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Marc Carver
I looked at all the one pound-cds in Poundland.
I recognized all the names
from bands
part famous
maybe ten years or so ago.
I could not help but think
what would they think about their music
being sold in Poundland for a sum of one pound.
When I went to the till
with my one-pound toothbrush,
the till lady asked me if I wanted a bag.
“No, you are okay, love,” I said.
She put my toothbrush in a bag anyway
as if she was giving me a present,
then smiled and said.
“There you go, babe.”
And that smile just got bigger and bigger
until I could of fallen right into it.
Still Life
by Marc Carver
As i leant over another painting
sweat started to drip over the empty canvas
and of course my mind started to think about
liquids that could go into making paintings.
Surely they would not do that
the greats like Picasso
or later i thought about Dali
but of course.
I know that is exactly what they would have done.
I can say there is real sweat gone into making
my paintings
and they could say there is real life in theirs.
And it is only me
that knows what they mean.
Rare Days
by Marc Carver
Some days
the wind is a little too cold
Some days you don't want to get out of bed.
And some days you want the sun
to shine on your face and burn it
until you fall asleep
and your nose is all red and scratchy and
the skin falls off it.
And some days you want to put your arms
around a woman
and squeeze her until you are one.
No space between you.
And some days you want to smile at
strangers until they
wonder who you are.
I want on some days to do the first thing
that comes into my head all day long.
Watch birds take off
and flowers smile with light.
Yea, just on some days
it is great to be alive.
by Marc Carver
I lay in
between a woman’s legs
head rests gently on her pregnant stomach.
kiss her stomach
new life.
breasts fall over the side of her body
landslides that will never reach the ground.
do not know who she is
though I have seen her many times
have never seen her smile
have no connection to her
from this moment
can’t tell if she wants this
here I am
for life.
by Marc Carver
Torrents of sand
Rain down filling that
Hourglass of naked beauty
Hips rounded
Tight center and filled breasts.
Give into filled time
Let it slip through your fingers and spread
Across an even floor.
Hold hands watching
Praying for more time
To find the truth of what you are
Waterloo Sunset
by Marc Carver
On the bridge
I see all the homeless man's possessions
His begging bowl
and his guitar with rope for strings.
The only thing missing is him.
I did not think to myself
oh he is visiting friends
or has gone for lunch.
I thought instead
he has thrown himself
over the bridge
and no one will ever know
but as i walk down the bridge
I see him shuffling back along the bridge
back to his possessions.
He is alive
and I feel happy.
You Beauty
by Marc Carver
I listen to Mozart
and smile.
How can anybody be so good
The sun is out
and i have told a woman how beautiful
she looked
and i intend to tell another two the same.
Still Mozart plays and still i smile
The sun is out.
Running on Empty
by Marc Carver
How i would hate to die
on a train
going to a place with money in my pockets
undrunk money
how i would hate to die as well
on top of a woman
without finishing
just take me God
when my pockets are empty
and my balls too.
Van Gogh
by Marc Carver
She told me
it was always the clouds
they all had trouble painting the clouds
I went and looked at the Van Gogh in the national
and she was right
even he couldn't do it
Premier by Marc Carver You
can't beat the first one of the day. The first poem the first beer. The first smile you get from a woman. The first kiss. The
first coffee the first
bit of food. The first
glimpse of the sun the
first drops of rain. Your
first time and not
knowing when the last
time will be. So do it
all today you just
never know when the
first could become the
Carver As I walked though the town center, coffee in one hand
coat the other my dick started
to itch for a second I thought
about asking one of the passing ladies to scratch
it for me. God knows what they would of said if I had
Always Baby by Marc Carver Somehow I thought I would of
ended up like Neruda by now on a Greek island
beach with two hot-blooded Spanish women half my age with
all the world knowing what a great poet I am. Well I would be happy to settle for the women. EVERYTIME.
Hopper by Marc Carver I look through the window of the woman next door as I
pass her light is on and she is turned
away from me. There
is an honesty in a woman who does not know
she is being seen. She ties her hair
at the back like a Hopper painting without the colors. I pass
the picture and she never knows I was there.
Edith by Marc Carver Leave no canvas unpainted, no poem
unfinished, no woman unloved, no bottle undrunk, leave no
song unsung, leave no one in any doubt of who you really are.
Today by Marc Carver Today I don't write at all I only
whisper in the wind. let life take them where they need to go. Goodbye words
Marc Carver I smell the wood burning outside it reminds me of the incense in the church the
ball moving slowly through the air the trail of the smoke as it passed through the church from front
to back always,
away from the altar and
me a boy as
innocent as I thought I was. As innocent as a pope's name pulling the white cloth over
my shoulders and
bowing every time I passed the altar, of that church that sat on the hill and looked out over the bay at everything. I had seen nothing of the world
then and perhaps it should have stayed that way.
