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winter blues by J. J. Campbell endless grief on these days cold, dark winter blues ripping the night open with heartbreak and despair the old lovers come armed to the teeth they are out for their pound of flesh you’re too cool to
play the victim the sharp tongue ready for any battle certain assholes know how much fun it is to burn the fucking bridges with people still
on it
this damn void by J. J. Campbell another morning that
the world didn’t end while i was sleeping yet
another cup of coffee that isn’t strong enough trapped
in this damn void destined
for nothing other than empty promises and endless
suffering love is a myth anymore one
of those tales you tell children to give them hope
the back of my brain by J. J. Campbell searching for the words some emotion that describes the
moment some desire tucked
deep in the back of my brain cheating death running out the clock on life all my dreams have
been ruined before i even got the
chance to have them another bleary winter day the love of your
life somewhere unknown to you rinse and repeat does nothing
change because i enjoy the madness or i don’t deserve
any better than this
this digital society by
J. J. Campbell first day of spring frost in the morning sunshine all
afternoon the spanish princess
like a lost dream the muse comes and goes like a cold
wind did you ever have a dream
so vivid that it became a nightmare every lost soul
knows the
same three chords subtle beauty gets lost in this digital
society not sure which emoji
used for that one
the lasting angst by
J. J. Campbell soft black skin monday afternoon thirty
some years ago your lips tasted like cherries i always dreamt the
rest of you did as well lost chances and the lasting angst of what could have been time was supposed to
heal all this shit more lies i guess so children don’t worry
and have ulcers
before they graduate high school
sock drawer by
J. J. Campbell i remember the first
time i found where
my father hid his cash he always was a simple fuck so the sock drawer was
the first place i
looked a stack of twenties
as high as the drawer i took one and would
continue to take one
every couple of weeks until my parents got divorced he paid for most of
the alcohol, the music, the
drugs, the concert tickets and the books the endless amount
of books i never thanked him
for being a dumb fuck he stopped talking
to me long before he died i still have dreams
of setting the casket on fire he’s buried at the veteran’s
cemetery along with
his second wife or how i like to think of it the second family he
ruined i still have some of
the books and music those
twenties bought back in the day i wish i still had
the drugs i
squeezed more creativity out of the neon than i could
ever imagine J.J. Campbell (1976 –?)
is old enough to know better. He's been widely published over the years, most recently
at Black Coffee Review, Synchronized Chaos, The Black Shamrock, Horror
Sleaze Trash, and The Beatnik Cowboy. You can find him most days on his mildly
entertaining blog, evil delights. (https://evildelights.blogspot.com)
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