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John Tustin Vomit
from the depths Of the black
throat. Black words of bile Along the front of the shirt And
on the sheets tangled In sleepless
jittery legs. I have the words I have the words Just not the right
words It’s all the wrong words I write the wrong words. The air is greasy– All trans fats and
salt. The brain is fungal, The tongue infested. The words
come out As vomit from the depths Of this cancerous black throat– The words of bile Dribbled along the
front of my shirt And my pants; these sheets tangled Over the flaccid and the useless, A
few black spatters on the floor Beside
the bed With the only
sounds Heaving in the night.
WORKING IT ALL OUT by John Tustin Sometimes
I’m jerking off And it’s the third
time that day So it’s more work than pleasure And I recall for a moment Once when
the hand pulling on my cock Was not mine And how much better that felt. It
stops me from what I’m doing And I pull up my pants and make a cup of coffee instead. I sit in my chair with the steam coming
from the cup And I have a sip Then I put the
side of the cup to my cheek And revel in its warmth, Remembering someone kissing my cheek, nuzzling me And then kissing my mouth And suddenly
my lips are pressed to the side of the cup With my
upper lip over the rim And I get so sad
thinking about kissing That I can’t drink the coffee any
more So I decide to go
to sleep But, lying there alone with my arm around
the pillow– Well, you know what that makes me think
about. At this point I
can’t sleep So I pull down my pants And get back to working it all out Like
I was trying to do In the first
place, Damn it.
AND TERROR by John Tustin The brutality and terror of his fists curling up as you cower. The brutality and terror of being one missing paycheck to homelessness. The misery of Sunday church clothes, Of reading out loud in front of the class, Of
that pop before the tire goes flat On the
passenger’s side front And the rain’s
increasing velocity. The disgust of
passing the mirror on the way to the bathroom. The disgust of
your hands shaking in the night while you think about the morning. The pain of your right shoulder. The
pain of those phone calls you made that went unreturned. The
pain of those phone calls you never made. The pain
of your emptiness, Your inner
poverty, Your current of flowing nothing Swirling downward and downward. The moment after climax. The sadness
of trees fallen in the storm. The brutality and terror of this life without music, Without meaning, Without.
AUDIBLE SIGH by John Tustin Another
one of those nights When the country music station plays pablum, The
rock station plays prog rock And the tenth beer has helped
produce As few poems as the first nine. I just pick up the beer
bottle where I keep the pistachio shells And take a swig
by mistake. Fuck Rush And who told Hank Williams’
great grandson he has any talent? Some nights are just an
audible sigh And a prayer the moment I hit
the pillow. I fall out and have no dreams I can remember When
the alarm goes off, Trumpeting another new day That leads to
John Tustin It was about a year ago. The weather
was just the same as it is tonight, All fog and gloomy
post-rain puddles. I was newly paid and looking through Backpages When I
saw Erica— Very pretty face, about
my age, Claimed to be Puerto Rican and Egyptian Only $75 for 45
minutes And she would even come to me. I sent her a text
asking her if she was available And she responded that she had no driver. I offered
to pick her up and would understand If she did not
want to and she wrote back that it Would be no problem. It scared
me because what kind of lunatic would get in a car With a stranger
and just go to their place But then I remembered all those fools on Tinder So I asked
for her address. She was living in
one of the seedy hotels and she called me, Telling me to meet her in the back. I texted
when I got there and she came right out. Wearing an army
jacket, floral stretchpants and black boots, Clearly fifty pounds heavier than her Backpages
pics But her face looked the same; even though it was pretty dark out I could
see that. On the way to my place we made small talk And I always find
that excruciating. When I buy a whore the last thing I want to know Is a single
thing about them. I am polite, though, so
I listened and I talked. We got to my place and she asked to use
the bathroom. I sat on my bed and waited. She came out and
smiled at me Then immediately began to undress. She removed her
shirt and her belly was a sagging expanse Of wrinkles and pockmarks. I didn’t think I
could get hard for her if I tried to fuck her So I told her I only wanted a blowjob. I took
off my clothes and stretched out on the bed sideways As she knelt on
the bed before me in just a bra and panties. Her hands rubbing up and down my body and
my balls. I looked at her face and she looked right back at me. I was hard
in no time. She started to suck me, no condom. I was about
to ask for one but she was really going at it – Hands and
slobbering, her head a bobbing blur. It was just too good And her
face looked so good with my cock in it. I used the whole
45 minutes and I could tell she wasn’t used to that. I asked her and she told
me that, yes, 45 minutes was usually over in 5 But it was OK I used all my time because
she enjoyed “pleasing” men. Who knows? Maybe it was true. She sure
did seem to be into it but women fool me All the time. We got
dressed and she disappeared again into the bathroom. She asked me if we
could make a stop because she needed to get food For herself and her daughter
and I said we could. I wished she didn’t mention her daughter because all I could
think about Was whether or not her daughter knew what mommy did for a living. She wanted
to go to McDonald’s and as we drove there I asked her about
her daughter (I guess now that my balls were empty I became interested in her life). Her daughter
was in high school and knew what she did— “It is what it is” And I imagined this poor girl hearing the buzz of my text, Thinking
I was some middle-aged pervert who saw her mother Not as a person
but as a product Which is exactly what I was And exactly what I
did. I wondered what her daughter thought of men. It disgusted
me to think about it. I asked Erica more
questions. She worked as a receptionist for a record company in the ‘90s And they
went under. She became a prostitute to make ends meet
and the money was a lot better Than being a cashier or a waitress. I imagined
she used to make a lot more than $75 for 45 minutes when she was twelve years
younger And 50 lbs. lighter but I didn’t ask about that. She ate
French fries as we drove and she never stopped the smile in her voice. I asked
a lot of questions and talked a little about myself. She was not a
junkie needing to feed her habit Or a party girl hooked on the late nights
and the money. No, she was a mother with a kid, needing to make a living And that
night her job was to get me off. Sad. I dropped her off
where I picked her up and we said goodbye. I drove away, my
car stinking like McDonald’s even though Erica took it all with her. The
image I had of her daughter staring out of the window wondering what her mother was doing, If she was going to come back. Living in a hotel,
moving from place to place, Knowing her mother fucked
men for a living. It was a maddening, nauseating image in my mind. I saw her
face, the hollow eyes. That poor girl. The rain started
up again. I flicked on the wipers And as
I moved in my seat I felt post-cum sticking my cock-slit To my underwear. It was
one of the best blowjobs I ever had. Her face did look
good with my cock in the middle of it As she bobbed, her hands two lovely light
brown machines Twisting in tandem. I kept thinking
about it. I never called Erica again.
John Tustin's poetry has appeared
in many literary journals in the last dozen in years, including Chiron Review, Underground Voices,
and Rhino. fritzware.com/johntustinpoetry contains
links to his published poetry online.
In Association with Fossil Publications