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An Education
Jon Park
twisted the
body’s head into the light, so the bullet entry wound could be clearly seen. The
bullet had entered just above the left eyebrow. Using a ballpoint pen, Vincent gestures
at the wound and turns to young Frankie, who stands off to his left.
come closer. Get a look at this,” said Vincent, beckoning him closer. “Look how
neat the entry wound is. See the cordite burn? This tells us the gun was close
to the head when it was fired. Now give me a hand to turn him and I’ll show you
the exit wound.”
reluctantly steps forward and helps Vincent turn the body onto its side. He
winces when he sees the damage to the back
of the victim’s head.
look at the
state of that,” Vince continued excitedly. “The bullet’s blown the back of the
fucker’s head off. See the bits of bone
and brain stuck in his hair. The bullet’s trajectory was pretty much straight
in and out. One time I saw a bullet that had entered the side of the head, near
the temple, and made its exit out the lower back. Pass me the saw and we’ll
take a gander inside.”
handed Vincent
the saw. He closed his eyes as its teeth bit into bone. The burger he had eaten
earlier did a double take. He prayed the
lecture would end soon, but he knew Vincent was just warming up.
let’s take
a look inside.” Vincent took hold of the top of the skull and lifted it free, with
a wet, sucking sound. “Woah! Fuck! Here, Frankie, get a load of this. The brain
looks like Jell-O.”
felt the
burger begin its ascent. He turned and stepped out of the golden rays cast by
the Cadillac’s headlights, into the cool darkness of the cornfield. Cornstalks
scratched at his skin. He bent over and threw up, trying his best to avoid his Nikes.
Over his shoulder, Vincent was laughing like a demonic hyena.
The Cadillac’s
driver door opened. From beyond the light, Frankie heard Joey shouting.
will you
stop fucking with the kid? Just get the souvenir
to show the problem is solved, and let’s get back to Tony’s and get our money.”
Joey, calm
the fuck down. I was just trying to educate the kid.”
stood up
straight. He could hear the saw biting into bone once more. He closed his eyes,
trying to shut out the
sound. The sawing stopped. Sweet silence.
called to
him. “Here Frankie, get over here and give me a hand lifting the stiff.”
made his
way back into the light. Taking a deep breath, he helped Vincent lift the body
and drop it into the shallow grave they had dug earlier.
kid, sorry
for fucking with you. No hard feelings, eh?” Vincent held out his hand. Frankie
took it, surprised at how cold it felt.
He was
still pumping
the hand as Vincent turned and began walking back to the car, laughing.
Connoisseur by Jon Park It
wasn’t unusual for Mark and his wife Sue to spend
Valentine’s night with their best friends Tony and Michelle. They had been friends
for well over ten years, spending most weekends in each other’s company. So, when
Mark had suggested rather than heading out to an overpriced restaurant in Newcastle, Tony
and Michelle could come round for a meal, they had readily accepted. Tony and Michelle arrived
at seven. Mark greeted them at the door, took their coats, and guided them straight into
the dining room. He settled them down at the table which had been hastily set for four.
A solitary, burning candle was reflected in the silver cloche that covered a plate sat
in the centre of the table. “Can
I get you some drinks?” Mark asked. “JD and coke for
me, my good man,” Tony joked. “Let’s get this party started.” “I’ll just have a
white wine, please,” replied Michelle. Mark disappeared into the kitchen to prepare
the drinks. He returned a few minutes later, placing the drinks down on the table. He sat down with his guests. “Is
Sue still getting ready?” Michelle
asked. Mark laughed.
“No, no, no, Michelle.” Michelle nervously glanced at her husband. “As
I’m sure Tony, can attest to, my wonderful, unfaithful wife, it would appear, is
always ready. Especially where old Tony is concerned.” Tony moved uncomfortably in his chair. He glanced at
his wife. “Not following you, Mark.” Mark
gave a grunt, “Well let me enlighten you, Tony.
