write about it. Or the real thing, of course always works wonders. I moved
to Milwaukee from New Mexico and lived with my aunt and three cousins. They were all major prick teases. My aunt liked to
sit naked at her dressing table and wait until I looked in, then she’d powder her beautiful tits and hairy pussy and
smile, pretending she couldn’t see me in her mirror. I wanted that woman so bad I could taste it. I closed my eyes and
fucked her a thousand times.
Her youngest daughter would screw anything with a heartbeat. I caught her eating an
amazing black chick’s snatch and I made them both suck me and fuck me many times, until my weenie was ready for vacation.
She used to open her cunt lips and play with herself and let me do anything I wanted.
That was always a fun game.
Her sister was a redhead; she wore bikinis with her cunt hair sticking out. She used to let me put suntan lotion on her tits and finger fuck her, then she’d blow me into oblivion.
I never got to tap that, she got religion first.
My third cousin was half Mohawk. I took her to Juarez, Mexico, with a cat named Reefer.
I took her to a whorehouse, where I let her watch the matron check me for critters. She kissed my dick and fingered my asshole.
My cousin got so hot, we split from Reefer and fucked each other's brains out. Her pussy was tight, but not educated. After
a week with me, she graduated with honors.
Damn, I’m horny. What about you?
by Catfish McDaris
The small town newspaper headline reads: Man
defecates on father’s grave. A source that wishes to remain anonymous reported to the police a suspicious man in
the cemetery. The man was doing disgusting things. He had his trousers lowered and was making foul grunting and farting sounds,
as he defecated all over a tombstone.
On closer examination, it was discovered that it was his very own father’s grave.
The police arrived immediately and confronted the man. A slight struggle ensued with the inebriated
man. Luckily, the cemetery was almost empty. They subdued the perpetrator and placed him in the rear of the police car.
“Damn, Sarge, did you ever see anybody shit like that? That stuff is sprayed and plastered
like stucco on that granite tombstone.”
“Hell, no, I’ve never seen anything like that. That shit is incredible, no telling
what that crazy bastard has been eating and drinking. I’ve got shit smeared on my uniform. I’ve got a good mind
to shoot the son of a bitch right here.”
From the rear of the car: “You guys aren’t going to waste me for that, are you?”
“What in the hell are you doing shitting in our graveyard?” the sergeant said.
“That’s my so-called father in the grave,” the perp said. “All of
my life, I looked up to him and trusted him. He was a hard worker and always brought his check home to the family. He boozed
it up sometimes, but I figured he earned it. My mother always bitched and nagged him, he was due a little escape. I cherished
the man.
“A month after he died, my sisters came forward with the truth. He’d been sexually
and mentally abusing them most of their lives. My older sister found out my father had started in on my two younger sisters
and told the entire story to our mother. She refused to believe a word of it,” the perp said. “She had my sister
put in a detention home, where she was sexually abused by guards and lesbians. She underwent shock treatments in a mental
hospital, until she died very young. My younger sisters went through hypnosis and mental and drug therapy, until they also
lost their minds and way.
“I never suspected a thing,” the perp said. “If I had, I would have killed
this fucker long ago. I’ve been drinking red box wine and eating diarrhea pills for a week. Now you know my story, if
you want to take me to jail, I understand. At least you know where I’m coming from.”
“Sarge, we can’t arrest this guy,” the patrolman said. “He only did
what we would’ve done ourselves in the same situation.”
“We had a complaint filed, but maybe we can smooth things over. If we let you go, what
will you do?”
“I’m thinking about finding a shovel, digging the motherfucker up, then shoving
the handle up his ass, getting some gas, and making him into a crispy critter.”
“Look asshole, you’re lucky
we’re letting you go. Don’t press your luck.” They pulled in front of the bus station. The sergeant said,
“Now don’t come back until after I retire and that’s in five years.”
“Thanks, officers.”
The bus pulled out.
The patrolman grinned at the sergeant. “Wipe that smile off your pie hole. You’re
cleaning the stench out of this car, while I change uniforms and get a maple glazed doughnut.”
