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for the Kale Nancy Brewka-Clark While
I’m fumbling around in the sheets for the remote, this plug-ugly shrunken head fills
the entire TV screen. How could this be? I
haven’t turned the set on yet. “Yo, sugar, how
many of you’s in that bed anyway?” My
eyeballs feel like they’re going to pop out of my skull. “Artie?”
“Yeah, baby, it’s me.” When my former agent gives me the same
big old dirty grin, I see there’s something green stuck between his teeth. “Man,
you look like something they’d find on a beach and try to shove back out to sea.” Although it takes a lot of work, I
manage to erect both middle fingers. “Take a hike, Artie. I don’t believe in
ghosts.” “Grim reaper, actually.”
I shut my eyes. “Uh-huh.” When
I open them he’s still leering down at me. “Kind of fitting, you being a reaper
and all. But I’m not your type. I’m white bread, with lots of butter. You go
for the whole-grain gals.” “Don’t matter how you slice it, I’m gonna get
you,” he says in the low raspy voice that used to mean he was sniffing around for
sex, “and get you good.”
“I don’t think so. You’re toast.” I smack my lips a few
times. “All this chit-chat’s making me drier than the PBS News Hour. Think
I’ll ring for the aide now.” “Well,
I never thought I’d see this day. Poor little old you, can’t even get yourself
a glass of water.” He shakes his head. “Ask me, you’d be better off dead.”
“The last time I asked you something,
you dropped dead on me.” I pretend to think. “Oh, yeah, I remember now what it
was. ‘Why don’t you drop dead?’ Yeah, that’s exactly what I asked, and you up
and did. So, thank you.” “I didn’t mean to.” His voice wobbles. “I
counted on you to help me out, take care of me. Big mistake.” “Oh, boo-hoo. Get
over yourself.” My fingers itch to throw something hard and heavy at the screen.
“It was just a matter of time before you did yourself in, scarfing down all that
garbage.” “Shows what you know.”
He glares at me. “Look at you. Turns my stomach, seeing you wallowing there like
some kind of big fat pig in a trough.”
“You’re just jealous.” I work up a smug smile. “Who’s
got the body, you or me?”
“If I had that body,” he says, “I’d kill myself. That is,
if I wasn’t already dead.” “You
sure about that? I mean, how do I know you’re not in some little piss-ass TV studio
somewhere, some crappy cable station with a five-digit channel number and some dork with
a hand-held camera from, like, 1990, filming you while you trap me into confessing?”
He pulls down his lower eyelid. “Do I look live?”
“Ewwww.” It’s all gray in there instead of pinkish red with blood.
“How about your eyeballs? Are they rotting, too?” Artie
reaches up and plucks out his eyeball, just like that. It looks like a ball of frozen
snot. He twirls it around in his palm, letting it rock into stillness with the brown iris
and black pinpoint pupil facedown.
“Well, I’ll be buggered. Say, what’s that little square thing
there, on the back?”
“It’s the opening,” he says, “for the battery.” “They have battery-operated eyeballs in
“Battery-operated everything,” he says, sticking his eyeball back into
the socket. “You’ll love it.” His face looms so close I can see right
up his nose. “So, let me tell you again why I’m here.”
“Like I care.” My heart starts to jump around like a rat on bennies.
“Just get out.”
“Oh, now, don’t be looking at me that way, sweet buns.” Artie
laughs. “Well, not buns exactly. More like loaves. No, sheet cakes.”
“Hey, let me call for an aide here, so I can get rolled over. Then you can
kiss them as much as you like.” “Man, you can’t
even roll over by yourself? How do you, um, you know—” he pauses to purse his
lips—“like, get out of bed?” “Hoyer lift.” I
realize I’m hungry again because the little black hole of his mouth is looking more
and more like a 70% cacao Godiva truffle. “Phew.” He puffs
his cheeks out. “Should’ve never gotten into chocolate. I told you, didn’t I,
that too much of that stuff and you’d be good as dead.” “Hah! I simply
enjoy my food. To me, food is love, life, happiness.” I feel a head of steam building
up just as powerful as the night I decided to do him in—no, to let him do himself
in. “But you wouldn’t understand. To you, food was suffering. You went down
to ninety pounds, all skin and bones like a cancer patient, but you were healthy, Artie.
Healthy everywhere but in your head. You were like one of those starving teenage girls
that sees fat when she looks in the mirror.” “Know what’s in
your head? Fat. Fathead, that’s what you are.” “Very mature, Artie,
very mature. You ate shit and bragged about it until it killed you.” “Shit? Shit? It was all certified, Grade-A, home-harvested,
organic, fat-free, salt-free, sugar-free, GMO-free food,” he says in that uppity
tone I hate. “Even the shrooms?”
“What about them?” he says. “Psilocybin’s real brain food.”
“Yeah, I can see that in your case. They grow them in shit. And you ate an
entire basket raw. You remember that? I do. Enough bacteria to kill an army. I mean serious
“Guess you never heard of probiotics.” It’s my turn to shake my head. Once. Slowly. “B, C, D, E, vitamin K up the ying-yang,
quinoa and spelt and kale, oh, my God, kale—and you still haven’t kicked it,
have you, Artie?”
His eyes blink fast in deep sockets. “When you have your health, you have
everything.” The remote’s pressing up
against my thigh like a hard-on. “Yeah,
well then, I guess you’ve got it all.” Finally I push the right button. “Go
to hell, Artie.” With a pop, the screen goes dead. “And next time, floss.”
Nancy Brewka-Clark’s
short mysteries, horror stories, futuristic stories, and tales of the supernatural have
been published in the Level Best Books crime anthology Quarry, Kings River
Life Magazine, The Boston Globe
Sunday Magazine,
Mysterical-E, Orchard Press Mysteries, and two
anthologies published by Adams Media, Rocking Chair Reader and Classic
Christmas. Other publications include Haunted Encounters: Ghost
Stories from Around the World and Haunted Encounters: Departed Family and
Friends, both published by Atriad Press. She is a member of Sisters in
Crime and The Short Mystery Fiction Society.
2000 she developed a pioneer e-book of mysteries and tales of the supernatural for
Roberts Publishing called Ghost Coast: Haunting Tales of Old Salem, which was used by the Salem, MA school system in its
middle-school curriculum.
In Association with Fossil Publications