I’ve seen the messages you’ve been exchanging. How could you? My best mate,
fucking my wife.” Tony
pushed his chair back from the table. “What the
fuck are you insinuating, Mark? Listen, if the two of you have had a lovers’ tiff,
don’t try and drag me into it.” Mark
held a mobile up so Michelle and Tony could see it. “That’s Sue’s,” said
Michelle. “Very
observant, Michelle. It’s just a pity we weren’t so observant of our cheating
spouses.” Michelle,
pushed her hands through her hair. “Mark, please. This isn’t funny. You must
be mistaken.” Mark tapped
away at his wife’s mobile. He turned the screen so his guests could see it. “Then
why would Tony feel the need to send this photo to my wife? That is your bathroom, isn’t
it?” Michelle
gave a sharp gasp. The photo showed her naked husband, his erect cock in his hand. “Oh,
no. No!” Tears filled Michelle’s eyes as she felt her world beginning to collapse. “Michelle, I can
explain,” Tony cried, reaching across the table for his wife’s hand. “Oh, really, Tony.
You can. Come on then, let’s hear it. Let’s hear why you have been sending
messages like this to my wife, and I quote. ‘You are the best fuck ever.’ Or
this one. ‘I love eating your pussy. Your tits taste of honey.’ Quite
the connoisseur, Tony.” Michelle
covered her ears. A trail of black mascara ran down her cheeks. Tony stood up. “Come
on, Michelle. Let’s go. This is all bullshit. We can talk about this at home. You
know the pressure I’ve been under at work.” “Oh,
no, please don’t go, Tony.” Mark reached across the table and took hold of
the silver cloche covering the plate. “We haven’t eaten the meal I’d
prepared. I really want to see you enjoying the taste of my wife for the last time. Here
you go, Tony. Tuck in.” Mark lifted
the silver cloche clear of the plate. Michelle
began to scream.
A Christmas Collection by
Jon Park
Brian pointed the house out. It
was set back from the main road. Hidden by two giant redwood trees that grew on either
side. Colin swung the white van, affectionally known as the “meat wagon,”
onto the narrow drive and killed the engine. The house was a single-storey, wooden structure.
Shrouded in darkness of the trees that towered above it. The garden was overgrown. He could
see parts of a pick-up truck scattered amongst the undergrowth. Brian sat slumped in the
passenger seat. He tapped away at the screen of an iPad that sat in his lap. Even the collection
of the dead had moved with the times. Gone were the clipboard and forms. All the deceased’s
data was now held in a cloud somewhere. Which amused Colin to no end, as every time he
heard this, he had the image of the recently deceased sat on this cloud, strumming away
on a harp while surrounded by filing cabinets. “Bet they didn’t tell you who
the stiff is we’re here to collect?” said Brian, his face illuminated by the screen
of the iPad. “I’m
guessing if he lives here, he ain’t no A-list celebrity.” Colin replied. “Adam Croft is his name. Or was,
should I say. Quite the celeb round here when I was a kid. I used to live just down the
street from here, on Beech Lane. This fella was the main suspect in some pretty heavy shit
back in the noughties. Me and my buddies watched the police haul his sorry arse out of
this very house. He came out kicking and a hollering like a stuck pig.” “Really?” Colin said, suddenly
interested. “What kind of shit we talking?” “He
was only the main suspect in the disappearance of seven local women. “ “How come he’s not lying dead
in a prison cell, then?” Brian opened
the passenger door and jumped from the van. Colin took another look at the house and followed
him, wanting to hear the rest of the story. Brian was already hauling the gurney
from the back of the van, lowering it onto the driveway. “Go
on then,” Colin urged. “Well,
the cops had him in custody. But then they picked up this homeless guy down at the church
shelter. He had one of the women’s purses on him. Reckoned he had found it down some
storm drain. And with no bodies, the cops released our stiff and the homeless dude went
