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Art by Noelle Richardson © 2014 |
Is Over Yonder by Robert Shepherd Granny hated when the carnival came to
town, with its geeks, its alligator man, its two-headed calf fetus in a glass jar. She
hated the games of chance (nothing but gambling) and the moonshine sold from the backs
of pickup trucks by the furtive light of kerosene lanterns. She hated the boys with their
Elvis hair and the girls in their Daisy Dukes, parading down the midway with their hands
where they shouldn’t ought to be. She hated the tattoos of panthers and snakes and
hula girls on the knobby, dangerously muscled arms of the barkers and roadies and ride
attendants. Most of all, she hated the farm boys lining up outside the burlesque tent to
pay their quarters for a glimpse of something soft and pink. Granny would kneel by the
cast iron lion’s paw tub in the bathroom and pray about the carnival until she wept
tears of blood like Christ at Gethsemane. On
carnival nights, I would lie awake in my upstairs room, listening to the wind in the eaves
of the tin roof and waiting until Granny and Pa were safely asleep. Then I would pull aside
the quilts (Dutch Boy, Wedding Ring) and the scratchy army blanket like old men’s
chest hair and tiptoe in my Dr. Dentons across the pine floorboards, starting like a roadside
deer at every creak, for fear that they would wake. At last I would arrive at the window
on the other side of the room and stare out it long and long, across the darkness of field
and sky at the Ferris Wheel turning red and green and golden in a dreamlike distance. It
is my earliest memory, standing at that window, yearning for a taste of Sodom and Gomorrah. Once
my mother had shown up, unexpectedly, saying that she was ready to take her little boy
back to live with her. I remember her standing on the front porch in her tight white blouse
and her tight black cigarette pants, her red hair gleaming in the sunlight. In half an
hour, she packed my things, and we took off for Cincinnati, where she had a room above
the bar in which she worked. I would sit in the bar, night after night, and the patrons
would give me dimes for the jukebox and buy me Almond Joys in hopes of getting into the
redhead’s favors. Or, on nights when she was out, I would lie upstairs on the threadbare
coverlet of the bed next to the window looking out on the alleyway. I remember thinking
that if I wanted to, I could just roll off that bed and through the window and crash on
the ground below. At night, the neon light of the bar sign at the entrance of the alley
would flash on and off, splashing red light against the blackness of the brick wall of
the building opposite the apartment. Sometimes, I would have a babysitter--Uncle Jim--who
smelled of whiskey and cigars and wasn’t anybody’s uncle. And sometimes, mama
would come in late, a little drunk, crying over some man, and I would sit on the edge of
the bed with her and she would say, “Who needs him, anyway. I got myself a little
man, right baby?” And then she would hug me until I couldn’t breathe. I still
remember the smell of her perfume and of the alcohol on her breath and the way her mascara
ran down her cheeks and she looked, herself, like a little girl. A few months later, she
met a man, Smokey, who suggested that life back on the farm might be perfect for a little
boy who was pretty much in the way most of the time. I
sat on the floor of the living room at Granny and Pa‘s, between the sofa and the
pot-bellied coal stove, idly picking at the plastic feet of my pajamas and watching dust
motes play in the streams of light that came in through the window above the prayer plant.
My cousin, Linda, said that the dust motes were angels, but I wasn’t quite sure.
Perhaps angels could sometimes be really big, like the angel Gabriel behind the baptismal
font in the church, and sometimes really little like a dust mote. No telling about angels. A
sparrow flew through the open doorway that led from the living room to the dining room.
It landed on the curtain rod above the window and perched there, cocking its head from
side to side in a quick, frightened motion. Its little chest was heaving. I wasn’t
particularly surprised to see the sparrow. It was a ramshackle old farmhouse, and things
got in--mice, katydids, rain. Granny said that Pa built better houses for people he barely
even knew. Granny appeared in the doorway wearing
a cotton paisley dress and dusting flour off her ample hands onto her apron. She was a
short, stout, no-nonsense country woman. I had once seen her grab a crow off a fence post
with those hands and wring its neck. Her eyes went to the sparrow, and she blanched. “Git
on upstairs and git yore britches on,” she said. Then she went back to the kitchen
for a whisk broom to shoo the sparrow out. Linda came over the hill later for some
breakfast. Granny was in the kitchen, banging pots and pans. “What’s bothering
Granny?” I asked. Linda
leaned in conspiratorially: “That silly, superstitious old woman,” said
Linda, “she thinks that when a bird gets into the house, somebody’s gonna die.” Grandpa
swelled up with pancreatic cancer. He lay on a tall hospital cot where the prayer plant
had been, his arms and legs wasting, his belly distended and white like a Crenshaw melon.
