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Art by Ann Marie Rhiel © 2017 |
The Start of a
Bitchin' Year Luke Walters I
was fucked. Christmas…people bought presents and crap, so I didn't sell dick. That
left me seven days. Sugar, my
supplier, he sent me this sick joke—a video. Wanted to show me what happens, I don't
pay up on time. His boys made it with some sorry assed kid named Tony. Called it "The Carlos."
It went this way: Carlos, he’s Sugar’s
main dog. He starts by telling this other guy, a skinny-assed dude, to go to the
toolbox and get a screwdriver. The guy asks, "What
type?" Carlos laughs and says the pointy one. They got Tony on his knees, his hands tied behind him, and Carlos's
holding his head up by his ponytail. Carlos tells his buddy not to forget to bring the
hammer. Tony's bawling and slobbering and begging them not to do it. Carlos keeps asking him, "Where's the fucking money?" The kid keeps saying, "Don't got no money." The
skinny dude puts the screwdriver in Tony's ear and gets the hammer in his other hand. Says
to Carlos, "You ready?" Carlos shakes his head,
"Hold up a minute. I gotta move. You hit too hard, you’ll go right through and get
brain jizz over me." He yells out, "Enrique." Must be the guy
shooting the video. "Move over. Make sure I’m in it." Tony's trying to move his head and shaking all
over. Probably can’t believe what’s
happening. Finally, Tony yells, "I’ll tell ya.
I’ll tell ya." Carlos says, "Ah! Shit!
I been wantin’ to try this." He grabs the kid by the throat, choking him and saying.
"Mother fucker! Why you'd wait till now to tell me?" Before
he passes out, Tony says, "It’s under my steps." Carlos
drops him and says, "Better be." He grabs the skinny dude’s phone to make a
call. Probably since Enrique’s using Carlos’s. He says, "Hey,
Sugar. Get somebody to check under his steps." He listens shaking his head, then says,
"Damn I don’t know which one. Check the front and back. Just have 'em go...and see." The guy shooting the video says, “You want I should pause?”
and the screen goes black. The
video comes back on and Carlos is talking on the phone and nodding, "Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Yeah?"
Then hangs up. He looks down at the kid and kicks him in the side. "Sugar says there ain't
squat under any steps." Tony's balling, snot running
down his nose. "I fucking swear," he says. "Somebody must've took it." Carlos says, "Yeah, right!" and points to the guy with the camera. "Get
ready." He yanks up Tony by his ponytail and nods to the skinny dude. The dude, his hands
all jumpy like he needs a line, jams the screwdriver into Tony's ear. Tony's
screaming his head off. The skinny dude
hauls back with the hammer. I didn't want to watch, but I did. He slams Tony real good…in the side of the
head. Carlos says
"What the fuck? You missed the screwdriver." He shakes Tony's by his ponytail. The kid's
head just flops around, because what's inside is leaking out. Carlos drops the kid and
yells at the skinny dude. "You dumb shit! You ruined it." The
phone rings. Carlos sees who's calling and says, "Now what?" It
must've been Sugar, because Carlos says, "Your fuck wad cousin screwed it up." He
listens. "Oh! That sucks," he says and hangs up. He kicks the dead kid.
"The asshole hid the money under the kitchen steps," he says to the skinny
dude. "The shit for brains guy Carlos sent didn't think to look there…till right
now." Enrique, he yells at the guy with the camera
and waves his hand across his throat. The video goes black. I watched it
again. No way I'd let them to that to me, so I promised my bitch some good
stuff, if she gave Carlos some action. Gave her some extra too for them to
party, and she got me Carlos's phone while he was wasted. Texted Sugar on it
and let him think Carlos had collected early. Said…was because of the video.
That’s how I got him. Sugar met me thinking…I was buying new white. After, the cops popped Carlos
on somebody's tip, they came across a video on his phone… somebody, they couldn’t
tell who, sticking a screw driver in Sugar’s ear. All Sugar said before he got iced, was, "No Carlos!" Somebody, too, sent the cops the video of Carlos whacking Tony. Which
really put a double hurt on him. With Sugar and Carlos
gone, there's nobody except me to deal with Sugar's main man. So things are sweet. I got his feeling…gonna be the start of
a bitchin' year.

Art by Steve Cartwright © 2019 |
Christmas Eve Blow
and Doll Houses by
Luke Walters Talk about lucky. It’s Christmas Eve. I’m outta blow,
and next to my car outside of Speedy’s Check Cashing is a wallet—a glittery,
teal one with an embossed black "M." Inside, there’s six hundred bucks, a
driver’s license for some Mex named Maria, and a Christmas list. Mostly toys
and shit on the list, only two things crossed off. Boy, is she fucked. I pocket the
cash and toss the wallet onto my passenger seat. Party time. I drive to Hollywood Boulevard and wave Alicia
over. For the season, she’s wearing a green bra with red edging around the
cups, and sparkly high heels that make her red spandex-covered ass stick out a
mile. "You looking
for some action?" I ask. Alicia gives
me her not-you-again look. "Need somebody who got lots-a jack," she says. "Still got
presents to buy." I
show her my wad. "Hop in," I say. She groans and gives me a nod. "You still owe me from last time," she grumbles,
as she slides inside. "I want it up front." I
grin. "Me, too." I
stop around the corner and count off a few twenties. She
stuffs them in her bra. As I do her in the front seat, she pulls the teal wallet from
under her butt, and I tell her about the Christmas list. She says, "You’re a real jack wad. You should give the
money back. That is, except what you paid me." "Yeah, sure thing," I say, as I finish. "Gimme a ride to Walmart," she says. "Do I look like a fucking taxi? Get out and
walk." Alicia
gives me the finger, as I pull away. Enrique’s not standing at his usual corner. I find him
hanging with his bros on his back porch in the alley behind his house—Christmas
music’s playing from inside. I
yell to him from my car. "Give me some of your good
shit?" He rubs his thumb
against his index finger. "Dinero, hombre." I fan some twenties, and his gold teeth flash me a smile. Enrique struts to my car and lifts his shirt and yanks out
some bags. Before he hands me the stuff, he grabs my wrist and calls out to his
buddies. He’s staring at the wallet Alicia put on the dash. "That’s my
sister’s. What you doing with it?" I
bite his hand. As he lets go, I hit the gas. His friends chase after me. I lose them, but I’m fucked.
He’ll hurt me for sure, and I won’t be able to buy shit. Nothing left to do. Later, I go back. With Enrique at my driver’s side door and
his pals around my car, I tell him, "I got everything on your sister’s
list. Except for the Little Princess Doll House. None were left anywhere. I got
the Sweet Angel one, instead. We okay? You think?" Ed Radwanski, aka Luke Walters, resides
in Arizona. His flash fiction has appeared in Yellow
Mama, Mash Stories, Post Card
Shorts, and in Envision -
Future Fiction, an
anthology by Kathy Steinemann on Amazon.
In Association with Fossil Publications