down for life. The cops were under pressure to solve the case, I guess.” “Fuck. Don’t you just love a
happy ending on Christmas Eve? You haul the gurney and I’ll get the door. If we get
sorted quick enough, we can join the rest of the crew at Reds for a festive beer or two.” “Sounds good to me.” Colin ripped the police tape off
the door and opened it. He stood back and allowed Brian to pass with the gurney. The darkness
swallowed his partner in one gulp. Even stood here on the porch, with the door open, Colin
could smell the decaying flesh. Brian found
the light switch and lit up the hallway. Colin let the door close behind him. The hallway ran the length of the house down
into the kitchen. It was empty except for a small table set back against the wall. A black
dial telephone rested on the table. A phone book lay open next to it. Brian manoeuvred the gurney into
the living area that opened off to the left. Colin
followed. Brian found the light switch. They both stopped and looked up at the large Christmas
tree that seemed to fill the room. It was so tall; the tree’s crown was crushed against
the ceiling. “Now
that’s what I call a tree, “Brian said. “How the fuck did he manage to
get that in here?” Colin asked. “Well,
why don’t you ask him” Brian said, pointing to the frail body that lay slumped
in a battered armchair. “Adam
Croft, I presume?” said Colin, laughing at his own joke. “Let’s get him
out of here and then we can get to Red’s for that beer.” Brian pushed the gurney to the
left of the armchair and began to unfurl the body bag. Colin brushed past the tree. A large,
red bauble began to swing on its branch. He instinctively grabbed the bauble to steady
it. The bauble was the size of a small football. It looked handmade, the kind of thing
a child would bring home from school. The weight of it surprised him. “Stop admiring the tree, Colin,
and get your arse over here.” Colin gently
released the bauble and joined Brian at the gurney. They both pulled on masks and surgical
gloves. “Legs
or head?” Brain asked. Colin reached
down and took hold of the body’s thin legs. Brian took hold of the torso and together
they peeled the body away from the fabric of the armchair and laid it down gently into
the body bag. Brian gave the body a final adjustment, then sealed the bag. “We’ve
got seepage,” Brian said, pointing to the dark stains on the cushions of the armchair.
“I’ll grab a couple more bags off the van.” Colin moved to the tree. Another
bauble had attracted his attention. This one was green. Similar in size to the red bauble.
Again handmade. But it was the shape of this one that attracted him. He reached into the
tree and removed it. It was heavy. He tapped it with his finger. Turned it in a couple
of times. Then dropped it to the floor. The bauble hit the floor with a satisfying
thud and broke open. Colin reached down and lifted part of it from the floor. His stomach
dropped. He counted another six baubles of similar shape and size hanging from the tree.
Brian returned
from the van. He began to pack the stained cushions into a bag with “Surgical Waste”
written on its side. He then noticed Colin, staring back at him from across the room “You
okay, Colin? You look like you’ve seen a ghost?” “I think I have,” he replied,
holding up the jawbone he had removed from the remnants of the green bauble. He turned
and reached into the tree again. Grasped the red bauble this time and threw it down onto
the floor, already knowing what he would find.
The Grimsby Reaper
by Jon Park Steven Burnett was known as “Baby Face”
to his friends, on account of his youthful looks. The press called him “The Grimsby
Reaper,” on account of he killed his first two victims, students Mary Davis and Claire
Ward, in the apartment they shared in the North East coastal town of Grimsby. Steven’s job as a
travelling salesman, selling animal feed to farms, meant he travelled extensively across
the North of England. His killing spree went on for four years, until he was eventually
caught in York one cold December morning. He
had been staying at a hotel in the city and planned on heading home to Manchester for Christmas.
