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My Mother Dreams of Judge Judy by
Tina Barry I dream, too. In this dream,
Judy’s rage ruffles the quiet cut-outs of her collar. Madame! she shouts
at the teen mother whose boyfriend’s Pitbull bites. First it was the boyfriend and
his infected tattoo. Then his five kids. Then the biting dog. My mother’s telling
Judy about her girlhood mutt, Shadow, a dark cannonball rolling across the dim light of
memory. I see her patent leather shoes, round-toed, pumping, as she chases Shadow over
hills and onto someone’s picnic feast, one paw deep in the center of a chocolate
cake, a fried chicken leg clamped in his jaw. He should have
been on a leash! Judy says. Their laughter pocks lilac trees that open
and bloom. I’m old now; mother’s my child, just like real life. Our home, many
homes before, teeters, a teacup on the saucer of the lawn. Her bed, pale blue in the haze,
yawns wide. Buy me a dog, she says, reaching for me in our long-ago kitchen. This
micro appeared in Nixes Mate’s Spring 2021 issue and the Nixes Mate Review
Anthology: In the Time of Covid 2021. Tina Barry is the author of Beautiful Raft (Big
Table Publishing, 2019) and Mall Flower Flower (Big Table
Publishing, 2016). Her writing can be found
in The Best Small Fictions 2020 (spotlighted
story) and 2016, Trampset,Bending Genres, Unbroken, Gone
Lawn, The Maryland Literary Journal, South Florida Poetry Journal, Flash-Frontier,
Bull City Press and elsewhere.Tina is
a three-time Pushcart Prize nominee and has several Best of the Net nods. She is
a teaching artist at The Poetry Barn and Writers.com.
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