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Bukowski by
Robert Kokan I got you Bukowski You hard-nosed old
bastard all guts and gristle Beer belly Don’t give a damn
grin Cigarettes and whiskey Writer of old
bones and rags Breast pocket full of poems and ponies How
at the track high on the horses And the hard-on
thrill of racing muscle You bet on long shots because you liked their name Or
the jockey winked at you earlier Or because you
were once a long shot too At the bell the crowd in the stands shouting With
one sweet beautiful voice “GO! GO! GO!” I see you old man hard fast and real You live don’t worry And I live Looking out at life too Squinty-eyed Like it’s all crazy shit Like
looking down the wrong end of a rifle Knowing you’re the
one in the crosshairs Living like dying Is the only thing
that makes sense If that makes any sense But we’re
both gonna live forever Got it all down on paper
Carnival Days
1969 by Bob Kokan Summer carnival again in this dead-horse town. A dinky-assed
Ferris wheel no higher than a henhouse creaks and groans like every bolt is bent, with
one-arm Willie back again, drunk, at the control. The Tilt-a-Whirl,
a paint-chipped and rusting dinosaur, is surrounded by sick-yellow lights, some that work,
others just random flashing, off and on. The canopied cars smell of emptied stomachs and
sour beer, and the real excitement is hoping that it all holds together long enough to
get off. Over in the beer tent, the Lions Club is drinking up
the profits, and corpulent cops with big bellies and rusty guns keep watch for under-agers,
while the grocery store is being robbed. Wild little kids, their
lips stained Snow-cone cherry-red, chase each other, sugar-high on too much cotton candy,
and the freedom of no school, and early-to-bed mothers. In the games
yard, they have cheesy can’t-win ring toss, darts with dull points, concrete milk
bottles that won’t tip in a tornado; and all the lousy prizes are recognizable leftovers
from last year. At
the dunk tank, the town’s favorite floozy, dressed in her finest halter top, cut-off
short shorts, and Marlboro cap, taunts the boys, her nipples hard as marbles. At
the food pavilion, salmonella stew brews thick, and menacingly dark. People
chew on butter-drenched ears of corn, ketchup their corndogs, and have used
napkins stuck to their shoes. But the parking lot is where the fun really is. First beers in the
dizzy darkness result in ugly teenage groping and panties on the car’s antennae,
banners flown to risen kings and fallen virtues. Sunday comes
the dumpy parade in Hicksville: fire engines and farm implements. Boy scouts will march,
picking their noses in perfect unison; hillbillies on
wagons will throw stale candy to scrawny children with bad teeth, and vagrant dogs with
mangy coats will snarl and fight for lost pieces. There’ll be fake
Indians on horseback; cowboys wearing extra-large hats and dinner platter belt
buckles; the local VFW marching apoplectic, pot-bellied and hung over, will
sweat through their too-tight uniforms. And some dumb-dick politician perched
on the back of a convertible Cadillac always makes me think of Dallas schoolbook
depositories and high-powered rifles. Next comes the high
school band of goobers, oompahing out of tune; all previous pie-eating champions;
nerds with buck teeth, taped-up glasses, and hand-me-down uniforms. Lastly, the hometown
beauty queen, scrubbed Osmond-clean, will ride by, smiling and waving at the
inbreds. Don’t question the scrapes on her knees, or why she’s cross-eyed from
trying to focus on things that are a little too close. All this horrible hoopla
that passes for entertainment is really just an excuse
for the rednecks to get drunk and stupid in public, like they’ve ever needed an excuse,
before. When
it’s all passed by, you’ll find yourself standing, red-faced, like a schmuck,
with all the other red-faced schmucks looking idiotic in shorts, socks and
sandals, the street smelling of horse shit. Christmas with
by Bob Kokan
Well, Stanley, you nut-less mutt. It looks like its me and you for
Christmas. Banished to the family room while in the kitchen, your Mommie
Dearest and the evil in-laws carve up the turkey and whatever else gets in the
way. You think that Snap Snap of turkey neck bones as I was walking in was just
coincidence? They think I don’t know that’s me they’re carving in there?