He had stopped at a newsagent to buy a packet
of cigarettes, when a young police officer, Patrick Keene, on foot patrol in the city,
spotted that the tax disc displayed in his car had expired. The
young police officer was making a note of the car’s registration, when Steven came
out of the newsagent’s. Seeing the police checking out his car, Steven panicked and
tried to make a run for it. Unfortunately for him, Patrick was the Yorkshire force’s
reigning cross-country champion. He caught Steven without breaking a sweat. When the car, registered to Steven, was searched, police
found a blood-stained towel in the trunk. Wrapped in the towel was a blood-stained hammer
and knife, the gruesome tools used to dispatch and mutilate his victims. Blood samples
lifted from the towel matched his last victim, Rosemary Stephenson, killed a week earlier
in Wakefield. Steven
was eventually charged and convicted of the murder and mutilation of fourteen
women. He was sentenced to life in prison. It was in Durham
prison, thirty-two years later, now aged sixty-two, Steven’s evil black heart exploded
in his chest. He died alone on the cold, hard floor of his cell. Guards found him the next
morning. He had been dead for several hours. All Steven recalled
of his demise, was a sharp pain in his chest and then a blinding flash. When he opened
his eyes, he found himself stood naked in a field of golden wheat. The wheat stretched
as far as he could see, gently swaying under a painted blue sky. It was so quiet. A serenity Steven had never known. The silence was broken by the sound of a bell ringing.
Steven could see a white painted church, floating on the sea of gold. He began to walk
towards it, brushing the wheat aside. As
he approached the church, one of the twin central doors opened. A woman, tall with the
body of an Olympian, a goddess, stepped from the church. The long white dress she wore
hugged her athletic figure. Hair golden, the colour of the wheat, fell about her shoulders.
Gracefully, this goddess descended
the church steps and made her way to where he was stood. Steven tried to cover his nakedness,
feeling a stirring he hadn’t felt in a long time. “Hello Steven,” she
said. “Is this heaven?” he
asked. “For some,” she replied.
Then turned and looked back at the church. “Ladies, if you please?” Steven
watched as more women began to step from the church. Fourteen of them, if he had cared
to count. All as beautiful and radiant as the goddess. They made their way down
the steps, circling him. Steven smiled and licked his lips. He failed to notice each of
the women carried a hammer and a knife. “Now, remember,
ladies,” shouted the goddess. “You have eternity. So, take your time and have
fun.” They moved forward, arms raised.
Steven began to scream.
Sibling Rivalry
in a Zombie Apocalypse by
Jon Park My
sister Sandra and I were the personification of sibling
rivalry. Let me start by saying, I loved her. I really did. After all, as they say, blood
is thicker than water. Sandra was two years younger and from the moment she made her entrance
into this world, she became my rival. Suddenly,
she was getting all of our parent’s attention. I had always been at the centre of
their universe. I was the golden one. Adored and cherished. Now, I found myself competing
with this new interloper. Now, in
our twenties, we have never stopped competing for our parent’s attention. Sandra is my nemesis. We
competed at everything. Academia. Sport.
Even relationships. Tirelessly seeking our parent’s attention and affirmation. If
I came home from school with an “A” in a subject, you could bet your last dollar,
not long after Sandra would waltz in with an A+. If Sandra ran track in a personal best,
I would go out the next day and smash her time into oblivion. If either of us brought a
boy home and Mom and Dad didn’t immediately warm to them, then they were gone. History.
Kicked to the kerb. Mom and
Dad dealt with it all with patience and good humour. They always ensured we received equal
attention. Letting us know we were both loved. Though deep down, I always suspected they
loved Sandra more. And Sandra believed I was the golden one. Mom died when we were in our
teens. So, Dad became the centre of our attention. It never phased him, he just dealt with
it in his own interminable way. When the
virus struck, I was working in finance and living in London. Sandra was studying at
Edinburgh uni. The government advised us to remain in doors and only leave home for essential
supplies. I called home to check in on Dad. Sandra answered and
explained she had moved back home to be with him. The devious bitch. That very day, I packed
a suitcase and caught one of the last trains out of Kings Cross and headed back home to
disrupt her little scheme. No way was I leaving her alone with Dad. Initially
it was strange being back home. The three of us back under the same roof. In the past few years, we only got together
for Christmas, birthdays and Mom’s anniversary. We soon fell into a simple routine. Sandra and I would shop for food and cook, while
Dad kept a check on the unfolding disaster. We still competed for Dad’s attention. That would never
end. Though now it was done with less malice and more humour. Our competitive nature took
the form of cooking. Sandra and I would take turns to prepare and cook the evening meal.
