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Art by J D Sixsmith © 2014 |
Horrific Death of Sammy the Shadow Boxer Salvadore Ritchie Sammy the
Shadow Boxer consumed the entire atmosphere of the Hotel Bernice. His flagrant acts of
random violence against elderly residents, as well as his belligerent tantrums, did little
to convince local authorities that he should return to their custody or at least be relocated
to another facility. Within a few weeks of
Sammy’s arrival, almost everyone in the building began whispering about creative
ways to facilitate his removal. But the murmurs were
conducted with a degree of fear usually reserved for hostage situations. This was probably
the reason Sammy’s girlfriend, Mabel, wound up as the de facto leader of a group that was campaigning for Sammy’s disposal. Mabel had come to the conclusion that Sammy needed to die, and that
I was going to do it. How the Earth’s
Axis Relates to Sammy’s Death The
Hotel Bernice was your typical building in a part of the city that looked like it had been
fire bombed. I lived in the room directly adjacent to Sammy and Mabel's on the fourth floor.
Our floor wasn't unlike the other ten floors of the hotel…poorly lit with narrow
halls, and paint chipped doors carved into discolored plaster walls. At one end of the hall hung an old lift elevator with a creaky gate
and at the other, two rusty steel doors. One door opened to a darkened stairwell. The other door led to a communal bathroom
with one toilet and shower that was shared by the entire floor. In front the
bathroom door, Sammy the Shadow Boxer was attempting to shake down Lou Buggs for his prescription
meds. He had caught Lou on his way out of the facilities,
toilet still flushing. That’s when he snatched the old man up by his collar, pulling
him close. In each of Sammy's fists was a clump of Lou's button up shirt. He
shook him violently for good measure. "Give me pills old man! The pills!"
Sammy’s greasy hair and an oily moustache clung to his face like hot garbage. “The
pills!” Lou was one of the elderly residents that Sammy frequently victimized.
Lou walked slowly, aided by the use of a cane. Often times, you'd catch Lou skulking
around the halls, recanting his conquests from the old days. "They was some saucy dames
back then! Straightened the pipe right out!" He would gasp, while motioning to his crotch
at the same time. Lou's skull bounced back and forth like a bobble head. Sammy
gave him another jerk, “I said, GIMME THE PILLS!” Slobber was dripping from
the old man's loose mouth. “I ain't got nothin' but cream for my ass and pills for
my heart. I swear!" Sammy, clad only in
a dirty pair of boxers, leaned over Lou's frail figure. Jailhouse ink ran up and down his
muscular arms and looked mostly like runny blotches. Sammy shook Lou harder, pulling him
even closer to his face. “I swear old man. I'm gonna give you a good beating. You're
dealing with a prize fighter here." Lou dropped
his cane and brought his hands defensively up to guard his face. “I got nothin',
I tell ya'… Nothin'!" His hands were trembling in fear. "I got nothing' but a pair
of bad shins!" Then something surprising happened. Somewhere down the hall, a withered,
dry voice rang out, "You leave him alone, you thug!" Then
another. “You’re no damned good, Sammy!" All the way down the hall,
most of the doors were opened, with elderly residents leaning out, pointing their canes,
shaking their arthritic fists, and mouthing words of protest and damnation. Sammy's poisonous
cloud of oppression was smothering these old people, but stirring was a sense of insurrection
amongst them. For a brief moment, I
thought I might be spared the inconvenience of killing him by this growing mob of angered
Medicare recipients. Given the cruel nature of old age, they were already an irritable
crowd, but after the state started dumping newly released parolees at the Bernice, (such
as Sammy and myself), the ruling population had neared a point of conniption. Sammy shaking
them down for pain meds and sleeping pills was the last straw. “Worthless
hood!” “Heathen!” Sammy let
go of Lou Buggs and started into one of his shadow boxing performances, intended to display
his prowess and fortitude. As I stood there chuckling to myself, I felt a tug at the back of
my shirt. “Not now.” I
waved my hand, attempting to rid myself of whoever was trying to tear me away from this
potentially groundbreaking moment. Not to be dissuaded, my assailant tugged twice more,
then took a handful of my ass into their hand. I jumped forward and turned, all in one
motion, readying myself for combat, but before I could raise my fists to full staff, I
realized it was Mabel, pulling me into my own room. She
twisted a handful of my shirt into her hand and yanked me forward. “We don’t
have much time,” her voice was hardly audible above the fray. The huskiness of her
tone stirred my pants. Pulling me, Mabel toggled backwards until she came upon my door.
