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Excursion: The Cruise Ship Chronicles by Jake Sheff “Forget old or young; I grow eternal.” –
graffiti on the nude beach’s billboard The trip around the island on mopeds, from
St. Martin to St. Maarten and back, was nearly ninety
minutes. The nude beach,
with pockets of misunderestimation, took less time than
we’d expected. But normally time
produces metaphors at an astonishing rate, so we scarfed
down lobster claws and Dutch
beer with road to spare. To call the sun exaggerating
that day would be an
understatement, but two beers
would have been foolish; the unfamiliar vehicles and territory would not become a
twenty-year-old song that quickly. Let’s
get back to waging war
against war, aware of the waves out there, from places
that don’t need Tuesdays.
Sheff is a pediatrician and veteran of the US Air Force. He's married with a daughter and
a crazy bulldog. Poems and short stories of Jake’s have been published widely. A
full-length collection of formal poetry, A Kiss to Betray the Universe, is
available from White Violet Press. He also has two chapbooks: Looting Versailles
(Alabaster Leaves Publishing) and The Rites of Tires (SurVision).
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