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Job Requirement by
Damon Hubbs the guy my wife hired to do the
job sat in his van— Heating & Sons, a
white number with rust creeping the
wheel well like phlox —fucking around on his phone
and watching the neighbor’s daughter do cartwheels in the yard.
The daughter has really grown
up this summer so I can understand his interest.
The guy in the van doesn’t know I’m watching him from my desk
on the second floor but
I’m pretty sure my neighbor has caught me watching
his hot little daughter too, a blossom in
our princedom by the sea where watching is a neighborhood event like
a block party or school raffle
or a Saturday bake sale for Mrs. McKnight’s cancer recurrence. The
doorbell finally rings around 10:20
AM and when I open the door I think to myself really,
a guy like this can’t fill the job requirement. And I’m right. As
soon as he reaches into his tool bag
for the taser and lead pipe I’ve got him on the living
room floor half-choked out. In hindsight, tenderizing his frontal
lobe with a marble ashtray might
have been too much. But my wife loved that
ashtray. It used to be shaped like a turtle.
Year of the Rabbit by
Damon Hubbs rival dragons
dance & burn down
Hatseller St., chasing a
rabbit with a strong jaw &
a foot like a gun that doesn’t jam I
watch fireworks split- screen
the midnight marquee try
to work the angles on
the best way to cheat fate Marathon
Key by Damon Hubbs from
the back cabana the sun drops like a doomed
voyage by balloon we disrupt leisure
with danger on
the edge of the continent salvage work, really but who owes what to whom autopsying
in the glare
nothing connects, it coincides a bellwether for the imps & iguanas to hold high carnival
Pretzels by
Damon Hubbs eight yrs old & hawking pretzels on the corner of Aldine St for his father, The Roofer pretzels the watchword
for tickets to Newark’s East Ward
street races, The Roofer the guy who fixes
those races father liked a straight shot never drive a crooked road, he’d say little good it did
he ended up touge like sourdough in a trash compactor in Little Rhody
Times Argus by
Damon Hubbs the paper isn’t the hundred-eyed Greek giant its name suggests and that’s how Jimmy
got away with it for so long
he’d worked the sports beat for years covering Double-A games down at Damaschke Field. Jimmy knew the park well he knew where the
high school girls got picked up for soccer
practice and how
long it took their parents to get there. Jimmy
knew the way Umbros fit the leg the touch the dribble pink high gloss and
matte rubbing the sheer afternoon
sunlight he knew if one of the girls walked
home alone backpack over her shoulder taking the shortcut to a cold mutilated mattress in a dark, locked room
Black-Eyed Susans by Damon Hubbs
Members of the Garden Club meet
in the Little Red Schoolhouse every Tuesday and
Thursday and believe, like Bonnard that decoration is the principal duty of art.
spring, in addition to sprucing up the
traffic circle with black-eyed Susans and
hosting Stone Wall Appreciation Day, the
Club put together a cookbook that won an award from the state and federal Garden Federation.
Sales from the cookbook helped restore the
original blackboards that hang on the walls of
the Little Red Schoolhouse and the chimney the
Historical Society says was built from local
river rock the dormer windows, too are no longer glazed
and swollen against the schoolhouse’s
little red face, shuttering attic secrets
in First Period bruises.
Girls’ Night Out, '87 by Damon Hubbs what our mugshots
in the photo booth at Quarterworld
lack in terms of a getaway
car make up for with karaoke you singing Culture
Club into a hairbrush you fingered
from Claire’s because the guy in homeroom called you Medusa we roofie him when he goes to the
salad bar at Ruby Tuesday’s and watch as he turns to stone
Invasive Species by Damon Hubbs Booth & Jackie
ran a con at the RMV smooth
& tapered as the tail of a ten-foot blue catfish, $1,000 bought a bogus test score if you lurched curb during a
parallel park or couldn’t read a STOP sign, the only way upstream
is on a lie filled with promise
& licensing promises was their business, saving two bits to bank, working
their Tannen’s Magic Shop
with no sign of the trouble boys. Had branch managers under the thumb too, collected them like an entomologist collects
caterpillars—specimens posed on sprigs twelve eyes, six
on each side, teeny-tiny hillocks
arranged in front of a green screen or vialed like dying vegetation.
At night Booth & Jackie screeched the highway half-mooned in love, eating
pecan pie or a stack of wheats at the
diner on Route 150, watched the sun d. t. the horizon in mad rattlesnake
flames, the promise of escape fresh on their
lips, the swamps & mini-malls
& places where things are forgotten already taking it on the heel &
toe. But lovers live in a lair
made by draughtsmen dreamers & escape was as counterfeit
as the day they met. Memory is funny
that way, forever folding into darkness. At that party on the rutted rivulet of road, in a house blotched against the river like
an angry bite, their bodies wriggled like jeweled eggs eating their own egg cases & after the
third shot & fourth molt Booth & Jackie
left together, an invasive species.
But now April’s flush is on & they’ve run lovestruck through their allotment of instars— “hush, baby,”
says Booth, his foot making the engine sing as red & blue lights fishtail the
rearview. Her skin prickles like a bug zapper,
hush, a rich hiss of flame & then it’s over—
shards of windshield, a hideous squish tweezing the
thorax, the car
unwinged, careening in the understory.
Beachwood Canyon by Damon Hubbs loose and shaggy up
the ridge telephone wires sag like earthquakes the sky is blue eye shadow from Hollywood to Silver Lake, and with the wide angle of a wooden Kodak camera they see the matinee idol in a storybook gable and the aging vaudeville
star with a powdered white smile and the actress from Moline destined for greatness who told the Rock Island Argus she began her career as Jesus then posed in a beaded kimono for Cosmo now dances to a nickel
piano in the ferry's bar to San Quentin cut to the body, the
blood, the birds like bit part players in the pines. The News Bureau’s wire reporter describes a coyote with a strong
jawline and Beachwood Canyon’s secret stairs stop and start again somewhere
Stick Horses by Damon Hubbs across the board the girls at Stoneleigh-Burnham
love the Rail Guy, he talks bullrings and bridge jumps with the best of them a dark horse with green eyes like wandering guitar players; nose, neck, and head at a starting price to bankrupt empires says his mother was
the queen of Ladies’ Day at Ascot says her face launched a thousand strikes on the train line from
Waterloo; says his father was a gunman in the kidnapping of Shergar in ’83, the record setting wonder horse a ransom to raise cash for the IRA the girls are too young to know how that turned out, too young to know his father was just a forklift operator at Logan with a weekend gig cleaning the backstretch at Rockingham Park but the Rail Guy knows how to drive a flat race,
how to jockey favor and monkey crouch strum love songs with his green eyes to chalk the odds he buys them accessories, brushes and styles manes plays dressage with
his hobbyhorses mixing bloodlines on the dormitory’s basement couch
Damon Hubbs: film & art
lover / pie bird collector / author of the chapbook The Day Sharks Walk on Land
(Alien Buddha Press). His second chapbook, Charm of Difference, is forthcoming in
2024 (Back Room Poetry). Recent poems have been featured in South Broadway Press, Lothlorien
Poetry Journal, Fixator Press, Otoliths, Apocalypse
Confidential, and Book of Matches. He lives in New
England. @damon_hubs
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