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Five After Wonderland
Alan Gann
rabbit dens, dark and smoky, always reminded her of
but blue bonnets in a sunny field left her unsatisfied so
Alice chased a gray schnauzer down a golden brick path,
Jung and Freud
with a corny old hippie hanging out in the field,
the horny lumberjack
who clanked so alluringly when he walked.
On her way home she was mauled by a macho lion
for years of low self-esteem.
Alice ran away with an itinerant music-poetry
learned to play the bass; got a tattoo; shaved
her head; pierced
ear, nose and nipple; overdosed on her twentieth
Alice goes to AA and even after 10 years in recovery
its still One day at a time.
as a phone-sex hostess leaves time to contemplate
cigarettes and kittens trapped in trees.
one understands her obsession,
(her analyst never cracked the code) for antique bondage toys.
Alice found her way to the top of the forest and
a guru
with very little brain—meditates on his
listens to things which can’t be heard,
finds comfort in the stroke of his paw, but still
Christopher will find his way back to the woods.
Alice sprinkled strychnine in the creepy old pedophile’s gin
—laughed as she watched his last trip down the hole.
Afterwards, everything
was pretty much okay.
Leaves, Winter Frost & an Electric-Blue Dildo
Like that copy of Ulysses so casually displayed,
its presence the unspoken lie
So long, so thick—sure to intimidate anyone
wanting just a little something to read
You complained that I’ve never written you a poem,
called upon Erato and compared you to pearls or gold
I always loved how your hair smelled like Lemon Pledge
And now I dedicate my poems
to the muse of frustration, hair shirt, emotional S&M
In a shadow cast by the old oak
moonlight filtered through the frosty window
you can see our initials engraved in laughter’s condensation
Of course that was last fall before trees turned rust;
it’s winter now; I’ve raked the fallen leaves
and it’s past time to clean that window.
Two Weeks in Rio by Alan Gann
my muses wear scarlet thongs
but only
so skirts flare high.
as foolish feet pretend.
places one hand on my left hip,
the other against my pelvis—
like this.
Oh yes, like that
three days later I wake up
missing wallet and pubic hair—
spend the rest of my vacation
prowling dark streets
looking for a club nobody knows
listening for music I cannot dance.
Cube Dweller Confession by Alan Gann
I don’t mind the
blood so much,
but cracking
sound, as axe splits our boss’s skull,
keeps that from
being my favorite workplace fantasy
(drops it to
number four,
between stock
split and copier that never jams).
No, my favorite
begins with the getaway—
leaving his
crumpled body,
feeling a tad
sorry for the putout cleaning crew,
corporate jet
parachuting into
some Caribbean paradise
that never heard
of extradition,
where rum drinks
are sweet and fruity
and served by
pliant women
wearing nearly
sufficient bikinis.
But the best part
is every year on the anniversary
I toast his ghost
and read sacks of email—
former coworkers
singing praises to my name.
And What’s Up With
the Weather
by Alan Gann
rain falls sporadically and skies shift from light gray to dark. Because politicians
hide in the restrooms
Because the greatest
generation squandered all its chances
and will not be given another
Because we dance to the talking heads
Because tourists
expect to spend their dollars
my dad taught me to shoot a 22
Because winds finally deliver autumn to our doorstep and
I do not wear sweaters
Because life and
jazz both require improvisation
Walmart sells Guinness for 2 dollars less than my local market
Because what I believe doesn’t change
Because Ray Bradbury
says we should jump off cliffs all the time
the children of teen mothers
spend more of their
lives in prison and die earlier
twelve Senators gather for breakfast and prayer
Because Tony Romo can pass for 500 yards
and the Cowboys will
still find a way to lose
Because Archer
Daniels Midland uses government-subsidized grain
to make high fructose
corn syrup
I miss getting up at 5A.M. to go fishing with my father
Because the president
lunches with CEOs
and the Koch brothers can give you 70 billion very good
Because geysers blow
regardless of who isn’t watching
Because human beings are animals evolved from other animals ad infinitum
Because every woman should have dominion over her own body
Because building
wings is not so simple as writing a novel or launching a missile
Because the piano player launches into a slow “Mood
Because abstinence
is often more theory than fact
day or night, the sun is still 93 million miles away
Because the confederate flag still flies
over the old county courthouse
Because I believe the right to bear arms is
almost as fundamental as free speech
Because they took
down the painting of Luther Burbank
his field with Roundup
Because life is
better with a syncopated beat
Because even blondes
make jokes about our governor
I no longer eat meat and still love my country
Because the odds are always 5 to 4 against
Vegas makes money no matter which way you bet
Because icebergs are melting
Because Exxon Mobil
receives over a billion dollars per year in corporate welfare
Because the bass player didn’t get to sleep last
Because our junior
senator makes our governor look like a freak’n genius
Because smart is what we work to become, not something
you were born with
Because two men can
get married in New Mexico,
be arrested in Texas, and killed in Nigeria
Because all privacy
is illusion
Because weak-willed
players cannot hit a softball question out of the infield
Because if I carried a gun, I’d take
a shot at the SUV that just cut me off
scouts learn how to light a fire without a match
Because each year Halliburton spends over a
million dollars
on political donations and lobbying
Because shepherds
watch for wolves and sheep need shearing in the spring
Because poll results do not change facts
Because nobody
should have to choose
between going to the doctor and paying their electric bill
Because, day or
night, the sun is only 93 million miles away
I no longer hunt or fish
Because the smartest teenagers will do the dumbest things
the “off” switch is broken
Because the Attorney General says we don’t
really do that anymore
Because the earth
used to be flat
barbequed tofu will never taste like great barbeque
Because stained glass hides what is on the
other side
Because clocks do
not all tick the same
and Schrodinger never placed a cat in a box
Because every year,
somewhere, the leaves turn gold and red
Congress will screw it up again and again and again
The sax player
launches into a another solo, reaching for something beyond and must fail, else never
play again. .
Most of Alan’s
friends are surprised to find he is still at large and allowed to teach creative writing workshops in at-risk schools, and
sex ed at a Unitarian Universalist church. Checkout this video about his work as a Big
Thought Fellow: http://vimeo.com/61285103. He is on the board of
the Dallas Poets Community, and is a poetry editor for their literary journal, Illya’s Honey. Somehow he still finds time to ride his bike, wander
in the woods, look at birds, and photograph dragonflies. Nobody really cares about the
Red Fez nomination for a Best of the Net award, the 2 Pushcart Prize
nominations from Red River Review, or all the journals
where he’s been published including Main
Street Rag, Sentence, Borderlands, Sojourn, and the Texas
Poetry Calendar.
In Association with Fossil Publications