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Art by Noelle Richardson © 2017 |
With the Blue Eyes By Betty J. Sayles
A small boy trudged wearily along a country
road. His golden wheat-colored hair and youthful features looked no different than those
of many other small boys his age. His jeans and Navy-blue pullover were dusty from the
gravel road. At first glance, he looked like
any seven-year-old boy—until you looked into his eyes. Those deep blue eyes mirrored
the sadness of his soul and spoke of wisdom far beyond his young years.
The boy’s name was Jamie. He had been a fun-loving boy and he adored his father.
They played catch, went to baseball games and went for walks when the father told his
little boy about his plans for them when Jamie was older. “We’ll add your name
to the firm and we’ll become Calder and Calder, Attorneys at Law. We’ll be the
biggest firm in the state and the best,” he boasted. Jamie looked at his father with
love in his eyes; he wanted, more than anything, to please his father.
In his sixth year, Jamie was struck on the head by a car while he was trying to
save a kitten in the car’s path. He recovered and seemed fine, but from that time
Jamie noticed a change in his father. He was sure his father was avoiding him. One night,
Jamie overheard his father talking to his mother. “Ever since the accident, he reads
my mind, Jane, and he makes me do things by looking at me with those eyes. He actually
made me let that stray dog go, the one that knocked over our garbage can. He said they’d
kill him at the shelter. Mrs. Murphy told me he cured her back pain just by laying his
hands on it and Dr. Preston said he talked to Jamie in Bridgeport last week. That’s
60 miles from here and Jamie was home in bed. That’s crazy. The boy is not normal. His wife replied quietly, “There was
an Italian priest I read about, his name was Padre Pio. He could perform miracles
and was seen in two places at the same time. They called it astral travel and the church
made him a saint. Jamie is a good boy, Robert, he has only done things to help people. He has been given a gift and we should be proud
of it.” “He’s a freak,
Jane, he’s scary, and I can’t cope with it. I’m going to find him a good home
for troubled kids.” Jamie’s eyes filled with
tears. His beloved father saw his gifts as a curse and couldn’t stand to be near
him. Jamie didn’t wake up the next morning. The doctor said he was in a coma and
he was moved to a hospital bed. It was evening when Jamie came to a
farmhouse. When he knocked on the door, a sad faced man opened it. “Hello, sir, my
name is Jamie and I wonder if you have any chores I can do for some supper.” “Why on earth is a small boy out alone with night so near,”
wondered the man. As the question formed in his mind, he looked into a pair of deep blue
eyes. “Yes,” he said, “you can feed the chickens, but first come meet
my wife Mary and have some supper.”
Jamie saw traces of tears on the woman’s face. After eating his supper, he
said to the man, “There’s a man here who wants to talk to me.” “There’s only my
wife’s father who’s very ill. The doctor doesn’t think he’ll last
the night,” said the farmer. Once again, he found himself peering into Jamie’s
eyes. “I’ll take you to him,” he said.
The bed-ridden old man was surprised to see a young boy, but as he looked into his
eyes, he felt a calmness he hadn’t felt in a long time. “Leave us alone for
a while, please,” he said to his son-in-law.
Jamie sat in a chair near the bed, put his young hand over the old wrinkled one
and said: “You feel alone and scared and want to talk.”
The old man nodded. “You see, they’re afraid of death, too—for
me and for themselves. They take good care of me, but they never stay to talk. They don’t
know what to say, and don’t want to hear my fears. It makes them uncomfortable. You’re
not afraid, are you?” he asked the boy.
“No, I’m not afraid,” answered Jamie. “Tell me what you’re
afraid of, maybe talking about it will help. I’ll stay with you as long as you need
me.” The old
man talked for a long time to the boy. As the night passed, he became quiet, only rousing
to say, “You’ll be with me?” Jamie answered,
“I’ll go with you as far as I can.” As the clock chimed 2:00 A.M., Jamie looked
at the door. It opened and the farmer and
his wife entered the room. While they looked at the peaceful face of the old man, who had
quietly passed away in his sleep, Jamie slipped out of the door and was gone.
Jamie was nearing a farmhouse when two German Shepherds raced toward him, barking
loudly. He stood still, his blue eyes looking at brown eyes. Immediately they stopped
barking and followed docilely as he approached the farmer in the yard.
“Good gosh, boy, what did you do to those dogs? They don’t like strangers.”
“I get along well with animals, sir. Do have any chores I can do for something
to eat? The farmer
wanted to ask the boy who he was and where he came from, but he never got to those
questions. Instead, as he looked into those deep blue eyes he had a vague feeling he had
left something unsaid—but couldn’t remember what it was. “Why, I think
we can find something for you to do to earn a meal, son. Come along.” “Thank you, my name is Jamie”. After the boy had completed
the light tasks he was given to do, the farmer took him into the house and told his wife
Dorrie that Jamie was staying for supper. The woman had a kind face and fussed over Jamie
in a motherly way. She did things slowly and with obvious pain, because her hands were
badly deformed from rheumatism. Jamie offered to help her.
“No, child, a little exercise is good. It keeps these old hands from stiffening
up completely”, she said.
They invited Jamie to spend the night, but he thanked them and said he had to be
on his way. As he was saying goodbye to the woman, he took both her crippled hands in his
young ones and pressed them lightly. Then he stepped out into the twilight. The woman sat at the table with her
hands in front of her, tears running down her face. Her startled husband asked, “What
is it, Dorrie, what’s wrong?” His wife raised her hands for him to see. They were old hands with
age spots and loose, wrinkled skin, but they were perfectly normal hands.
A bearded young man sat on a park bench by the river, staring at the water. Then
his eyes moved to the high bridge a few blocks away. He was annoyed when a small boy sat
down beside him and said, “I’m Jamie. The water is warm this time of year.
I guess it would be peaceful to sink beneath it, letting all your problems float away.”
The young man was
startled to hear such words from a child. It was uncanny the way he mentioned
the river as a way to end one’s cares. He turned so he could see the boy’s
face. Looking into those blue eyes, he saw his mother standing there broken-hearted
beside the river, the terrified face of his young brother and a pretty, young woman struggling
to cope with the problems he was leaving her to face alone. “Oh, Lord, what was I
thinking? There has to be a better way than this.”
Jamie said, “Tell me about it.”
The young man talked for a long time. Finally,
exhausted and much calmer, he turned to face the boy, but he had quietly
Jamie was desperately tired; he wanted to go home. Maybe things would have changed
while he was away. At the sound of his father’s voice, he opened his eyes. He was
still in the hospital bed. His father was saying, “I’ve found a school for
problem kids that will take the boy if he comes out of the coma. That will be
best for everyone, Jane.” Jamie
looked at the drawn faces of his father and helpless mother and closed his tear-filled
eyes. A small boy
trudged wearily along a dusty country road. He looked like any other
seven-year-old, unless you looked into his sad blue eyes.
Sayles is a retired librarian and has been writing for many years, but only started submitting
a few years ago. She is a great reader, everything from Shakespeare to Rex Stout. She is
a nature lover and walks in the woods and writes about it. She lives on an island
in Puget Sound and loves it.
has had short stories and poems published in Storyteller, Creative With Words, The Oak, Nomad’s Choir, Ultimate Writer, Persimmon’s
Tree, Spontaneous Spirits, PKA Advocate, Amulet, Mystical Muse, LOS, CC&D,
The Enchanted File Cabinet, Conceit, Shemom, Pink Chameleon, PBW, Down
In the Dirt, The Weekly Advocet, Evening Street Review, and Stray Branch.
In Association with Fossil Publications