From time to time, the doctor would come and drain from his belly jars of fluid the color
of mustard and tobacco spittle. The smell of Grandpa’s death filled the house, a
smell like Listerine and rotting vegetables. In
his youth, Grandpa had been a philanderer. I got the whole story from Linda, who told me
all the dirt from the very beginning. Pa used to tell Granny that he was going to get quail
eggs, and he would head off in his green Chevrolet pickup with the big, round fenders to
see Doll, his black girlfriend. Often, he would take her a big, yellow carp he had got
off one of his trot lines earlier in the day. Doll wore red nail polish and red lipstick
that stood out like brake lights against her chestnut skin. Once, when my mother was making
one of her rare visits, Pa had caught her putting on lipstick. “Looks like a fox’s
ass in pokeberry season,” he had said to her. He didn’t like lipstick on his
little girl, but on Doll, it was different. The
ladies of the church had gossiped continually about my tall, thin, good-looking grandfather
and his many ladies. So, one morning during a Sunday sermon on the subject of adultery,
he had had enough of the knowing whispers and looks. He had risen into the aisle and intoned
a line from St. Paul: “When a place is full of iniquity, knock from your feet the
dust of the place and leave.” He had stomped his feet and then turned and walked
out of the church and hadn’t darkened its door from that day on. After that, Granny
and Pa fought like cats and dogs for forty years. One day, Granny was getting ready to
lay into my back with a switch from the lilac bushes in her garden, an implement ideally
suited for raising long, red welts. She was furious at me for squirming around during
the interminable church service and for getting down under a pew to retrieve
one of those fans from Grider’s Drug Store imprinted with a picture of the
angel Michael leading a child across a broken bridge. On hot Sunday mornings,
people used those fans to cool off during the service. Granny had pulled the fan
from my hand and told me that I was going to get it later. But when Pa saw her about to
punish me for a transgression that took place in that “holy roller snake pit,”
he grabbed the switch from her and told me to go play in the yard. After
that, I took his side and he mine. We would go into the woods together,
searching for morels or sassafras or, at Christmas time, for holly and mistletoe.
And sometimes I would get into the pickup with him and go down the dirt roads
to Doll’s, where I would chase the quail and chickens around the yard while he
and Doll “visited.” The day he died, Pa asked Granny to help
him to the bathroom. I watched as she raised him up at the waist, turned him, lifted his
legs from the edge of the cot, and got him to his feet. They took a few tentative steps,
a macabre dance, toward the bathroom--the tall, lanky, emaciated man and his little radish
of a wife. But they didn’t make it. There was a ridiculous, undignified sound like
catsup coming from a bottle, and brown stains appeared all down the buttocks
and one leg of his white long johns. I stared at his face and at the little fat
woman holding him with all her might. Jack Sprat could eat no fat. / His wife
could eat no lean. Pa had always been proud. But his last feeling on this earth
was embarrassment. Three days later, I stood at the doorway
of the farmhouse with the screen door open, looking past the creek that ran through the
yard and up the road to where it turned in the corn. “Close that door, Bobby Dale,”
said Granny. “Yore gonna let the flies in.” “Where’s
Lost Angel Us?” I asked her. “Los
Angeles. It’s a far piece, child. Always across th’ country.” “Mama said she was comin’
from Lost Angel Us for the fun’rul,” I said. “Said she would be here
yesterday. She said she was comin’. She said she was.” “Git in the
house and stop your fussin’,” Granny said. “Yore mama ain’t comin’. Not
yesterday, not tomorrow, not a month from now. Yore mama, she’s just like Pa.
She’s no account.” Robert
Shepherd won an American Academy of Arts and Letters Award in Creative
Writing at the age of 16 and hasn't stopped scribbling since. A prodigious ghost writer
and textbook author, he has a publications list that runs to 12 pages single spaced. His
interests include hermeneutics and literary theory, linguistics, philosophy of mind,
epistemology, Continental philosophy, curriculum design, ancient religion, and
the roots of jazz music. You can read some of his occasional pieces at
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