Yellow Mama Archives II

G. Emil Reutter

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Belle in the Bottom *


by g. emil reutter


It was a brutal night

the kind they say

a man’s breath

freezes in the air.

Navigating through

a thick fog, a schooner

alerted Willets of

Tuckerton there were

cries moaning from

the shoreline.


Willetts and crew shoved

off blinded by the fog

as its ships bell rang and

clanged into the deafening

mist. No cries could be heard

no other bells rang, just

dead air.


Several hours they searched

along the outer bar for the

troubled ship to no avail.

Then suddenly the darkened

hull of an overturned ship

did appear in the shoals.

Bodies bobbed in the sea

bodies hung from rigging

none alive. Steadying

themselves Willets and

crew climbed aboard the

barnacled hull of the beached



Just underfoot near the keel

Willets heard a tapping coming

from below. Ax in hand he began

chopping, tearing, chopping the

hull. The wood gave way and a

young woman was pulled from

the hull to safety. Her name was

not written down, she knew no

English. Upon reaching land

she marked the sand, disappeared

into the foggy mainland never to

be seen again. Some say she went

to Philadelphia, some say she went

into the pines and others say she

never left. Her name unknown as

the ship she was aboard


Anonymous, the belle in the bottom

survived, sailors frozen to death in

the shoals, a ship destroyed in the

hard winter of the Atlantic and a

town born of the sorrow.    



*The Town, Ship Bottom, New Jersey



by g. emil reutter


We pass through the eye at

Holgate as Atlantic winds push

back, Wooden Jetty beach to the

left, Forsythe Refuge to the right.

Quiet roar of broken waves on beach

silent violence of undertow drains

powerfully pushing under white caps

under surfers, under boats to whence

it came. She paints seashells with marker

handing out as souvenirs to beachgoers



Just north of her is a photographer

capturing image after image of the horizon

of breakers of the jetty when she hears

singing to the south of her, points her

camera and zooms in only to see nothing.

Sirens sing as a boat crosses Little Egg

Harbor Inlet, crew ignores the breathless

sounds, passes through as watery admirers

look upward lustfully through sun glint.   



by g emil reutter


Beats of rain thump crescendos.

Wind builds as a string section

of an orchestra, swirls down

the avenue. Hydroplaning

squealing cars crisscross

visibility, reduced thickness

of downpours. Water table

rises. Ponding water streams

flowing between homes, deluge

overflows sewer. Water seeps up

through century old pipes and



Pump buzzes, water gushes

into laundry room tub. Pump, mop

mop and pump. A man with one eye

on a puppet string saddle, walks the

pipe, four cracks. Digger arrives

splits the floor with slug of sledge

hammer. Vibrations of jack hammer

rat a tat, bang, thud, bang thud.


Pulls the rotten pipe from the soaked dirt

places new iron in the floor. . . .


No more water in the basement, he



Maker comes to bind up the floor

mix and mix, cement rises in mixing

tub, fills the holes, covers the pipe.

Thirty-nine feet, fill and smooth

smooth and fill and the water shall

not enter again.


Pump buzzes, gushes water

draining in laundry room tub. Water

has entered again. Pump and mop

mop and pump as water pours in

from foundation, settles on the floor

appears as a small swimming pool, pump

and mop, mop and pump, over and

over for seven hours as water pours

in, water table rising, bubbling inside

the basement.


Digger returns. All is good with the

iron pipe, as the water continues to

flow. We head outside to gutters creating

a stream between the homes, rising and

falling. Digger drops green. Watches dye

flow downhill. Lightning and thunder

spark the air, gusting wind whistles. We

are drenched. Digger departs. Time to

rest and when returning to the basement

Irish green glimmering in the new pond

on the floor where saturated paint peels.

Once again, pump and mop, mop and

pump until the storm rescinds, clouds

part, sunshine returns. 

g emil reutter is a writer of poems and stories. He can be found at:

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