She swiftly kicked backwards and swung it open. “I
need to taste your cock.” Now both hands took command of my shirt as she threw me
into my room and up against the wall. “Sammy's scum. I want to taste a real man.” With one hand holding me against the wall, she
pulled out my manhood as if it was a third hand in need of a good shaking. “Don’t
move. Don't make a noise.” Without her eyes ever leaving mine, she dived down and
went to it. Mabel was at least fifteen years my senior, probably in her late
forties… A perfect, ripe age. Her hips were wide and her frame thick. Healthy…
The size just before chubby. She would strut around the hotel like she owned it. Before
long, I was feeling the pressure build to the most natural of conclusions. Surely sensing
this, Mabel popped up, climbed onto my dirty mattress, and bent over. She hiked up her
dress and pulled her underwear down. Now, with a full view of her ample charms, she jerked
her head back to fixate her alluring gaze upon me. “Give Mama your best.” She
was the most dazzling creature that I had ever come across. I was falling in love. Moments Later We lay next to one another smoking cigarettes, my pants
to my ankles and shirt pulled up. Mabel’s underwear was across the room. “You
gotta do this.” She took a deep drag and blew it out. Her eyes seemed to fixate on
a distant point, far beyond the confines of the room. “He’s a dirt bag. He
has to die.” “I just don’t know if I can do it again. It’s
been so long.” I took a hard pull, worried that I wouldn’t be able to control
the darkness once I conjured it up. She rolled over and rested her head on my chest. “But
you have to. He's disgusting." "He makes me do bad things
to him.” It was as if she were cranking a wrench in my chest. I took a gulp
as I reluctantly uttered, “What kind of things?” I knew I would regret this
question before it ever escaped my lips. “Our
room is next to yours.” She lifted her head, locking me in her gaze. “I'll make
sure you can hear me tonight. I try to keep quiet, but sometimes I just go crazy." That Night Sammy’s shadow boxing exhibition had herded the
residents back into their own confines hours ago. Mabel,
attempting to convince me to take care of Sammy, explained in gruesome detail what she
would do to pleasure him that night. The problem with killing Sammy was that I would have
to call upon the darkness to do it. Twenty years ago, the darkness consumed me, and then
took over completely. It was like being in a nightmare where the only way out was to do
what it told me. That’s why I burned down the group home for troubled adolescents
(of which, I was a resident.) I had to listen. I had to do what it wanted, or the Earth
would slide off its axis. My main imperative these days was to maintain rationality. Maintain
rationality, and the Earth stayed in balance. By doing that I was able to control the darkness
and make it work for me. Once Mabel snuck out of
my room, I made a list of everything I needed. After that I went to the hardware store,
then the gas station. The List: 1)
3 one-gallon milk jugs full of gasoline 2) 2 kryptonite locks 3) 2
five foot chains 4) 1
machete 5) 2
rolls of duct tape (in case the Earth starts to slide off its axis it would protect me
from the sun) 6) 1
nondescript automatic handgun and leather holster (stolen from Lou’s room) Carrying
three milk jugs of gasoline up four floors in an elevator proved a bit more difficult than
anticipated. I fought with the elevator gate as I tried to unload the jugs and plastic
bags that contained the items mentioned above. The specter of the darkness was swirling
around me. I had to fight the urge to give in. I needed to stay logical…focused. Clumsily,
I stumbled down the hall, burdened by all the items. I saw Lou Buggs and a few of the other
old men gathered around Sammy and Mabel’s door, (situated right next to mine). “That’s
one saucy bitch!” Again, Lou pointed to his crotch, engaging in a feeble hip pump
while simultaneously trying to balance himself on his cane. The other old men around
him smiled toothless grins and tried to mimic Lou's pelvic thrusts. “What’s
happenin' fellas?” I asked, struggling to maintain my grip on the jugs and plastic
bag. “What’s
happenin'?” Lou looked as if I had asked him a complex mathematical problem. He turned
back towards the door. “Mabel's doin' Sammy over… Real good!” Lou and
the old men leaned in to the door. “That’s one lucky bastard!” Lou said, the
back of his saggy head to me. I was a few feet from Sammy’s door, but I could
hear the moans of pleasure cannon out in a murderous rhythm. She was, indeed, working Sammy over. The 'bounce, bounce, bounce' of
the bed was punctuated by Mabel moaning filth laden obscenities. Sammy’s grunts were
random and out of rhythm with the bounces. Everything
began sliding sideways. I knew right then and there; the darkness was going to kill us
all. The Earth was off its axis. I dropped everything I was carrying and fumbled for my
key. My hands shook as I tried to put the key in the door. The 'bounce, bounce' began thudding
in my head, louder and louder. The darkness crept closer, advancing with each moan. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce.
