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A dispute over a gambling debt by
Mark Young All day deciding what aspect ratio your videos should be. Even- ing arrives. Time to post them to social media. Then update your
LinkedIn bio so you stand out from the crowd. Spend all night wondering & worrying if you should share the update with your network. How often have you thought or said this to your- self out loud? "Incentives can
be used to maximize the survey response rate." Only now
you've started on the path to becoming part of a new species that
repro- duces by binary fission. The dialogue surrounding non- binary identities hasn't shifted.
Glockenspiel by Mark Young The meistersingers of Düsseldorf roam
the streets, ostensibly to recite poems but in reality looking for ways to make more money off of passers-by by re- fining their ability to extrapolate
data from clothing & shoe sizes, then using it to find what skeletons are buried where & which seem most favorable for blackmail.
Young was born in New Zealand but now lives in a small town in North Queensland in Australia.
He has been publishing poetry for over sixty years, and is the author of around sixty books,
primarily text poetry but also including speculative fiction, vispo, creative non-fiction,
and art history. His most recent book is The Sasquatch Walks
Among Us, from sandy press, available through Amazon.
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