ENOUGH by Marc Carver I had sex yesterday. I never seem to get enough not what I would like or need. or the other way around. I'm not sure. In fact I am lucky to get
any. Then I think of the famous poet librarian when asked if he had any regrets
in life he said he wished he had had more sex. Me and you too my friend. but I am not sure I could ever tell you what enough is.
Marc Carver The snail crosses the pavement like it is some vast plain
or ocean
he sees shipwrecks of his kin trampled into dust as he passes but still he pushes on he must reach the promised land he will be safe there all that
will be left is his trail as straight
as an arrow but not quite as fast.
OUT THERE By Marc Carver Outside
the heaviest rain I have ever seen thumps the earth. I count the distance between the thunder and the lightning I get an urge to go out in it cleanse my soul help my feeling of disgust. I hold back, put the football on, then turn the cable off so that all that is left is the carrier signal that looks like
tiny creatures moving about. They look a bit like each other, the rain in the window and the signal they
say is the only thing out there in space but I don't believe them.
CRAZY CRAZY by Marc Carver
There are a pair of pants on top of the small roof next to my toilet.
I know because I threw them there. Sometimes
people walk by Talking about them Like there
were some tourist attraction.
Some people have flags of their country flying from
their roofs. I have a flag of underpants from the country of crazy crazy
And it is the only country for me.
Marc Carver
As I sleep, touch your fingertips
along my fingers and arms like a pianist for whom the music
has stopped. Or even the air between and slight
a gentle wave upon the quiet sea. Rest your cupped hand upon my
bent head feel the pulses of love come from inside like a lighthouse searching the
sea and feel how much I want to love you you and the whole world. Let me love you if only just
for a bit.
WORLD by Marc Carver
Have you heard about the worst poet in the world He tells people to
F off on stage. Goes to the mic drunk. Makes
fun of people. turns up late or not at all.
if you haven't seen him I have to confess. He
Is Me.
BLIND MAN'S BLUFF by Marc Carver
I saw a woman with a blind dog waiting to get on the tube. As
I passed her I winked at her.
She did not wink back but she saw me. Maybe it was the dog who was blind or maybe she hoped she was.
DANGEROUS by Marc Carver There is something so
masochistic in me that it never leaves me so determined am I that I must leave
I am sure of it I am surprised I haven't done it already not that I could throw
myself off a bridge I don't have the courage But if I don't care what still holds me back in life
some invisible force a shield that keeps people safe from me am I really that dangerous
maybe I am THE ARCHITECT by Marc Carver There
is no feeling like
the feeling you get when you wake up at four in the
morning and
know you are the only one alive the
deadness the
stillness you
could almost be dead yourself and not know it. You start to think with a clarity that has alluded you your
whole life no
doubts nothing
to hold you back and
suddenly you want to build brick after brick those words that speak out from the
darkness tell
stories that no one will ever hear but they shout out of the silence like alarm bells warn the
sailors of the rocks that lurk underneath. So you piece them together and you know you are making something you don't know
or need to know what it is you only find out when you finish then you can stand back and see what
it is as
if you knew before you started then
you look and know and see what it is and for once you know what it is CORONA by Marc Carver Come on Corona come and get me, I
lick toilet seats, stand next to coughing people on the
tube but
still you can't get me. You
are not as tough as you think you are. What have I got to do look I am not hiding I am not in self-isolation I swim in that big pool with all the dirty
people I am like Jesus mixing with the lepers and the sick. Still nothing still no sign. They won't let me into the old people's
homes surely they have it there. I go on planes and refuse the lockdown people tell me all the time the news the
media. Pandemic,
pandemic that shout through the tubes of glass and through the laptops. The shopping centers are empty only me there
looking for the zombies the infectious but still there is no one. So if you have any guts Corona come on come and find me and we will fight
it out.
PANDEMIC by Marc Carver Every
day the clock ticks but not fast enough I think of the perfect V and the RSM saying if there was hair on
the crack of dawn he would fuck it.# All these memories all wrapped up as one and stuck into
a mind. A
history A
life and
on it goes even through a pandemic and flights being
shut down Will
it all come to an end, no not Tom Hanks too. Somedays
I think nothing can kill me. Even
now I have to write nothing
can stop that good,
bad, it doesn't really matter. Like
Picasso said as he painted on that glass while the director
told him how long he wanted and smoked his pipe I
can go on all night he said Not
bad for a man with no shirt on going into his seventies. That is what people don't understand. In life you have to do it or it kills you.