Buggs was pumping and laughing. I could hear Mabel, moaning in pleasure. My penis swelled.
The darkness was so close to overtaking me that I could feel my eyeballs bulging as it
edged into the perimeters of my peripheral vision. I couldn’t get the key in the
door. The Earth slid. 348 Seconds Later I stood
in front of Sammy and Mabel’s door. I didn’t want it to come to this. In
order to prevent the Earth from sliding, I had to lift my left foot while rapidly wrapping
my arms in duct tape. This activity proved more difficult than I imagined, especially since
I was naked and slick with Lou's blood. On my chest Lou’s gun and holster was secured
by half a roll of duct tape. The floor was engulfed in flames, which made it really hot
too. The darkness persisted, intensifying the 'bounce, bounce, bounce'. Balancing the Earth
became increasingly more of a challenge, but I finally felt like I had enough duct
tape on my arms, so I went back to focusing on my left foot. Maintaining rationality was
difficult, but for now, I was succeeding. Some
of the residents were bloody lumps on the ground, victims of my machete and my fierce resolve
to keep the darkness at bay. The rest of them were on fire. They ran back and forth, trying
to get out, but there was no use… I had chained the elevator gate, as well as the
only exit on the floor with the kryptonite locks and chains. The
flames reached the ceiling, crawling across it in decisive, gaping swoops. Just
before I lost my balance, Sammy swung the door open, screaming in terror. The
reflection of golden flames filling his eyes. I wondered
what had stopped Sammy and Mabel? Had they finished on their own accord? Maybe the screams
of burning old folk rousted them from their act of depravity? Or could it have been the
'whoosh' of the flames pulling deeper breaths? Perhaps now the 'bounce, bounce, bounce'
of darkness was swallowing Sammy, too. He seemed
stunned. I used this opportunity to pull the gun from its holster. So taken aback by the
scene before him, I'm not sure he even saw me. Maybe the darkness had made me invisible.
That would explain a lot. Either way, I put the gun to his chest and pumped twice. On his
way down I pumped twice more. I still
had one last jugful of gasoline by the door, and grabbed it. I ran into Sammy’s room. Mabel
was standing on the bed. I'm pretty sure she was screaming, but all I could
hear was 'bounce, bounce, bounce'. The Earth started sliding
again, but I would stop it. Above all the racket I yelled, “Don’t worry! I'll get
us out of here!” I hoisted the jug
upwards, and poured it over my head. Down my
body the gasoline went. It felt clean and refreshing. Mabel’s lips curled
in a manner that revealed her terror, but that was fine… Because
I found her lighter. The End
Salvadore Ritchie works as an IT
professional at a hospital that handles the region’s largest trauma and psych units.
Shotgun wounds from beef's gone bad or naked maniacs high on bath salts, he sees it all. Sal
picks up on stories in the lounge or by watching police sprint down the hall with
stun guns ready. All stories are fiction and are not accurate depictions of real patients. At home he lives with his wife's
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