Yellow Mama Archives II

Allen Appel

Acuff, Gale
Ahern, Edward
Allen, R. A.
Alleyne, Chris
Andersen, Fred
Andes, Tom
Appel, Allen
Arnold, Sandra
Aronoff, Mikki
Ayers, Tony
Baber, Bill
Baird, Meg
Baker, J. D.
Balaz, Joe
Barker, Adelaide
Barker, Tom
Barnett, Brian
Barry, Tina
Bartlett, Daniel C.
Bates, Greta T.
Bayly, Karen
Beckman, Paul
Bellani, Arnaav
Berriozabal, Luis Cuauhtemoc
Beveridge, Robert
Blakey, James
Booth, Brenton
Bracken, Michael
Brown, Richard
Burke, Wayne F.
Burnwell, Otto
Bush, Glen
Campbell, J. J.
Cancel, Charlie
Capshaw, Ron
Carr, Steve
Carrabis, Joseph
Cartwright, Steve
Centorbi, David Calogero
Cherches, Peter
Christensen, Jan
Clifton, Gary
Cody, Bethany
Costello, Bruce
Coverly, Harris
Crist, Kenneth James
Cumming, Scott
Davie, Andrew
Davis, Michael D.
Degani, Gay
De Neve, M. A.
Dika, Hala
Dillon, John J.
Dinsmoor, Robert
Dominguez, Diana
Dorman, Roy
Doughty, Brandon
Doyle, John
Dunham, T. Fox
Ebel, Pamela
Engler, L. S.
Fagan, Brian Peter
Fahy, Adrian
Fain, John
Fillion, Tom
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Taylor, Richard Allen
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Williams, E. E.
Williams, K. A.
Wilsky, Jim
Wiseman-Rose, Sophia
Woods, Jonathan
Young, Mark
Zackel, Fred
Zelvin, Elizabeth
Zeigler, Martin
Zimmerman, Thomas
Zumpe, Lee Clark

News Hour

by Allan Appel


Tell me more about this news hour

These sixty minutes that rivet your eyes

That I would want to look my way.

Another exploded car

The death of thousands

From flood, famine, disease.

These you loved more than me?

Embarrassed, I kept silent for years

Then one night, as the wine glasses

Finally began to tremble in our hands

I mustered the guilty courage:

Has the power of your gaze

Knitted those body parts together yet?

Flattened those poor bloated stomachs?

Driven away flies from the babies’ mouths?

Yet its absence has killed me this very night.

Then die, you said, without looking

Away from the screen and the flame.

Die right here, beside me.

This chair is comfortable

The night is long, the bottle is full

And there will be much news

To ponder before morning.

The True Miss Universe Contest

by Allan Appel


What if Miss Holland were not a stroopwafel

Miss Belize not a jaguar trailing jungle vegetation

Or Miss Ukraine not an archangel with sixteen-foot wings

And Miss USA not a glittery moon landing

What if they were physicists, beautiful Ph.Ds all

Modeling their latest research finds,

Miss Holland as a parallel universe

Would appear as a slice in the loaf of Time

Miss Belize in an intensely dark leotard

And flaming wings define her expertise in black holes

Miss Ukraine, a top mind in star formation,

Struts her dazzling stellar stuff

And Miss USA, the pride of M.I.T.’s anti-gravity dept.

Enters walking entirely on her hands,

The stilettos high above are antennae

Aimed into limitless space symbolizing

The never-ending search for extra-terrestrial life

We are likely not alone, but perhaps we should be.

Allan Appel is a long-time novelist, with about nine published including a National Jewish Book Award finalist way back when and a Barnes and Noble Disvover Great New Writers awardee, High Holiday Sutra (Coffee House Press, 2001). However, he began as a poet years before. When the pandemic struck the editor at the newspaper where he’s worked for twenty years, The New Haven Independent, anointed me their “pandemic poet,” with a mandate to chuck out one poem a week to capture the pandemic experience or some such or whatever else popped into mind. Some of the poems appearing here in Yellow Mama emerged from that experience.

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