By their crooked smiles and that blissful satisfaction twisting in their eyes, must be
a lot of joy in it for ‘em.
Ah Jeez, Stan, put your leg back down will ya? Face it buddy,
they’re gone. Lookin’ and lickin’ every twenty minutes ain’t gonna
bring ‘em back. I guess I should have warned you at the vet that that was gonna happen.
I just want you to know it wasn’t my idea. It’s always the first thing they
do when they know they got you. I wouldn’t have cared if you were bangin’ old
lady Klemments down the street. Probably would have done the old prune some good. Let’s get that sweater off
you. I know she says it looks cute, but what it makes you look like is one of them California
fairy dogs. We men have got to try to keep our dignity ain’t that right? What
the fock, let’s just see what’s on the old Holiday telly shall we? Here we go. Channel eighty-four.
The Andy Williams Christmas Special re-re-re-run. Really? My parents made me watch shows
like this when I was a kid forty-five years ago. I can’t believe they’re still
around. Some programmer sure has a mighty skimpy budget or a wicked sense of humor. Talk about bring out your dead. The
Andy Williams fer Christ’s Sake Snooze-O-Rama more like it. Look at this guy, Stan. He’s so white-bread boring, you think he ever cut
a fart or picked his nose? And that awful sweater vest. Jeez God! He must have invented
the damn things. I bet he had a whole dresser full of ‘em, with socks to match. Stan,
I know it’s impossible but if you ever see me wearing a sweater vest you have my
permission to take me out back and shoot me. Or chew my head off or somethin’. Okay Andy, I’m game, who
ya got for guest stars? Charo?! Now here’s a broad who enters every room tits first.
I can just see her “Cuchi-Cuchi-ing” back-stage with the sound boys, wigglin’
like she got an incontinence problem and not enough time to get to the can. Look at her,
shedding sequins from the same red jumpsuit she’s worn to the other fifty thousand
Andy Williams fer Christ’s Sake Christmas Specials. Old Cugat knew what people wanted.
Some un-understandable bimbo with hair extensions who could jiggle her ass and
chatter like a brainless monkey. They say she’s intelligent as hell though.
Then she should cover up and get serious. Sing an aria from Evita or something.
Look at her Stan, even back then she was too old for “Cuchi-Cuchi”. I’m
not getting’ it up and I’ve been cut off for three months now ever since I said
that Nancy Pelosi could be hot with the right negligee, the right light, and
enough whiskey.
Who else is on this thing? Charles Friggin’ Nelson-Reilly? Buddy Hackett
dressed as Santa, bourbon stains down his beard? The June Taylor Syncopated
Wheelchair Dancers? The Octogenarian Acrobats swapping dentures in mid-air? That’d be a stellar line-up! The casting director for this mess
could have been the Grim Reaper. Stan, we’re exiled in here watching this
pathetic bullshit from a million years ago, while they’re in there kicking the carcass
around like Pele, who I’m sure will show up next with Andy singing Feliz Navidad
with the Brazilian Boys Street Urchin Choir. Nice touch! Tug at the old American heart
strings a little.
I’m sure everyone in the control booth was drunk by now on rum eggnog
and cheap network whiskey, throwing tinsel around and getting naked, while poor
old Andy crooned away on stage serious as a saint. These shows always make me
want to take out the Uzi and write Merry Christmas on the garage wall with a
spray of nine-millimeter bullets.
Ah shit! What’s the use old boy? I need a beer! Nothin’ says Merry
Christmas like a cold Pabst Blue Ribbon. Unless it’s a dozen more, cold Pabst
Blue Ribbons.
Dinner’s ready! Come and get it! Jesus! Will you listen to her
bleating? Like marching orders from
General Patton’s grandma or somethin’. You think that just once, at least on
Christmas, for Christ’s sake, she could say it nice, ya know.
Well, old boy, I better go. Straight to the knives. Sorry about that nut-less
crack earlier. I know just how you feel.
Robert Kokan has recently
had poems published in Bramble, the ezine Breathe, the 2021 Wisconsin
Fellowship of Poets Calendar, and won first place in
the Kay Saunders Emerging Poet contest.
In Association with Fossil Publications