We always chose one of Dad’s favourite dishes. Every evening at
six, we would gather ceremoniously around the dining room table, taking it in turns to
present our culinary delights. It was Sandra’s
turn this time. She presented her beef casserole to Dad and handed him an ice-cold beer.
Sandra served
it up and placed the plate down before him, as if she were making an offering to
her god. As Dad tucked into the meal, Sandra, a twinkle in her eye asked him, “How’s
the casserole, Dad?” “Its
lovely, pet,” he replied, theatrically dabbing at the corner of his mouth with a
kitchen roll. “Better
than my lasagne?” I asked, suppressing a giggle. Dad looked to the
heavens. “Please, ladies. Not again. Can we just enjoy the meal?” We fell silent for a beat. Then
Sandra started. Just like she always did. “Dad?
Can I ask you something. It’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you for a
long time, but never had the courage.” Dad turned to her, a concerned
expression on his face. “Course you can love. You can ask me anything.” “It’s really
important, Dad”, Sandra continued, taking a deep breath. “Which of us is your
favourite. Me or it?” Dad almost
choked. “We always
knew this day would come, Dad,” I said. “Give it to her straight. Put her out
of her misery. We all know it’s me, your first born. I’m your favourite.” “Bull shit,”
Sandra squealed. “I’m his favourite. Tell her, Dad. End it now and we need
never speak of this again.” Dad looked
to the heavens once more, seeking divine intervention. “Now, now girls. You know
the answer.” We all laughed. Sandra and I in unison repeated
his mantra, “I love you both the same. Always have done and always will.” Sure, we laughed,
and made light of it, but deep down, I knew neither of us believed him. Then the plague played its final
card. And what an ace it was. The dead were
resurrected. Rose up like Lazarus and began to pour into the streets. We gathered round
the television and watched the news in horror as the army and police fought to control
the situation. Soon, the television screen went dark and began to broadcast an ominous
message. “Please,
remain indoors. Do not leave the safety of your home. The authorities will get to you
as soon as we can. If any member of your family dies, you must immediately place them outside.
You must remain indoors.” The dead
began to appear on our street. Initially it was just one or two. Dad said if we were
careful, our food should last a couple of weeks. We just needed to stay put
until help arrived. We lost power a week later. Thankfully we could still get water and
so we filled the bath up as a precaution. Without the television, we spent
the days watching the street outside as it filled with the dead. We even recognised some
of our neighbours amongst them. Early one
morning, we heard a commotion outside. Mrs Burnett, the old lady across the street was
stood at her door. She held a broom in her hand and we watched in horror as she stepped
out onto her porch and tried to move the dead that had gathered on her lawn as if she was
trying to brush up fallen leaves. We all frantically waved, urging her to go back inside. The dead fell
upon her like a pack of wild dogs. We covered our ears to try and block out her screams
as they ripped her apart. Dad pulled
the curtains closed. But the horror remained. We could hear the dead as they clawed
and brushed against the outside of the house. The smell of rotting flesh was unbearable.
The slightest sound would animate the rotting mass. Dad
decided we should retreat down into our basement. I
was reluctant at first. No way did I want to be trapped down there if those things broke
in. When Sandra bounced down the basement steps, I quickly followed. And, so down there
we sat, an old camping lantern our only source of light. Above us, we could still hear
those creatures, scratching to get in. When our food ran out, we knew no one was coming
to rescue us; so, we agreed it was time to get out and find help. At sunrise, we
crept up from the basement and looked out into the front street. A sea of dead swayed back
and forth. Submerged beneath this rotting mass of flesh was our car. No way would we be
escaping that way. Dad frantically rubbed
at his forehead. “Let’s check the back yard,” he said. We followed him
into the kitchen. Out in
the yard, we counted twelve dead. They stood like sinister scarecrows, barely moving. “Right,
we’ll have to go out this way,” Dad said. “We just need to get past those
bastards.” “We’ll
need a car,” Sandra replied. “There
is no way any of us can out run those things.” “Let me take a look
from upstairs,” Dad replied. After a few
minutes he rejoined us in the kitchen. “Okay.
