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Ron Riekki
The Cop and the Medic by Ron Riekki
“The world is crazy.” “No, no insanity there. They knew what they were doing.” “Both
medics are dead?” “Yup.” “You know either of ‘em?” “No.” “You don’t seem affected.” “I didn’t know ‘em.” “But they’re medics.” “They were. They’re
corpses now. I didn’t know ‘em alive and I
don’t know ‘em dead.” “Jesus.” “Jesus has nothing to do with this.” “I’m just saying, if these were two dead cops, I’d
be pissed.” “Well, I’m not happy about it.” “Nothing
you can do?” “They’re dead. This
is coroner stuff now.” “You’re not going to try to
bring them to the E.R. or nothing?” “Bring two corpses to the
E.R.? You know how pissed they’d be. The E.R.s are filled with everyone. Families. Kids.
Babies. Whatever. You know
how angry they’d be if I bring in a couple corpses?
I can’t do that. I have to
go back to that E.R., probably tonight. You
do something like that and you’re gonna get blacklisted. Nurses hate corpses. Docs
too. Me too.” “OK, OK.” “I’m just saying.” “OK. Where you take ‘em then?” “The
coroner’s supposed to come. But sometimes
they make us take ‘em to the morgue. Which
I hate, because I’m not a taxi driver. I
have other things I could be doing, like saving people’s lives, not driving dead
people around.” “So what’re you doing
now?” “Wait.” “For the
coroner?” “Yup.
And you?” “Wait.” “For who?” “Detectives.” “So we’re both useless.” “We’re both useless. But we’re getting
paid. What you make?” “You
don’t wanna know.” “I do.” “Yeah,
because you make more than me.” “Probably.” “Dick.” “No, what you make though?” “Nineteen.” “An hour?” “Nineteen.” “That’s terrible.” “I didn’t get into medicine for the money.” “I thought that’s the only reason people get into medicine.” “What you make?” “I’m salary.” “OK.” “Not hourly.” “OK, quit beating around the bush.” “Forty.” “An hour?” “Thousand.” “A year?” “A
year.” “I can make that, but only with crazy
overtime. And I fucking hate overtime. Overtime is where you kill people, make mistakes,
swap bottles, fuck up. Overtime and medics
should never go together.” “I’m on overtime right now.” “Hate it.” “Hey, I’m salary, so there’s
no overtime for me. That’s why we always
get it.” “We had a guy, fell asleep,
an EMT, driving the ambulance, because those fuckers really have to live off
overtime. You can’t pay rent as an EMT
without overtime.” “He die?” “The EMT?” “Yeah.” “No.” “He
probably wished he was dead though, crashing an ambulance.” “Exactly.” “The patient get hurt?” “What patient?” “The one in back of the
ambulance.” “Oh, no.
There wasn’t no patient. Just him and his partner. His partner got fucked up. He was sleeping on the back gurney,
which is nasty. Patients die on those
things. Bad luck to sleep on a gurney.” “Well,
he found out.” “Exactly.” “So, I’m
curious, a lot of you guys die? On the job?” “Medics?” “Yeah.” “Some. I suppose.” “How many died at your company?” “Since I been there?” “Yeah.” “Just these two. No, three. Another guy
too.” “What happened?” “Suicide.” “Oh, I don’t count those.” “You don’t count suicides?” “No, with cops. No.
We only count the guys who get shot by other people.
Or crashes. Or whatever. But we don’t count the suicides.” “Why not?” “We just don’t.” “Who’s ‘we’?” “Me.” “So you don’t count the suicides?” “No.” “So how many cops died since you
started working?” “I’m new.” “How
new?” “Nine months. A pregnancy.” “You’re a rookie?” “I don’t like to think
so. How long you been a medic?” “Nine
years.” “A dozen pregnancies.” “Well,
two. I got two kids.” “I’d never have kids.” “Why?” He points to the ground. We look at the bodies. He’s right. They
were doing CPR on a kid, a child, but turns out the child was in a gang and the gang members
from the opposing gang didn’t want the kid’s life saved, so they opened fire. Just killed ‘em all. The kid, both medics, and some guy who happened to be on the street. We didn’t even focus on that guy. When we arrived, we focused like lasers on the medics. One was obviously dead. Took
one to the head. But the other one, we tried
to save him, but it was useless. He’d
lost about three liters of blood. You ain’t
coming back from that. It was all over
the ambulance. Doing CPR on an
ambulance, the back doors open, and this kid walks up, just sprays ‘em. Then turns and just randomly shoots some guy
on the street. The world is crazy.
And I got two kids. They’re
going to grow up in this world. “What’s that?” “I got two kids. They’re going to grow up in
this world.” “Yeah, you said that.” “I did?” Was I saying everything? Was I that exhausted? The
exhaustion on these shifts can eat you up.
I thought about food. There’s
a pretty good restaurant nearby. Open all night. We could go there. Try
to eat as fast as possible before the next shooting.
That sounded good. That sounded like
Ron Riekki’s books include Blood/Not
Blood Then the Gates (Middle West Press), My Ancestors are
Reindeer Herders and I Am Melting in Extinction (Loyola University
Maryland’s Apprentice House Press), Posttraumatic (Hoot ‘n’
Waddle), and U.P. (Ghost Road Press). Right now, Riekki’s
listening to Cliff Martinez's "Will It Hurt" from The
Knick original series soundtrack.
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