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Yo Mamma’s Food
for Thought by Keith Hoerner The origin of last meals is unclear. It is believed
French prisoners were given a glass of rum prior to their deaths.
In 16th-century England, inmates were invited to dine with their executioners.
Today, in America, the tradition has taken on its own flavorful manifestations. Jasper
County Texas State Penitentiary, 2011 He
had a tendency to whitewash everything, but that’s what White Supremacists do. “It’s
not me, some unethical morality taught through my upbringing . . . it’s just plain
fact that Caucasian males are supreme over all other human beings,” was the blather
he’d spew oh-so arrogantly. It’s supposed that the minor infraction Lawrence
Russell Brewer felt toward James Byrd, Jr. on June 7, 1998, is what drove him to chain
the disabled Byrd mercilessly by the ankles to the back of his pickup truck and drag him
to his death. “He had his thumb out hitchhiking,” said Brewer. “He could
see I was a white man; like I’m gonna be this Nigger’s chauffeur or somethin’.
Well, I gave him a ride, all right.”
- Last meal . . . two chicken-fried steaks, a pound
of barbecue, and copious, indiscriminate sides. Not taking one bite of the excessive meal,
Texas abolished its last-meal courtesy directly afterward. In
an analysis of 247 last meals, prepared in the U.S. over four years, the calorie count
averaged 2,756 with four meals estimated at 7,000 plus. Seventy percent was fried food.
From Coca-Cola to other specific brands, the choices remain unusual—in their individuality
and quirkiness. Illinois’
Old Stateville Penitentiary, 1994 Pogo
the Clown almost arrived late to the McCartneys’ house in suburban Chicago to perform
for Tommy’s 7th birthday party. Subtle, but noticeable upon a discerning look,
were the muddied ends of his faux satin, bell-bottomed costume—having just buried
yet another victim in his prolific mass-murdering spree. The total victim count of this
killer clown, surname of John Wayne Gacy, reached an unimaginable 33 young boys and men.
Today, he would pay with his life, recognized as the worst serial killer in U.S. history.
No painted-on smiles here. His pleas of innocence fell ‘frown down,’ even with
support of a self-funded 900 number as a final party trick to scam funds to stay his
- Eating a bucket of fried chicken until all pieces
‘disappeared’ is said to have been his final sleight of hand—followed by a
salty testimony of his innocence to onlookers before dying. As a ritual, the last meal is intended not to comfort
the condemned but to soften—for society—the harsh fact that a human
is about to be killed with the law's full sanction. U.S.
Penitentiary, Terra Haute, 2001 Like
many a kid, Timothy loved to play war. His young mind thought himself a great patriot.
“Get out of your trenches, you Commies,” he’d shout, rustling neighborhood
friends from under bushes and out of trees . . . then, relieving them of their arms, take
them “prisoner.” Timothy McVeigh couldn’t imagine, as a disgruntled army
veteran, his mental incapacities would tip the scales of justice proving himself anything
but patriotic: as the perpetrator of the bombing at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building
in Oklahoma, killing 168 on April 19, 1995 . . . The
worst act of American domestic terrorism after only that of the attacks against New York
and Washington, D.C. on September 11th, 2001. Standing in his stained khaki trousers
and dirty white T-shirt prior to lethal injection, he says to the guard, “Where’s
my damn ice cream, Commie?”
- Empty of two quarts of melting “mint chocolate
chip,” the bowl rested near a poem left in defiance. The words of William
Ernest Henley’s “Invictus” spoon fed his audience this sour message, “I am the
master of my own fate; I am the captain of my soul.” Most
states serve-up last meals two days before execution. Price limits vary between
states from $15 to $40. Given the maximum dollar allotment, what would be your
Anthologized often and published in 100+ lit mags across five continents,
Keith Hoerner (BS, MFA) is founding editor of the award-winning Mircrofiction ezine / print
anthology: The Dribble Drabble Review. A Best of the Net nominee, he is also a Best
Book and American Writing Award Finalist.
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