Howie’s yard next door is clear. The Berlin wall has kept those things out. His pickup
is there as well and I have a spare set of keys for it.” Howie
was our neighbour. When he first moved in next door,
he had torn down the battered fence between our properties and built the wall. He worked
offshore and had been away when the pandemic kicked off and we hadn’t heard from
him since. The wall was over six feet tall and ran the length of our yard down to the back
lane. “Now
all we need to do is get over the wall and we’re on our way. So, girls if you want
to grab a few things and we’ll get this show on the road.” Sandra and I
packed a few items of clothing in our back packs then rejoined Dad in the kitchen. He was
stood at the door that led into the yard, watching the dead. “Okay, Sandra, you ready? When I open this door, you run for the wall like
the devils on your tail and get over into Howie’s yard.” “What
about them?” Sandra asked, pointing at the dead. “Don’t you worry,
I’ll take care of them with this,” and he held up one of his golf clubs. “Rosie
will be right behind you. She’ll help you over the wall. Okay, you ready?” “I don’t think I
can do it,” Sandra whispered. “That’s
okay, love. No problem. Rosie can go first.
You follow her okay.” Dad turned to me “Okay kid, you’re up.” “Wait,
wait. I’ll do it,” Sandra cried. I could see the fear in her eyes. “I’ll
go first.” “Great,
good girl. Now, get ready. When I open this door, you kick for that wall and don’t
look back. You hear me?” Sandra
nodded. She clutched the holdall to her chest. Dad’s hand hovered over the door handle.
She stepped forward. I watched as Dad brushed the hair from her face and gently
planted a kiss on her forehead. He then hugged her close. “I love you
baby girl.” Then he unlocked the door. I reached out and touched Sandra’s
arm. “I’ll be right behind you.”. Dad pulled the door open. Sandra leapt through it. I watched her go, legs
pumping as she made her way across the yard towards the wall. The zombies had already started
to move towards her. I took a deep breath and stepped forward, ready to follow. Dad blocked
me and pushed me back inside and closed the door. “What the fuck, Dad,
what are you doing.” He was crying, tears streamed down his cheeks. He held the door
firmly closed. I could
see Sandra had reached the wall. The dead were already closing on her. She looked back
at the house, searching for me. She turned and leapt at the wall, got a grip of
the top and began to pull herself up. I gasped as she slipped and fell, landing on her
back. I pleaded with
Dad to help her. He looked down at the floor and held the door firmly closed,
pushing me back. Sandra was back on her feet. The zombies almost upon her. She swung her
backpack in a wide arc, trying to keep them back. Our eyes met. Confusion and fear etched
upon her face. She pushed a zombie back, avoiding its snapping jaws. All the dead in the
yard had now converged on her and the realisation hit home. Dad opened the door
and pushed me outside. I tried to run to Sandra, but he grabbed my arm and dragged me across
the yard to the wall. The zombies were preoccupied with my little sister. Dad pushed me up onto the wall
then clambered up next to me. Just before
he dragged me down into the safety of Howie’s yard, I glanced back to see one of
the zombies had broken through Sandra’s defence and was dragging her down the wall
as she held its snapping jaws away from her face. Dad shoved me into
Howie’s pickup and climbed in beside me. The pickups engine fired into life. I watched
as he wiped his arm across his face, punched the pickup into gear and we leapt forward,
crashed through the wooden gate and bounced out into the back lane. As we drove down
the lane, we could hear Sandra’s screams. Dad looked straight ahead, hands
gripping the pickup’s steering wheel. His
cheeks were wet with tears and he kept repeating, “I had no choice. I had no choice.”