Carver I took it to the garden to bury it. Down and down I dug until I hit another one. This one was buried deep but only because I knew that I
could not open it It
had been there since the beginning of time my
time anyway. It
was impossible to open I knew that. But
this one had to go very deep now
it had come to the surface again. You
see I had almost forgot about it but it had been there always just under the
surface. So I dug and I dug
until I got tired and threw it in and covered it. The next day I was refreshed from my sleep I looked out
into the garden and there it was proud
as punch for everybody to see.
A NICE POEM FOR A CHANGE by Marc Carver The sea air passes through my fingers as I lift my hands into the air the waves
orchestrate the wind and I push them apart there is nothing but this moment to conquer no future no past nothing. All desires are taken
away by the sea and the air.
Marc Carver I hacked off my massive beard it took a while. The next day we
went to the restaurant in the hotel. None of the
waitresses recognized me and wondered who was sitting with my wife. Then one of the
waiters recognized me and came over. "What happened
to the beard?" he said. "Oh, no, I am the lover; the husband had to go home, but don't tell
anybody." He laughed as he cleared away a few plates.
Métier by
Marc Carver I stroke the
keys wait for music to come but I am no musician I can't play a damn
thing. Told a woman
today that I write poetry that is my job she asked me what about. I told her life she said she knew
I would say that. About what life puts in front of me, I don't know why I told her
I write poetry perhaps
because I needed to tell her so I can sit here and stroke these keys. Who knows what
makes a man,
Marc Carver I went up to
the boy and got a ticket for the film. He
told me the name of the film and I said what
other love is there. Unrequainted
he said yea I can't
spell it but I sure have had plenty of it but
you know every now and then you have to chance your
arm the
women asked me what I wanted I said coffee she told me she
would make it with love I
said only if it is with requainted love.
MARRIAGE By Marc Carver I told her that
was what marriage is watching
you screw up your face like a wild animal while you put your bra
on or your deodorant. Things
that other people didn't know but I had seen you do it a thousand times or more and
each time it still fascinated me. I can steal these things from your life so
I don't have to live my own I only
wish I had more people to steal from
Marc Carver Part one I walked into
the closing-down ladies’ shop not sure why went to the back
and saw a row of mannequins. I
had been after one for a while didn't buy it
straight away though but
knew I would take it home paint her then
I would think about driving around with her in my car see if anybody would
notice even thought about getting some roller skates for her and walking
around with her. "Hi,
have you met my friend?" Yea I could have some real
fun with people with that after all I have to get something from them and besides I get
lonely it’s good to have someone to talk to even if they don't talk back. Part two I went into the shop
and gave them the money the
young woman asked me if I wanted a receipt and I said I should be
okay. She
pulled it into three parts and said I can come back for a bit later if I wanted. I
said I should be okay so off I went through the shopping mall with
the crutch through one hand and the other around the tits with the base. I got some
strange looks especially from some old women. Then I wished I got
a receipt they may all think I am stealing her. I
couldn't help but think if anybody asks me I can say
it is the wife she has gone to pieces. The arm fell
off a couple of times and she started to get heavy so I had to put her down a
few times as all the kids started to come out of the college then this bloke came up behind
me. "Nice
bit of skirt," he said. "It is the wife she
is going to pieces," I said. I
got her to the car exhausted and she fell in the back. "Get up
you silly bitch." I said. Eventually
I got her home but as I got her out of there she started
to fall to pieces in the street. "Come on, pull yourself together." I got her inside
before any of the neighbors could see; now she points east in the front room. I hope the
wife doesn't get jealous.
A DAY by Marc Carver 1 I walk along the path by the river Two small
girls on bikes come up to me. I
hear them say "They
were on the wrong path," "I
have been on the wrong path my whole life," I say. But
they don't hear me. I
carry on walking down that path. 2 I walk through the field blackbirds
everywhere. Looking
for something in the grass. But
the weather is hot all
the worms hiding and waiting. As
I get closer I push my arms out from me to
form a cross and up they all go into the air. Springing up then landing again. Others
squawk he is still coming. Again
I do the same thing and the same thing happens. People
look at me so I stop and
so do the birds and everything goes back to normal as I leave. 3. I go to the park the sun
shines in the pond the
swans look at me suspiciously people
are happy and
it almost makes me cry how beautiful it all is 4. I
sometimes think life is playing with me like a zookeeper giving a tiger a hamster
every half an hour. It
gives me just enough to keep going. Like
the cat who plays with the mouse. They
both know he will die but
it is about how much pain he will suffer before he does.
IDIOTKA by Marc Carver I started
to read the idiot I
related to Myshkin straight away people
used to call me a idiot all the time I
would say things perhaps that others would not I wanted to love everyone and be loved
by everyone but
in the end I realized they could not trust it so
they just called me a fool
Carver is an old
man that occasionally manages to knock out a good poem, or two.
In Association with Fossil Publications