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reutter, g emil |
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Right Through the Heart by David Boski stabbed in Phoenix by a kitchen knife recklessly thrown into
a reusable grocery bag, six hours
into the trip. a few stitches and a tetanus shot later, I thought the trip couldn’t get
any worse than that, but I was wrong. two days later my mom told me she was
diagnosed with pancreatic
cancer and that they thought it had spread to her liver. stabbed again, right through the
heart; this time, stitches and
a tetanus shot wouldn’t help.
Sky Burials By David Boski the
pain slowly starts to fade
away and dissipate which
momentarily feels nice except that there’s
more to come and you never know when it’s
going to show up and
rear its ugly head again but in the mean time you suppress feelings and emotions and continue with the day-to-day pretending to be normal pretending
it’s not eating at
you like vultures slowly picking away
at a dead corpse during a sky burial— you’ll never escape no matter how hard you
Third Time’s A Charm By David Boski One of our last
conversations involved
him asking me why we decided
to bring him back after his first suicide
attempt. I told him we didn’t know
for sure that’s
what it was: he survived the second
attempt as well and now I was
sitting in the living room having a
conversation I never thought I would have with my father; a conversation of death, a goodbye
of sorts. we were painting their house so
that they could prepare
it for sale, he could no longer walk up the stairs to get to bed, the
couch is where he was forced to sleep, nurses
came to give him food and to bathe him everyday. I
could see the pain in his eyes as
he told me that this was no longer life, and
he asked me to let him go in case he didn’t quite get the job done
again next time. made me promise I would
make sure my mother and
my sister did the same. he reached
out his hand, we shook and embraced. I
didn’t keep my promise, because I didn’t have to: the third time was his charm, and
he finally made it. David
Boski lives in Toronto. His poems have appeared in The Dope Fiend Daily, The Rye Whiskey Review,
Under The Bleachers, Spadina
Literary Review, Duane’s Poetree, Horror Sleaze
Trash, and elsewhere. He has forthcoming chapbooks being released by Analog Submission
Press as well as Holy&intoxicated Publications this year.
In Association with Fossil Publications