And I smiled. He did have a choice. It was me. I was his favourite.
Jon Park Inspired by Cindy
Rosmus’s story “Hidey-Hole” It was Henry, one
of Tony’s drinking buddies, who told him about Madam Maree. “She
sees shit, man,” Henry said. “Speaks to the dead, I’m telling you. I
heard she helped the cops solve a murder. Told them where to find the bodies. I shit you
not. She’s got the gift.” Tony found Madam Maree’s
place downtown, nestled between a boarded-up thrift store and a 24/7 laundromat. Stencilled
across the smoked glass shop window in gold lettering was “Madam Maree—Come
in and meet your future. Groups welcome.” Checking
the laundromat was empty, Tony entered Madam Maree’s store. He locked the door
behind him and turned the sign to “Closed.” A battered sofa pushed against the
window and a coffee table were the only furnishings in the room. The place smelt of damp.
Another door led into the back. A sign hung from this door that read “Knock and wait
to be summoned.” He knocked. After a beat, a
voice called. “Madam Maree requests you to enter.” Tony touched the gun tucked
in his belt for reassurance. He opened the door and entered. The
room was almost in darkness. A single bulb hung above
a circular table positioned at the centre of the room. Sat at the table shuffling a pack
of cards, her face behind a veil, was Madam Maree. “Welcome to your
future. I am Madam Maree. Please take a seat and we will begin.” The chair opposite Madam Maree moved out. Nice
touch, Tony thought. He sat down. Madam Maree began to place the cards face down onto the
red cloth that covered the table. “First,
we must make a payment to the spirits,” she said, as the last card was placed down
onto the table. Tony tossed a twenty onto the red cloth. “Good. Now let us
begin. We must connect so the spirits can read your aura.” Madam Maree reached her
frail hands towards him across the table. Tony took hold of them. Her hands were warm and
dry, skin like dead leaves. They sat
in silence until Madam Maree suddenly released his hands as if she had been bitten
by a snake. Her dark eyes peered across at him from behind the veil, puzzled. “Oh! The spirits see a
darkness. A sadness. Perhaps it’s a lost loved one you seek?” Tony smiled. He had no intention
of giving her anything she could work with. “Now,
we will look to the cards for answers.” Madam Maree began to move her right hand
over the table. She selected a card and turned it over to reveal the image of a maiden
dancing in the sunlight. “Ah,
the spirits have guided my hand to this card. It’s a woman you seek. A love gone
too soon, perhaps. Do you have something you want to say to her?” Tony shook his
head. If Madam Maree was as good as Henry claimed, she wouldn’t be needing any prompting
from him. Undeterred,
Madam Maree again moved her hand across the cards. Selected one and turned it over.
This card showed the image of a field of golden wheat. Tony almost laughed at the puzzled
look on her face. Madam Maree
held her hand up as if halting traffic. “The spirits guide my hand,” she said,
although with not as much conviction, Tony thought. She moved her hand once more across
the table. Eventually, her finger fell upon a card. Slowly, she turned it over, as if already
knowing what it would be. The card revealed a dancing skeleton swinging a scythe. Madam Maree let
out a gasp. “No. The girl is dead. I can hear her voice. She is not alone. Oh
no, you . . .” She fell silent and pushed back from the table. “Got to hand it to
you, Madam Maree, you’re the real deal,” Tony said as he pulled the gun and
pointed it at her across the table. “Just a shame you didn’t see this coming.” Madam Maree leaned
across the table towards him. “Oh, but I did.” Tony felt the cold blade press
against his throat. “Now,
do you want me to tell you how this ends?”
Park lives in the North East of England and loves to
write. His story “Too Tough to Die,” appeared in Gabba Gabba Hey,
an anthology of fiction inspired by the music of the Ramones published by Fahrenheit Press
in 2021. He loves loud music and plays
guitar badly. If you meet him, you will need to shout.
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