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reutter, g emil |
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How long would you have stood in limbo, waiting for them to
walk in? by Brett Bennett I remember when you walked out of the bathroom I
was listening to Neil Young crackle and pop on vinyl “Are you trying
to get sad?” asked
as if you don’t do it too Endless
nights of frigid friends telling tales of poverty and stepfathers that wove into
each other Like your hands entwined Never
mentioned again. did you think about me I remember listening to your cassette lonely nights Missing
the screens on subways telling you where you are Each day that week a lifetime, reminding
me there was nothing different between us and them you
and me Still telling me you want to kill yourself They
always tell me they want to kill themselves in the end. It’s the alcohol, it’s that
spinning of the record you bought when you thought you couldn’t sink any lower but your friends found you
in the bathroom knife pressed against neck. did you think about me
Jefferson I Think I’m
Lost by Brett Bennett i. (Chasing Everclear with Beer,
Or) touch the grain of the canvas you wake up in someone
else’s shower you
wake up bruises
on your hips stop peeling
the skin away I know you don’t care about your organs any more but what do you care about let your eyes disintegrate “take my eardrums
with me” even
the sidewalks bring you down “I used to walk by that car
detail shop every day” leave
before every landmark means something ii. (I Heard You Wanted to Kill Yourself Secondhand, And) your words don’t make sense at least not in that order you are parting your hair weird you are standing in the
bathroom not letting anyone in shaving away anything that reminds
you of me you
want painkillers but no one will let you escape the way you want to Yours are the only windows
intact smash
them, I
want to know you still feel something iii. (Washington, I Think We’re Lost) I was in the backseat and you
drove me the
coffee burned my tongue and I never returned too many people to avoid too many ghosts I can’t face sober Only in bars did I think I could
be ok and then you stood there daring
to show your face punch
me I want to hate you I
want to hate you for what you did to me but you pull my hair and it’s not enough fight back fight back fight
back you fool “I want a cigarette and I don’t even smoke” “I want a cigarette and I don’t know what I do” It’s midnight, it’s October, the wrong combination of numbers throws me off the same gas station attendant
works every place in town knows I buy four 40s and don’t have a date knows which pack I should smoke I used to keep my cards in the
back of an American Spirit pack then
it snowed too hard and I waited too long to text a boy from Mississippi waited too long because
I can’t have a boy but you until I move away for good
Thinking about you in
the state of enchantment by Brett Bennett I
want to take you to the west where the trees cover the mountains in patches and
houses cling to the sides scientists and loners off the grid The
gold always goes and the coal coats your lungs as
it spills out the mountains taunting the church new but empty because the bar is named Mary’s and what more does a Catholic really
Brett Bennett lives in Athens, GA where he studies history and
works for the college radio station. He’s
been published in The Traveling Poet,
Bottlec[r]ap and has published Dead Friends Zine, a collection of art
and poetry. His website is brettbennett.wordpress.com.
In Association with Fossil Publications