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And the Teapot-Cat Wept by Deidre J Owen He felt the breath gurgle in his throat
as his lungs slowly deflated for what he knew to be the final time. Unable to blink
any longer, he could only stare blankly up at the nicotine-tainted ceiling tiles. The air
began to burn his eyes, and the crisp edges of an ugly water stain overhead started to
blur. It looked a bit like a misshapen teapot.
A strange hand slipped deep into his pants pockets—first one pocket, and then the
other—brushing aside the flaccid member beneath in search of any trinkets that may
have slipped down into the seams. Two hands then cupped his thigh and roughly patted each
leg all the way to the ankle, jiggling his entire body and causing his head to wobble slightly
against the cold, bare floor. His naked heel cracked painfully against the concrete
when his shoe was unceremoniously yanked off his foot, knocked around, and discarded. The
other shoe, yanked; the other heel, cracked. The hair at the back of his head bent and
crinkled uncomfortably against his collar with all the jostling. He was due for a haircut.
The coolness of the concrete had seeped through his
suit coat and was beginning to chill him through the shoulders. He was keenly aware, however,
of the warmth slowly spreading across his middle and tickling his sides as thick rivulets
began to worm their way around to the small of his back. The teapot looked more like a
cat now. A stillness settled
into his core when his heart beat its last. He felt it, that final beat, along with the
heavy void that followed, that crushing emptiness of unmet expectation when what had been
something was followed by nothing. What had been pounding with dread had fallen silent
with doom. The teapot-cat was suddenly eclipsed by a fat,
sour face twisted with concentration. He felt his body jiggle again, the assailant diving
into the interior coat pockets and withdrawing a wad of papers. From the corner of his
eye, he watched, helplessly inert, as the papers were examined one by one with soiled,
sticky fingers. A violated receipt fluttered past his face, briefly tickling his eyelashes
and eliciting a nearly imperceptible spasm of the eyelid.
The sour face puckered into a hideous smirk
while beady eyes traced the details of . . . what? What is that? He could no longer roll
his eyes to see, but he knew. His exanimate arms lay limp and useless, flung hastily out
of the way. They rejected his desperate commands to move, to twitch, to feel. They were
His arms were gone. His legs were gone. The excruciating pain in
his stomach turned to ice. His mouth, agape, was filled with stagnating air, saliva pooling
at the back. He wanted to gag. The broad expanse of ceiling above him had shrunk to an
out-of-focus window through which the teapot-cat observed the grim scene in solemn silence,
weeping the tears the dead could not.
Without warning, the sour face filled that
shrinking, clouded window and leered down at him over its chins. A gravelly
voice, distant and distorted, warbled out of the gathering gloom.
"Nice doin' business with ya,
mister." Deidre
J Owen is a versatile writer who takes delight in exploring many different genres, including
speculative fiction, weird fiction, children's fiction, humor, horror, and sci-fi. She
has published several children's books as well as a number of short stories through Mannison
Press, and flash pieces on her website at www.deidrejowen.com.
Founder and designer at Mannison Press, Deidre is currently loving life in
Florida with her family as a writer, publisher, and work-from-home parent.
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