Amarillo by Catfish McDaris My brother called from a town
outside of Tulsa, he needed my help
to remove some unsavory characters He knew I’d been in almost up to my neck in Vietnam & most
of my life, he referred to me as an
overachiever It felt kind of strange
wearing a star, since I’d always walked
in shadows of good & wicked My first day on the job, I met a thief, rapist, & child abuser all
rolled into one, I gave him fair warning,
he pulled his pistol His hog leg barrel traveled straight toward me, I double tapped his chest, his lungs splattered the wall He
was dead an instant before his legs received
the message, finally he folded like
a house of cards, he made a sound like
a broken sick accordion bagpipe I stayed for a week, I didn’t have to kill anybody else, my brother was relieved when I laid my badge on his desk, everyone was rested a lot easier Pointing
my Ford west I headed for Amarillo &
a senorita that could make enchiladas
so good, they’d bring tears to your eyes & a smile to your belly. Five
Finger Discount By Catfish
McDaris Nasty Jack was a greaseball biker from
near the Mexican border, he got his name from his Levis
being so stiff, he could stand them up in the corner
awaiting his reentrance He was always
working on Indians and Harley Davidsons, occasionally he
applied his magic to four wheel ve- hicles, but he
preferred the freedom of riding in the wind, unless he was Pulling a big shoplifting job requiring a
crew to cart away the stolen goodies, his hands were
invisible fast, I worked with him a few times as a distraction man
or driver, Jack knew no fear I’d entered stores
with him and never seen anything, outside he’d unload eight
huge Porterhouse steaks, three bottles of Heinz 57 and
he’d grab a rack of fifty packs of Marlboros Situated right in front of the checker, he
once walked away with two dollies of booze, one had
nine cases of Corona and the other had top shelf tequila and gin We never knew what Jack would show up
with next, but he never came home empty-handed, he
wrote a note goodbye and said forget about being thieves, he was going fishing
at Boca Chica where the Rio Grande flowed
into the Gulf of Mexico.
Crime in Milwaukee
by Catfish McDaris
It's rough all over, for blacks and whitey in blue
and out, a black man was sitting
on a bench in Milwaukee, whitey
popo put 14
Bullets in him, he
was supposedly nuts, he grabbed
popo’s baton, folks are walking up
and down the streets waiting for Sharpton and Jesse to speak
And Paula Deen to show up and cook fried chicken and prove she’s not any more of a
racist than any other God-fearing
Then we have this
20-year-old black kid that rapes a
101-year-old lady and wears a dopey
grin into court and he’s bragging
to the cameras, saying how famous
he is now
A 10-year-old girl
on her way to school was dragged
into an alley and raped by
a 26-year-
Old 300 lb. scumbag, he had his pants down and threatened
to kill the little girl
if she ran
Her screams
brought people and the cops arrived,
they captured the animal the next
day, but not
Before he
molested the girl and murdered
her innocence and purity, the baby rapist pervert deserves a slow wretched miserable death.
It Only Hurts When He Cracks a Smile
by Catfish
Quick was hustling nine ball,
shooting with an eagle eye, it was from
growing up on snooker and billiard tables
This dude got pissed off and
pulled out a Saturday Night Special
and shot him right in the ass, his
lady dragged him to the hospital,
he felt
he was between a dream and a nightmare,
Quick was laying on a gurney waiting
his turn, when they rolled in
a fat heart attack victim, the nurses
Peeled off his shirt, the doc said, “Son of a bitch, this fucker looks like a gorilla” they applied the paddles and turned up the electric juice
His body jumped off the table like a fish out of water, he was flopping on the floor next to Quick, they jolted him again and his chest hair caught on fire
Lucky for him his lady had marshmallows and chopsticks in her purse, they were soon having a nice picnic minus the ants.
Quicksand by Catfish
McDaris Jose’s amigos arrived from Austin in
a new 4-cylinder Mustang, they said it had no pep, they
asked him to destroy it for the insurance money They harvested 20 lbs of psilocybin mushrooms,
covered them with honey, froze them, and transported
them in an ice chest, 10 lbs were Jose’s if he did The car, he wanted to strip it and sell it, but
they insisted he blow it up and burn it he drove out to a
caliche pit followed by his lady and soaked the Mustang in gas & torched
it, later he called the cops He tried the
mushrooms before selling any, they were strong, sort of like good acid,
but they made him laugh for hours, Jose decided to go
see Iron Butterfly With a quart of
Coors he ate some ‘shrooms, parking his short a few blocks away, the hallucinations
slowed him into snail turtle motion, his stomach was grizzly growling Seeing a dark backyard, he dropped a load and
a rat dog kept barking so he used it for ass wipe, he gazed
up at the brilliant sky It
started raining whores and tequila, he felt thirsty and
stiffer than petrified wood, he led three senoritas to his car
and got a bucket to catch some cactus juice in, looking in the back
seat he saw the stinky little dog Jose figured he had been adopted, he asked “What’s
your name boy?” The dog replied, “Quicksand, motherfucker
and I need a bath.”

