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Stunned by Brad
Rose Just when you think
you need it least, something below average happens. At other times, everything looks so
ordinary, you realize it can’t be helped. It’s like a hidden agenda. All last
week, I hardly recognized myself. I have a crowded mind, but it’s well below the
quota. At the uniform store, nothing fit me, so I conversed with
myself a few times and left empty-handed. I had a bad taste in my mouth. Later, at
Melinda’s, Brandi ran around, a quarter-dressed and half-cocked. Nobody likes her,
not even her latest husband. She was waving around Melinda’s Glock. Who wants
some real acupuncture, she asked? Good thing I had my stun gun with me. Say, how fast does
your blood pump? I feel like I’ve been running uphill for at least a week. Used to
think it was because I have too much energy, but Brandi swears it’s because I never
know when to stop. How I Shot My First Husband by Brad Rose When all else fails, sometimes the best way to get to know someone is
to shoot ‘em. Anyway, that’s what happened with my first husband (may he RIP—but
that’s another story). We met just outside a bar on the west side of Tulsa,
when his damn girlfriend said my hairdo looked like a chicken danced on my
head. Dang, I hate it when those biker babes make fun
of my long hair, just 'cause it’s a little tall, and what’s worse,
I had just went to “Janet’s Hair Doin’s,” where Janet her own self
coiffed my bouffant. So I shot at that snotty bitch (not Janet, of course, but that biker
bitch) and missed. I hit her boyfriend instead—just grazed him—and, later,
as he laid in the middle of Baker Street and I was apologizing to him for making his throttle
arm hurt like that, I asked him out, ‘cause I could see that blimpbag girlfriend
of his was a totally useless bunch a cow ballast, who couldn’t stand the sight of
blood, even if it wasn’t her own. Yeah, I told him I was usually a better shot, and
not to judge me by my aim—‘cause I don’t usually miss when I know what
I’m aiming for—at least when I got six in the chamber.
“How I Shot My First Husband”
originally appeared in Right Hand Pointing, No. 34, August 2010.
Brad Rose
was born and raised in Los Angeles, and lives in Boston. He is the author of three collections
of poetry and flash fiction, Pink X-Ray (Big Table Publishing, 2015), de/tonations, (Nixes Mate Press, 2020), and Momentary
Turbulence (Cernvena Barva Press, 2020). Two new books of prose poems, WordinEdgeWise
from Cerven Barva Press and No. Wait. I Can Explain. from Pelekinesis Press, are
forthcoming in 2022. Brad is also the author of seven poetry chapbooks, including the recently
released Collateral and Funny You Should Ask. Brad’s poetry has
appeared in, The Los Angeles Times, The American Journal of Poetry, New York
Quarterly, Cloud Bank, Into the Void, and other publications. (A complete
list of publications is available at: http://bradrosepoetry.com/2019/03/a-list-of-publications/ ) . His story “Desert Motel,” appears
in Best Microfiction, 2019. Brad’s
website is: www.bradrosepoetry.com Selected readings are available at http://bradrosepoetry.com/audio-readings/
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