Yellow Mama Archives II

Ayaz Daryl Nielsen

Acuff, Gale
Ahern, Edward
Allen, R. A.
Alleyne, Chris
Andersen, Fred
Andes, Tom
Appel, Allen
Arnold, Sandra
Aronoff, Mikki
Ayers, Tony
Baber, Bill
Baird, Meg
Baker, J. D.
Balaz, Joe
Barker, Adelaide
Barker, Tom
Barnett, Brian
Barry, Tina
Bartlett, Daniel C.
Bates, Greta T.
Bayly, Karen
Beckman, Paul
Bellani, Arnaav
Berriozabal, Luis Cuauhtemoc
Beveridge, Robert
Blakey, James
Booth, Brenton
Bracken, Michael
Brown, Richard
Bunton, Chris
Burke, Wayne F.
Burnwell, Otto
Bush, Glen
Campbell, J. J.
Cancel, Charlie
Capshaw, Ron
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Carrabis, Joseph
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Crist, Kenneth James
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De Neve, M. A.
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Dillon, John J.
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Miller, Dawn L. C.
Mladinic, Peter
Mobili, Juan
Montagna, Mitchel
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Myers, Beverle Graves
Myers, Jen
Newell, Ben
Nielsen, Ayaz Daryl
Nielsen, Judith
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Owen, Deidre J.
Park, Jon
Parker, Becky
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Potter, John R. C.
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Sheff, Jake
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Short, John
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Slota, Richelle Lee
Smith, Elena E.
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Surkiewicz, Joe
Swartz, Justin
Sweet, John
Taylor, J. M.
Taylor, Richard Allen
Temples. Phillip
Tobin, Tim
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Traverso Jr., Dionisio "Don"
Trizna, Walt
Tures, John A.
Turner, Lamont A.
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Tyrer, DJ
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Viola, Saira
Waldman, Dr. Mel
Al Wassif, Amirah
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Weld, Charles
White, Robb
Wilhide, Zachary
Williams, E. E.
Williams, K. A.
Wilsky, Jim
Wiseman-Rose, Sophia
Woods, Jonathan
Young, Mark
Zackel, Fred
Zelvin, Elizabeth
Zeigler, Martin
Zimmerman, Thomas
Zumpe, Lee Clark

immobile death mask


by ayaz daryl nielsen


immobile death mask

repeated over and over

all of our goodbyes

moonless night

by ayaz daryl nielsen


moonless night

the hopelessness

of shadows

moonlit breeze through a forest


by ayaz daryl nielsen


moonlit breeze through a forest

green leaves sway within rhythms

of a woodland’s subtle sutra



by ayaz daryl nielsen



my young nephew insists

need deodorant, too


nighttime moonlight—

our shadows

race us home


my young nephew’s

silly joke—

and he insists

our shadows

are laughing


black cat attack

a pounce upon

my moonlit shadow


stepping back

just in time—

the shadow of

a passing cab

just misses

a pen with red ink


by ayaz daryl nielsen



an overnight rain

a morning walk

mist and moistness

a pen with red ink

she’s asleep, at home, her heart, at rest

redwing blackbirds, prairie dogs,

rabbits, wood ducks, a blue heron

a light wind, ripples across the lake

warmth rises from the wooden dyke

gramma grass, mountain mahogany

aspen grove and an old cottonwood

yesterday, these moments, and tomorrow

and quite beautiful


by ayaz daryl nielsen


distant space station

these lady ambassadors

from a nearby moon

in formal attire

golden bells on 

their silver horns



by ayaz daryl nielsen







two karma bandits

and a centuries-old affair

an incarnate love beyond all known lifelines


and they are prancing


by ayaz daryl nielsen


and they are prancing

dancing in our deepest sleep

tomorrow's new poems

crows in our hayloft


by ayaz daryl nielsen



crows in our hayloft

the swarms of rapid cawing

as their nests widen

Spring kicks off its boots


by ayaz daryl nielsen


Spring kicks off its boots

summer's green grass is sprouting

dew between bare toes

blind heredity


by ayaz daryl nielsen


blind heredity

the tyranny of our glands




moonlit wind through the forest


by ayaz daryl nielsen


moonlit wind through the forest

leaves swaying within the rhythm

of a woodland’s silent prayers

a warm melody


by ayaz daryl nielsen


a warm melody

in the symphonies playlist

here’s where my heart sings

winter continues


by ayaz daryl nielsen


winter continues

between the falling snowflakes

meadowlark chirping


basking in sunlight


by ayaz daryl nielsen


basking in sunlight

mushrooms and these wildflowers

earth’s emissaries

found floating above


by ayaz daryl nielsen


found floating above

my friend, the poet’s, gravesite

yes, a few more poems

from the horizon


by ayaz daryl nielsen


from the horizon

sunrise softly whispering

"all that we shall do"

this culture of ours


by ayaz daryl nielsen


this culture of ours

tradition's contributors

sincere hell-raisers



by ayaz daryl Nielsen


prosperous cities

dark clouds devouring them

more Russian missiles

she blew me a kiss


by ayaz daryl nielsen


she blew me a kiss

in the middle of my wink

moment of return

so much in common


by ayaz daryl nielsen


so much in common

traveling on a country road

named “the two of us”

and they are prancing


by ayaz daryl nielsen


and they are prancing

dancing in our deepest sleep

tomorrow’s new poems

full of thoughts and hopes


by ayaz daryl Nielsen


full of thoughts and hopes

dreams upon my windowsill

I open it wide

threading a needle


by ayaz daryl nielsen


threading a needle

sewing buttons on my vest

each with a heartbeat

and certain poems

by ayaz daryl nielsen

and certain poems
brighten our hopes and thoughts
presence of their love

what haiku will do

by ayaz daryl nielsen

what haiku will do
take a lack of certainty
and mentally chew

the full moon's light

by ayaz daryl nielsen

the full moon's light
upon wild white roses
our way home

ayaz daryl nielsen, veteran and hospice nurse, lives in Longmont, Colorado, USA. Editor of bear creek haiku (35+ years/175+ issues) with poetry published worldwide, he is online at:  bear creek haiku   poetry,     poems and info. Among other deeply appreciated honors, he is especially delighted by the depth and heart of poets worldwide whose poems have a home in bear creek haiku’s print and online presence.

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