Art by Sean O'Keefe © 2018 |
Snake Dog by
Catfish McDaris A woman screamed and tried to scoop the
guts and blood back inside her dying baby girl. A man and a boy collapsed into
the street, moaning in agony, blood gushing from multiple wounds. Sirens filled the
night in Chinatown, Los Angeles. Nappy and his amigo, Chuy, rushed to try and
help the injured people. “I can’t take much more of this
senseless killing,” said Nappy. “I feel you, brother. Dog Town Rifa
keeps trying to recruit my older cousin, Juan, and they asked about me,” said
Chuy. “White Fence and La Mirada Locos have been sniffing
around me. I even had some Black Dragons from Chinatown asking about who we were with.” They joined
the Marines and became experts with many deadly weapons. “The mission you’ll
be trained for will require strength, cunning, intelligence, bravery, and intestinal fortitude,”
said Captain Sam. “You will go to Navy SEAL School from here. To learn to be
snipers, experts in hand-to-hand close quarters combat, knives, demolitions,
amphibious maneuvers, parachuting, and guerrilla reconnaissance. You will study
Sun-Tzu’s The Art of War. Before you
go to dirty trick school, you’ll learn to think creatively, by learning
hypnosis and magic. Then you’ll become experts in drones and computers.” Nappy and Chuy looked
at each other and smiled. “Yes, sir.” For eighteen months,
they trained like murder machines. They were both promoted to First Lieutenant. They weren’t
allowed to return home on leave before receiving their assignments. Their
mission was to eradicate opium poppy fields in Afghanistan, along with the assassination
of warlords. To protect women, children, and innocent civilians. Nappy and Chuy were
leaders of an elite force of 48 highly-trained soldiers at the peak of their physical prowess. They infiltrated the opium fields in Afghanistan. They had missions in Pakistan,
Iraq, and Yemen. They had no mercy for Taliban, al-Qaeda, or ISIS Mujahidin and Jihad terrorists,
who used drug money and were guilty of human trafficking. Chuy and Nappy adopted a mutt and
trained him to be a combat dog. They named him Snake. Snake chewed the nuts and dicks off
bad guys and bit the tits of bad women. The dog was an endearing hero and both men grew
to love him.
Their next assignment sent them to Kabul to investigate what
their destruction did to the hawala,
the banking system that financed terrorists, drug warlords, and flesh peddlers. There,
they assassinated Abdullah Adel, a minor leader in al-Qaeda. Intel from Jamal al-Fadl led
them to Yemen. Nappy and Chuy used drone strikes and blew up a bank and captured Zawahiri
Atiyal. They sent him on his way to Guantanamo for interrogation. Captain Sam kept the POTUS apprised of Nappy and Chuy’s
success. The two-man team went to Abottabad, Pakistan, where Osama Bin Ladin was killed.
There were suspected Taliban sympathizers there, but not enough proof to light
someone up. Nappy and Chuy were careful not to injure civilians. When in doubt,
they walked away. A million-dollar bounty was put on their heads.
Their next target from al-Qaeda was Yahya Nasir. He eluded them
for three weeks, by using human shields. He always hid behind women and children. They took him in a crowded
market. Nappy slipped a combat knife into Nasir’s throat and twisted the blade. Chuy
covered their retreat with smoke drones until they made it to their extraction point, led
by a Navy SEAL team in an evacuation chopper. Yahya’s men tried to shoot them out of
the air, but the SEALs showered them with lead and white phosphorous and stopped their
All good things ended in Kabul. Two men in Dishdasha robes and
Keffiyeh scarfs tossed grenades at them. The men had no chance. Snake jumped on
the explosives, but was blown into infinity. After a convalescence, medals, and discharges, Nappy and Chuy returned
to Los Angeles. They drove a supercharged
Ford-250 pickup in hot pursuit of a Hummer. Nappy had his automatic machine gun with a
mounted grenade launcher, plus some hardware that would turn that Hummer into a hot penny.
Chuy had a bag of drones that carried high explosives, cameras of all types, including
infrared, tear gas, and concealment smoke. Lizard was the bad ass of the gang; eight of his men
were trying to rip off another gang. Three took the front, and three went around to the
back. Two were lookouts. Next door, an elderly lady sat on her porch,
with a nursing dog at her feet. Lizard’s two men went over, and one went for the dog. The old
lady tried to stop them, but was pistol-whipped for her effort. Eight newborn
puppies sniffed their mother, who fought back with the man. The other grabbed a
pup. Laughing hysterically, he held his gun to the whining pup’s head.
Nappy hurled his razor bayonet at him, and his arm was sliced
off at the elbow. Chuy jumped the guy who was fighting the mama dog, but Nappy
had a better idea. He gave both men his pelvic punch. It pulverized their balls. They
would never have sex or urinate without agony.
“Every time you do that, it even makes me cringe in pain,” Chuy
said. The lady took the mama dog and
puppies inside her house. Inside the house next
door, bullets were flying. Chuy took the back and Nappy hit the front, bringing it heavy.
They had each other’s six, guardian angels of death. Blood, brains, viscera, eyeballs,
hearts still pumping. Stacks of money and bricks of cocaine acted as sponges for the rivers
of blood. They were all out of pity when the cavalry arrived. The old lady
next door gave them one of the puppies. “What do you want
to name our dog?” Nappy asked Chuy. The little puppy licked their faces as they split. “How about
Snake?” “We lost Snake in Afghanistan. You think this might be him reincarnated?”
yes,” Chuy said. “Snake, it is, then.”
McDaris won the Thelonius
Monk Award in 2015. His 25 years of published material is in the
Special Archives Collection at Marquette
University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and
he is listed in Wikipedia. His new book is 265 pages of poems and prose, that
will make your hands tremble. www.amazon.com/Sleeping-With-Fish-Catfish-McDaris/dp/0692671323 Available Now! Sleeping With the Fish
In Association with Fossil Publications